Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0409

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:47:50 AM

Chapter 0409

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Zhang lie hugged his arms and said, "it seems that you don't understand the situation. This forest is your land, not our territory. We humans have feet. We can go if we want. You are bringing your family and your family!"

"Before, killing monsters was a deal, not an absolute deal. Now we dare not guarantee that we can take advantage of it!"

"Even if there are many different races in the Shura world without you, we can find other suitable races."

The elder immediately panicked: "you... You guys have no intention to help the Muling family solve problems. You work all day without contributing. It's true that you are an alien and your heart must be different."

Zhang lie suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the elder and lifted him off the ground: "don't think I don't know your little moves. If you hadn't been making trouble all day, would things have developed to this stage“

The elder was excited: "impossible, absolutely impossible. Other races can't see us, let alone in the forest."

"Oh, sit tight and watch the sky. No one can find it, but you are too weak against those people!"

"In my eyes, you who blend into the jungle are like a bright lamp in the night. How dazzling it is, how dazzling it is!"

Zhang lie threw the elder on the ground and shouted, "let's go."

Suddenly, a green light appeared in front of Zhang lie. In a twinkling of an eye, it condensed into a human shape and turned into Muling patriarch: "I apologize to you personally for the stupid thing the elder did."

Zhang lie disagreed: "I accept the apology, pack up and leave."

The gene warriors who were originally resisting put away their weapons and let the monster impact. Looking at the monster with open teeth and claws, the face of clan leader Muling changed.

The Muling clan chief frowned: "is human such a creature that doesn't value commitment?"

"Do you know what you mean by that?" Zhang lie Leng hum: "if you want my brothers to stay, you want my brothers to rush the monster tide. How many brothers will die, do you understand?"

"You want my brother to die!"

"I know, but if you leave, sir, the Muling clan will be destroyed."

Zhang lie Yile: "I know that the Muling clan will be destroyed. What were you doing before?"

"Why don't you respect us for this shit?"

"The elder is rude. I apologize again. It's all the elder's willful behavior. I just learned!"

"I don't know. I want to end the matter with an apology. What do you think we are, your tool man?"

Zhang lie Leng hum: "just because you still want to call human beings, in a hundred years, oh, it seems that you don't have a hundred years. In a moment, all your wooden spirits will be destroyed!"

People don't know why Zhang lie decided to leave. They know Zhang lie who won't give up easily.

And obviously attaches great importance to genetic organisms on the other side of the black forest. If they are not handled well, they will become natural disasters. It is absolutely not a small matter for the whole Shura world. In that case, why does Zhang lie behave abnormally.

The only answer is: Zhang lie is fooling.

Muling clan leader finally realized the seriousness of the problem. She had completely lost control of the development of the situation, and she couldn't even control these outsiders in front of her.


The head of Muling clan knelt directly on the ground: "please, Mr. Zhang lie, we really have no way. The weak body of Muling clan can't stop these ferocious monsters!"

"We need your strength and help. Only you can help us here and now!"

Seeing that the monsters are about to rush over, the mighty monsters are like the sea tide, rushing into the territory of the Muling family.

But at this moment, the extreme team and 3000 gene soldiers have long been left out and let the monster rush in.

The Muling clan leader was frightened. Facing the monster waves like black waves, countless Muling clans screamed miserably.


Wave fist? Towering!

With one punch, the waves are surging layer by layer. Its potential can distort the space. The distorted space covers the past like a tsunami, layer by layer. All the black monsters in front of us turn into fly ash and are destroyed together with the black trees.

With only one punch, Zhang lie cleared a large open space.

The originally dense forests and trees were emptied under Zhang lie's fist. An open space was cleared in the forest, which became empty in front of us, and even the sky became clear.

Zhang lie looked at the time: "I count dozens, convince me!"

Muling clan leader was stunned. She really didn't expect Zhang lie's strength to be so terrible. She just punched out all the monsters.

During this time, Zhang lie didn't make any moves at all. More moves were made by six people behind him. Each of them could suppress the battlefield of black monsters. Originally, he thought that six people were the highest combat effectiveness here. Even if Zhang lie was stronger, he wouldn't be strong enough. However, seeing Zhang lie's move, he once again exceeded the imagination of the Muling family.

Compared with the six people who got up, the human leader was not only stronger, but almost stronger.

The Muling clan leader is more determined to keep Zhang lie's confidence. Only such strong people can save the Muling clan and solve all the monsters in front of him.

The elder returned to his senses and was shocked by Zhang lie's fist. He just chirped to Zhang lie and thought that he could burn Gao Xiang without being crushed by Zhang lie.


Zhang lie continued to count down.

The elder of Muling family was about to speak. The elder took the first step: "the patriarch knelt down for you. It's not enough!"

After fear is calm!

At present, Zhang lie clearly has the strength to crush himself but doesn't do it, which proves that Zhang lie doesn't want to kill himself.

Because of this, the elder was unscrupulous.


The Muling clan grew up and scolded: "shut up, don't you think it's enough to harm our Muling clan?"

"The patriarch must not be soft on these alien races. Being soft means losing to the alien race."

"Pull the crazy elder down. It's time for him to take medicine!"

As soon as he stopped saying this, the Muling family grew up and drank. The nearby Muling waited for the guard to act immediately and directly took the elder away.

The elder struggled and shouted, "I'm not ill, I'm fine."

Hong Xiruo looked at the old man who was far away and said, "patriarch, I suggest you don't release the elder in the future. That guy has a pit in his head."

The elder asked sun Meng to be a sick guy

Li Feng sneered: "that's right. Such a mad dog should be kept tightly closed. Don't let him come out and bite people."

Muling clan leader smiled bitterly and said, "I'll make you laugh. The elder was actually fine before. Later, he was cheated by a foreign race. After he almost died, he was very hostile to the foreign race."


Zhang lie continues to count down.

Muling clan leader returned to God and knew that there was not much time.

Finally decided: "according to the agreement, all the people who are willing to leave will leave with you!"

"I will help convince more people that more than half of the Muling clan will follow you with the reputation of the patriarch!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!