Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0288

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:50:45 AM

Chapter 0288

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As the only person Zhang lie wants to come from Su Feng, Lin Xiu naturally stands on the side of the martial arts school.

From the establishment of the martial arts school to the present, he has witnessed and participated in almost the whole process. He can be regarded as one of the elders of the martial arts school.

Zhang lie had a hard time persuading Su Feng to release people.

Today, everyone in the whole martial arts school has great respect for him. In addition, his strength is extremely terrible. Everyone affectionately calls him "Lin Da".

At this moment, hearing what he said, everyone is also a Lin.

"Lin Da is right. It's best not to make a public about it. At present, the boss has too much influence. Once the news comes out, the situation will soon get out of control!"

On one side, Zhang Hong immediately agreed. As a veteran during the establishment of the martial arts school, Zhang Hong's words have always played an important role in Zhang Lie group.

"It's been three months. I haven't heard from you at all. Have you seriously looked for..."

"Concealment, concealment has always been concealment. The research teams of the four nationalities of stars, sea, night and charm are going to quarrel?"

"I see how you can hide it!"

Zhang Hanshuang was helpless with tears in his eyes. Don't mention how wronged he was.

Again, at the end of the meeting, things seemed to return to the origin

How can I find my brother?

Or where can my brother go?

If this could be found, wouldn't it have come to an end?

She knows that what everyone said may be right, but for her, Zhang lie has to suffer one more day without news.

After all, no matter how close you are to Zhang lie, you are absolutely not close to her.

Her body and mind were burning like this kind of fire.

So at this moment, she is quite venting blame.

"Sister Han Shuang, if you want to cry, cry out! If you can be more comfortable by scolding us, scold!"

"To tell you the truth, we are also worried about the loss of contact with the boss, but Fang Yi is right. It's useless for us to worry about it!"

"Even if the news is really spread out, it's probably useless for the military to strengthen the search. After all, we can't even find it, let alone others!"

At this time, Yang Ze, who doesn't usually tune much, stood up, comforted by his words, but also broke the truth and said it clearly.

"What about the research team of star, sea, night and charm?"

"Little doll, they begged us anyway. Don't look at how much they're making trouble now. In a word, whoever makes trouble will be sent back directly. I promise to be honest immediately!"

Zhang Hanshuang was still struggling with the research group of four nationalities, but as soon as her voice fell, she was immediately blocked by Lin Xiu.

Yes, the so-called four ethnic research team, in fact, has just arrived in China. The reason for the trouble is that so far, they haven't even taken photos with Zhang lie.

But as Lin Xiu said, in the final analysis, they are asking for help. The initiative is entirely on their side.

In a word, Zhang lie shut up, continued to love, and left without waiting to make sure they didn't dare to talk any more.

"What shall we do after that? Shall we just look for it? Or shall we just wait for my brother to come back?"

"You are all the people my brother trusts most. Please, find a way!"

At this moment, Zhang Hanshuang's heart had collapsed. After a few words of venting, he was excited and bent down to salute everyone, startling everyone in the conference room.

"No, no! Sister frost, we can't afford you!"

"Yes, the boss is very kind to us. Naturally, we will try our best to find him!"

Everyone comforted, but the cold frost sister's stubbornness came, but no one could comfort her.

"There's news! The latest news! There's another accident at the black iron base today. Someone feels the source power fluctuation of the owner there!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and then stared at Zhang Hong.

At the moment, Zhang Hong is staring at the wrist watch on her hand. The so-called latest news should come from there.

"Is the news accurate? What exactly? What happened to the black iron base? Last time I heard you say that it has been withdrawn!"

Everyone was stunned, but Lin Xiu of the older generation came back to speak.

"The news is accurate. All major media will spread it right away. As for the black iron base, it is said that the whole earth has turned upside down, the earth has turned into nothingness, and the sky... Has split directly!"

Zhang Hong opened her mouth immediately when she heard the speech. At first, she was very serious, but in the end, she became a little hesitant.

"The earth turns into nothingness and the sky splits directly? Is this too exaggerated? Are you sure it's not made up by the media?"

Lin Xiu directly questioned. After all, with his insight, he couldn't imagine what the so-called earth nothingness and sky tearing was like.

His question, that is, people's question. At this moment, people look at Zhang Hong again.

"Well, this source is quite reliable. It has never been untrue more than half a word!"

After a meal, the latter finally determined the source of the news.

"Well, anyway, there's news at last. So Zhang lie should have passed the customs and even met his opponent!"

Lin Xiu made the final judgment.

"Then what are we waiting for? Go to the black iron base immediately!"

Hearing Lin Xiu's final judgment, sun Mengmeng was the first to sit still. She immediately stood up and went straight to the transmission array.

However, just as she stood up, a voice that everyone knew very well suddenly sounded in the conference room.

"Don't look for it, I'll come back!"

The next moment, under the surprised expression of the people, Zhang lie slowly gathered by the door like the same shadow.


Hearing this sound, Zhang Hanshuang immediately burst into tears and burst into laughter. At the same time, the suckling swallow flew to Zhang lie like returning home.

As for others, they spoke in unison immediately.



As soon as Zhang lie appeared, Zhang Hanshuang rushed up, and her tears didn't even dry on her smiling face.

Zhang lie also knew that his little sister was afraid of this accident. She immediately hugged her gently and comforted her in a low voice: "OK! It's all right, my brother is back!"

However, it's OK that Zhang lie didn't speak. The little girl's tears burst again, "it's been three months. Where have you been? I'm afraid I won't see you again!"

Zhanghanshuang's tone was full of care, which made Zhang lie feel guilty.

It seems that before doing similar things next time, we must be more considerate, not for anything else, but for the sister who regards herself as everything in front of us!

"There was an accident, but it's all over. Let's talk slowly when we have time!"

"Well, just come back. Don't cry. If you cry again, you'll become a kitten!"

Zhang lie comforted again softly. Zhang Hanshuang's tears finally stopped, and later found that the occasion was not quite right, and immediately released Zhang lie according to his words.

"Sorry, there were some accidents in the closed door, which worried everyone!"

After releasing Zhang Hanshuang, Zhang lie immediately expressed his apology to the conference room.

Because he knows how much pressure people are facing in the days when he lost contact!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!