Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0496

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:45:52 AM

Chapter 0496

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"You say, is that a genetic organism?"

"I don't think so. Look, that race seems to have fish tails?"

The alien pointed out to the incoming starbeast and aquarium. The nearby people were not angry and said, "don't be frightened by them. They are strong families in the galaxy and can be regarded as friends of the city Lord. They are powerful!"

"How about the city Lord?"

"There's nothing like that!"

Zhang lie said to the four strong families, including Xingbai and Lianna: "it's not easy for Zhaozhao to come here. I'll ask my partners to prepare and wash the dust for you."



In Xingluo Palace

The Xingluo emperor summoned the elder in the inner hall. The Xingluo emperor asked, "are you ready?"

The elder nodded and said, "according to the orders of the Xingluo emperor, arrange the Shura soldiers in all major cities to move to the Imperial City, on the grounds of preventing the army of Xingluo country from starting and other superior Shura countries from attacking!"

"Fortunately, it won a big battle with the two upper Shura countries, and the cohesion of the domestic people is unprecedented. In order to better protect the safety of the Shura people, no one doubts it."

"The last batch of upper Shura prisoners are being escorted towards the King City and will arrive in a few days."

"As long as the captives of the upper Shura state arrive, the materials are collected." Xingluo emperor leaned back in his chair and exclaimed, "although it's not my wish that all nine sons died, I have to say that renhuangcheng has found a better reason for me to promote the plan."

Many people think that the two superior Shura countries besieged Xingluo country because they saw the threat and took the initiative to attack. How many people know that everything is the plan of Xingluo emperor, and the superior Shura country is just a clown in the hands of Xingluo emperor.

"I wanted to capture more materials in renhuangcheng, but I didn't expect to bury my seven sons, but it's good, so I have a better reason to promote."

Speaking of this matter, the Xingluo emperor's tone was flat. He had long lost the anger in the hall that day, as if the anger was just pretending at that time.

The elder looked up and asked, "Your Majesty, do you really want to do it?"

"What do you think is wrong with the plan?" Xingluo emperor frowned. He felt that the plan was safe.

"Your Majesty personally customized plan, naturally there will be no problem!"

"However, according to your Majesty's plan, the two lands within a million miles of the upper Shura country will become worthless, and 50% of the Shura people in the Xingluo country will be sacrificed. Is the price too high?"

"Prepare a plan for many years. It's only one step away from success. Now, do you want me to give up?" The Xingluo emperor opened his eyes, which radiated a bleeding red light. The bloody stars circulated in his eyes and stared at the elder kneeling on the ground.

The elder shivered and fell on his knees with a puff.

"I dare not."

The red light in Xingluo emperor's eyes converged and the blood stars dissipated: "hum, if you hadn't followed me for many years and were someone else, I'd turn my head off on the spot. I only listen to this once and don't want to hear it again. Understand?"

The elder's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He had just walked through the gate of hell and almost died here.

The Xingluo emperor gently knocked on the handle of the chair and said, "don't bend the small section when you accomplish great things. Don't hesitate to do great things. Don't have this kind of benevolence of women."


The elder wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart was still beating violently. Just now he played a repeated horizontal jump in front of death.

Xingluo emperor closed his eyes and said, "do you know what is the biggest treasure or mainstay of a country?"

"Your Majesty, please speak clearly."

There are many treasures and mainstays in a country. I can't guess what Xingluo emperor will say. Naturally, I dare not guess.



"Lord!" Xingluo emperor said confidently, "as long as I am still one day, Xingluo country will be peaceful!"

This sentence is a little arrogant, but the Xingluo emperor is right. This is the law of the Shura world.

Cutting edge strength determines the upper limit of a party's power. As long as the Xingluo emperor is in one day, no one dares to move a hair of the Xingluo emperor's country.

"Do you know what is the second treasure in the Shura world?"

The elder shook his head again: "I'm stupid. Please speak clearly."


Xingluo emperor continued: "the army can open up territory for me, so I took out 80% of the army in advance and left the country for renhuangcheng!"

"In everyone's opinion, I am so angry that I lose my reason. At any cost, I don't care about the country itself. In fact, I want to keep my own army."

"Thanks for the good reason given by the imperial city. Otherwise, I don't know how to transfer the army from my hometown!"

"So, what is the third important treasure, you know?"

"It should be... The people?"


Xingluo emperor denied, "it's you“


"The third important treasure is my ministers and elders. As long as you exist, a country can operate normally, so I will keep you alive."

"Thank you, your majesty!"

Xingluo emperor asked, "what is the fourth important treasure?"

"It should be the people."

"Wrong again, it's the national treasure house. As for the people in your mouth, the Shura, the Shura people in China, etc. rank eighth, and there are resources and technology storage weapons in front. Then I ask you, why do you give up my plan for only the ninth thing?"

"I'm wrong."

The elder knelt down.

"The population of Shura people is like mole ants in this Shura land!"

"If you want, you can sweep several Luo countries, but as long as my plan succeeds, I will become close to the existence of my God Asura!"

"What kind of territory and population do you want?"

At this point, there was a red light in Xingluo emperor's eyes, as if there were stars burning in his eyes.

The gifts from the four strong families are really good, an ultimate genetic creature.

After discussion, it was decided that Zhang lie would cripple the ultimate dragon and wolf first, and then someone would make up a knife. Zhang lie would make the final end, so that everyone could share the meat of the ultimate genetic creature as a big meal just before the war.

Zhang lie thinks it doesn't matter. The ultimate gene is full, and it doesn't make any sense to eat again.

The chain is fastened, the medicine becomes weak, and the ultimate dragon wolf remains fierce.

But when I meet Zhang lie, this so-called ferocity is meaningless

"Dragon and tortoise change? Four steles fall together!"

Under the suppression of time and space, the weak ultimate dragon wolf was easily crippled.

After that, a group of people came to the imperial city name with weapons. From time to time, they had to supplement the medicine of the Jero family to recover the ultimate dragon and wolf injury and ensure that they would not die halfway.

It's a little late to see Zhang linglie's execution. Everyone feels a little late.

The ultimate dragon wolf is too poor. I don't know what I did wrong in my previous life. I died so miserable in this life. I hope I won't be reborn as the ultimate genetic creature in the next life, and don't fall into anyone's hands.

After a round of lingchi, Zhang lie made the final ending.

The ultimate dragon wolf showed an expression of relief, even tears came down, and the will of the Shura world rang out.

"Ding! If you kill the ultimate dragon wolf and devour its flesh and blood, you can randomly take 1-10 points of the ultimate gene!"

"Ding! You kill the ultimate dragon wolf and get the ultimate dragon wolf soul jade."

Zhang lie unconsciously showed a smile at the corners of his mouth and went into his soul.

Noticing the smile on Zhang lie's face, liana couldn't help but ask, "is there a soul jade?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!