Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0131

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:53:51 AM

Chapter 0131

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There are many reasons why Zhang lie can win the battle of Samsung ink tail. Super soul jade and extreme gene are all important factors to win the battle.

But these are out of reach for ordinary people and cannot be blessed on other gene warriors at the same time.

Don't talk nonsense, so Zhang lie can only talk about the scene.

"Really, you are so brave! If I rush in, it will be over!"

"Ha ha, how can it!"

Maybe it's because of seeing Zhang lie, or for some other reason, the sentry is surprisingly talkative.

Zhang lie also waited around, but he also chatted with him.

At the same time, deep in Heifeng fortress, a middle-aged man looked at an enlarged light and shadow screen with a dignified expression.

On the screen, the Kyoto guard war on the screen is in full swing.

Although several days have passed since the Zerg invasion, Kyoto has returned to calm and the heat of the matter is fading, it is not over for the Chinese military.

Why did the Zerg suddenly invade Kyoto? Is there any special strategic significance?

Or was it just a pure accident?

This kind of invasion without any sign, the military naturally needs to make some efforts to study it well in case it gets caught again.

However, just as he was concentrating, a nearby guard rushed in and reported, "commander Su Feng, dragon wolf Zhang lie, please see me!"

"Dragon wolf Zhang lie!?"

Su Feng was stunned for a moment. He was studying the Kyoto guard war. He didn't expect Ningcheng's heroes to come to the door.

"Yes, Ningcheng battle hero, dragon wolf Zhang lie!" The guard is sure again.

Su Feng frowned. "Did he say anything?"

"Report to the commander, he only said it was urgent, but he didn't say anything!"

"OK, let him wait for me at the drill ground!" Su Feng smiled and waved his hand.

"Yes!" After receiving the order of permission, the guard trotted away from Su Feng's office.

Since the Kyoto guard war, the name of the Dragon wolf Zhang lie has been heard all over the country.

Even soldiers like Su Feng secretly appreciate Zhang lie.

Zhang lie doesn't have any background, and the dissimilarity space only mixes into the void world. It's amazing to do so.

The most important thing is that Zhang lie's ruthlessness against the Zerg is really rare and has a bit of military blood, which makes Su Feng popular with him.

"Give me all the information about the Dragon wolf Zhang lie recently."

The commander was not in vain. After hearing Zhang lie's request, Su Feng immediately began to understand his intention.

Before long, a guard came in with the information.

When the data chip is opened, a light curtain appears in commander Su Feng's eyes, which records countless messages about Zhang lie.

"Oh? This boy is really a troublemaker. He's mixed up in the empty world and makes enemies with the Qin, Wang and Li families. He's going to open a martial arts school recently. He's really a prick!"

Commander Su Feng murmured to himself. Although he was a little impatient in his words, he couldn't help raising a slight smile at the corners of his mouth.

Besides, Zhang lie, after waiting outside the gate of the fortress for a moment, a guard came in person.

"Dragon wolf Zhang lie, please follow me, commander Su Feng's order, wait in the martial arts field!"

The guard soldiers reported that the gene soldiers on both sides immediately stepped aside. Under the leadership of the guard soldiers, Zhang lie quickly entered the Heifeng fortress.

"You said that this time the Dragon wolf Zhang lie came to the commander, what would it be?"

"Then I don't know, but taking Zhang lie as a person must be a major event in favor of Ningcheng and even China!"

"Yo, you boy, you've just talked to others, and it's time for him to be a man?"

"That's not true, dragon wolf Zhang lie, that's our Ningcheng hero!"

After a few words of discussion, they immediately straightened their backs, held guns and continued to stand guard.

Having nothing to say along the way, Zhang lie didn't care. He looked up at the surrounding environment.

The layout of Heifeng fortress is much more rigorous and useful than that of ordinary military bases.

I'm always afraid that there are patrol soldiers everywhere inside the fortress, and there are countless open and closed sentry probe robots.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a real steel fortress, which is densely covered with wind and mosquitoes can't fly in.

"Just wait here."

About ten minutes later, led by the guards, Zhang lie finally came to the so-called martial arts arena.

It was a huge enough platform to stand on thousands of gene soldiers.

On the high platform floor, guns, swords and military badges are embedded, dignified and dignified, and even sacred.

There were no other entertainers around except the rigid sentinels, and Zhang lie had to wait patiently in his place.

Time passed slowly, and Zhang lie's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. The waiting time seemed to be a little long.

"Why are young people so impetuous?"

Just as he was about to step forward to ask the surrounding sentinels, a voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a sharp edge went straight to Zhang lie's back.

He only felt his back sink, as if it were a huge stone, pressing on him.

Down? significant!

The sudden pressure made Zhang lie's mouth slightly raised, and the source force broke out in an all-round way. The black thick fog will gradually darken the surroundings and turn around directly under the great pressure.

Su Feng saw that his pupils shrunk slightly, and the strong facial features with a little beard residue became more dignified.

Zhang lie is really not simple. This is his first thought at this moment.

"Yes, with such strength, no wonder you can beat Samsung ink tail!"

Dressed in military uniform, the sharp knife cuts his face, and his pupils are cool but as sharp as eagle eyes. Su Feng, commander of the black wind, feels like a knife mountain.

Zhang lie's eyes narrowed slightly, and his two star eyes were unwilling to show weakness. He looked at Su Feng for the first time. He didn't know what the other party's attitude was. Naturally, he had to be vigilant.

"Don't be nervous. You're a Chinese dragon soul warrior. I won't do anything to you. In addition, I have to praise you. You fought a really good battle in Samsung ink tail!"

Su Feng showed a bright smile on his shaved face. He really wanted to give Zhang lie a serious military image, but Zhang lie was too fond of him.

That ruthless and unyielding character is really similar to that when he was young.

"Let the commander laugh!"

Seeing that the other party had no malice, Zhang lie naturally would not be hostile. His fierce momentum converged and the whole person immediately relaxed.

"I hear you have something important to do with me?" Su Feng smiled and opened his mouth.

"Yes!" As a younger generation, Zhang lie is naturally straightforward.

"What, what!" Su Feng asked again.

Zhang lie solemnly said, "this matter is highly confidential. Commander Su is sure to say it here?"

"Top secret? You come with me!"

Su Feng didn't doubt it at all and walked down the martial arts field quickly.

Zhang lie took a deep look at the gradually leaving figure, and then quickly followed up.

Far away from the martial arts arena, they began to walk towards the center of the fortress, and the surroundings gradually became empty.

Countless military buildings use stealth technology, and the surroundings look like a desert.

There are countless combat vehicles suspended on some hills, and some combat aircraft carriers can be vaguely seen, which is enough to show that the garrison troops in Ningcheng are in a state of combat readiness at any time.

With the gradual deepening of the military base, the wind around gradually becomes stronger, and can even affect a person's line of sight, as if it were the silent desert of the void world.

Commander Su Feng walked slowly in front, and the military robe floated around with the wind and sand, until the figure completely disappeared into the wind and sand, and Zhang lie followed it quickly.

The wind and sand gradually became smaller. Under the bright sun, the surrounding sands glittered like a golden ocean.

Commander Su Feng squinted and looked up at the dazzling sun.

"Here we go."

As he whispered, the whole ground began to tremble violently.

The sand in front suddenly collapsed. With the rolling of sands, a huge square building slowly appeared from the desert. Countless sands flowed through the surface of the building like golden water.

The building is also gradually visible, and its shell gradually comes out in the same color as Jinsha, but under the building is dark ho Jin material.

If the building is usually dormant in the desert, it is not easy to find, which also shows that it is very important here.

Zhang lie looked at Su Feng in surprise. The first time they met, this guy took him to the most secret command room of Heifeng fortress?

"You are a dragon soul warrior and are qualified to come to this place."

Su Feng seemed to see Zhang lie's doubts and explained with a smile.


The building gradually stood still, and countless lights flashed from the surface. With the loud noise, the building slowly cracked, and put down a steel bridge in front of commander Su Feng.

"Let's go. This is the highest headquarters of Heifeng fortress. I promise I won't leak any information in this conversation!"

Commander Su Feng pressed down the brim of his cap and took Zhang lie onto the bridge.

When they walked into the square building, the base shook again, and then slowly disappeared into the desert.

The wind and sand are constantly blowing around, and the yellow sand is silent, as if there had been no square buildings before.

When Zhang lie entered the building, he noticed that the temperature around him had become a little cooler. A road with bright lights appeared in front of him. The channel meandered forward, and he couldn't know where to go.

Step on.

Commander Su Feng took the lead and walked towards the front, and Zhang lie followed closely.

When passing through some special passages, you can see many gene soldiers with guns. They guard around. Even if they see Su Feng and Zhang lie walking quickly, they don't even turn their head back.

"These are the top gene soldiers in the military base."

See which gene soldiers Zhang lie's eyes are circulating on, commander Su Feng explained.

Zhang lie nodded heavily. The soldiers didn't move, and there were countless murderous spirits in their eyes. Zhang lie had a feeling that if he didn't walk in with Su Feng, when he stepped into the base, he would face the attack of the soldiers without hesitation.

And what surprised him most was that many of the soldiers had a thick breath, which made people unable to see the depth, and most of them were full of genes in the second world. This was just the garrison force of Ningcheng. How could he not be surprised?

It seems that the black wind fortress in Ningcheng is very unusual, and it is only a channel outside the base, so its strength is so terrible.

It is hard to imagine how strong the defense of the core of the headquarters will be.

But obviously, Su Feng didn't let Zhang lie see it. He directly took Zhang lie out of the channel and into a closed conference room.

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