Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0457

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:46:44 AM

Chapter 0457

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At the next moment, Zhou Ying's whole body was surrounded by green light, and the natural vitality of Qingling battle body and Muling patriarch were combined into one, resonating and earth shaking changes occurred.

"I won't let you destroy the imperial city we have built hard!"

Zhou Ying is shrouded in green light. Her hair grows to her lower legs at a high speed, emitting a glittering green light without wind.

Surrounded by countless green leaves, the light of life is visible to the naked eye, and the whole heaven and earth seems to be integrated with it.

The light of life surrounds the body like fireflies, and the body becomes crystal clear and transparent, as beautiful as the goddess of life.

At this moment, Zhou Yingzu doesn't consciously see all the changes on her knees.

The natural vitality spread, and all the wounded soldiers were recovering from their injuries. Su Hong's legs were broken and reborn without any external force.

The trees that had been cut off and left only one section are growing rapidly, and the wounds of the ancestral trees of the Muling family are slowly healing.

Originally, it took at least a hundred years for Zushu to recover from his injury. Even with the help of the Muling clan, it also took 30 years. After Zhou Ying and the head of the Muling clan merged, Zushu was healing quickly.

Not to mention that everyone present was surprised, even Zhang lie himself was surprised.

Although he once speculated that the Muling clan could have some changes with the Qingling battle body, and told Zhou Ying about it. Later, he had more contacts with the Muling clan. The girl secretly practiced with the Muling clan leader.

"Qingmu holy body, Qianlong prison days!"

Zhou Ying's natural power was completely released, and the earth shook continuously. In an instant, thousands of emerald wooden dragons broke through the earth.

Each wooden dragon is extremely thick, with a radius of three to ten meters. It is like a subway rushing out of the earth. Huge wooden dragons crisscross and close the whole sky.

Thousands of wooden dragons fell, opened their mouths and swallowed up a crazy devil.

Lol, lol!

The sound of wood breaking came from the belly of the wooden dragon, but the crazy devil didn't come out after all.

Gradually, the mad devil had no sound inside. A crazy human face appeared on every wooden dragon that swallowed the mad devil, which was the appearance of the mad devil.

The first tower emperor's whole body was trembling, and his throat seemed to have been stabbed by a sword. He said with difficulty: "how can... The crazy devil will not stop if he can't kill enough people."

Zhang lie opened the longan and understood it after reading it. He said, "it seems that your crazy demon army is completely numb. The genetic level is based on cells."

After being swallowed by the wooden dragon's stomach, all the crazy demons were lignified at the cellular level.

In other words, they become wood. Fortunately, the soul of the mad devil is incomplete. If it is a complete soul, it is estimated that the rest of life will slowly disappear in fear.

The head of Muling clan separated from Zhou Ying's body and lost a lot of energy after the fusion. Zhou Ying almost fell to the ground and was quickly supported by sun Mengmeng.

After Zhou Ying and Muling clan leader dissolved the combination, the huge wooden dragon did not disappear. The branches and green buds slowly grew on her body and turned into tall trees coiled like dragons.

There are thousands of tall dragon shaped trees, which look sacred and majestic. If not every tree has a face, it should be a tourist attraction.

Zhou Ying and Muling clan leader radiated vitality. The people who were injured in the first tower emperor war recovered, but the dead people could not be reborn. This is the sad news for everyone.

The Muling clan surrounded the head of Muling clan and Zhou Ying, and their eyes slowly respected Zhou Ying, as if they regarded Zhou Ying as the saint of the clan.

The yeluo clan ran over, squeezed away the crowd, looked up and down at Zhou Ying and Muling clan leaders, and their eyes twinkled. Sun Mengmeng was dissatisfied: "what do you want to do, old man?"

Chief Jero hesitated and said, "I think..."

Zhou Ying said: "patriarch, we not only have the age limit, but also the race interval. I think it is impossible for us."

The head of Jero quickly waved his hand and said, "I want you and the head of Muling to have some blood!"

The head of Muling clan shook his head and said, "I'm a half spirit, and the blood is very precious!"

Zhou Ying asked, "patriarch, what do you want me and Muling patriarch's blood to do?"

"It's used to do some research," said the patriarch of Jero shyly

Zhou Ying smiled and said, "if it's just like this, when Muling and I recover, Muling and I will fit together again and become a green wood holy body. It won't bleed, but it's no problem to give you a trace of hair or a little flesh and blood."

Once you merge with the Muling clan leader, the wound will heal in an instant. Even if the injury is serious, it will stop bleeding in an instant.

On the other side, Zhang Liewen, who caught the first tower emperor, said: "it seems that your Legion is not very awesome. What are you going to do?"

The first tower emperor said excitedly, "I tell you, my father is Xingluo Emperor..."


Zhang lie slapped up without hesitation: "I've heard the same thing once and don't want to hear it again“

The first tower emperor has never been defeated, and he doesn't know how to beg for mercy.

"Since I said it would make you regret being born today, do I know how the chrysanthemum emperor died?"

"You killed?"

Zhang lie shook his head and said, "no, it was the explosion of chrysanthemums."

The first tower emperor's face changed greatly.

Zhang lie shouted, "Su Hong, come here for a minute“

Recovery Su Hong ran over and asked, "what's the matter with the city Lord?"

"Chrysanthemum emperor's original treatment, you know."

In the next few days, it is estimated that the first tower emperor will regret very much. He regretted that he was reckless. He came to the imperial city first, regretted that he was born as a Shura, and finally regretted that he was born in this world.

Su Hong said, "Lord, this is the Shura family and the seven emperors."

"What's that?"

"Lord, I think you should meet some people."

Su Hong and Zhang lie came to the front of several gene soldiers. Zhang lie probably had some impression that he had participated in the battle when the first tower emperor came,

Zhang lie frowned and said, "it seems that you are not from the imperial city. At least in my memory, there are no you among the 3000 soldiers."

Zhang lie didn't remember the names and looks of all the three thousand soldiers so well, but at least he remembered the general appearance. It's certain that these people in front of him are not genetic warriors in the human imperial city.

Then the man in front of him suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Thank you for saving me."

Zhang lie frowns and looks at Su Hong.

"What's the matter with these people?"

Su Hong responded: "they are all the people who were rescued from the Shura imperial city before. They came to help us fight against the seven kings army!"

From these people, Zhang lie once again confirmed one thing. The news of the seven nation coalition army before is probably true.

Even they know about it from the Federal Network and know that the seven Shura kings have formed a coalition to attack.

But for Zhang lie, as long as Ashura doesn't come personally, come if you want.

Soldiers will block, water and earth cover!

Who's afraid of who?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!