Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0634

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:42:49 AM

Chapter 0634

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Zhang lie didn't answer the question: "I covered the different wine tribe."

The head of Warcraft tribe had a fierce light in his eyes: "aren't you afraid of my Warcraft tribe?"

"Your Excellency, smart man, why stay in the different wine tribe." The eldest son on a frog shaped beast spoke.

Zhang lie laughed: "is it because of you, a dog with mixed fur, and these waste people who are not even as good as mixed fur dogs, or your dog son, dog grandson?"

Finally, the clan leader shouted, "don't fight!"

Zhang lie raised his mouth and gently snapped his fingers.

Big white and small white, the red comet has rushed out violently.

The red comet turned into a streamer and rushed at the blood snake wolf. It revolved around the blood snake wolf at a fast speed. The blood snake wolf didn't react at all, and there were scars on his body.

Big white and little white fight with two super gene beasts of warbeast tribe.

Zhang lie shook his head and said, "it's really impatient!"

Warcraft tribe can not only control Warcraft, but also fight.

The super gene beast is hard to understand. The red comet is completely crushed. Among the ultimate gene beasts, the red comet is also a powerful existence.

The clan leader of warbeast tribe has no way to take the red comet. The red comet is too fast, and it can't catch it at all.

The head of the Warcraft Tribe said with a gloomy face, "I didn't expect you to control the Warcraft."

"Hehe, my best skill is not to manipulate war animals, but to manipulate people!"

The voice fell, and Zhang lie's eyes flashed. He originally wanted to control the blood snake and wolf, but there was something about the control method of the warbeast tribe. Although Zhang lie disdained to understand it, the natural disaster rainbow mirage soul jade failed for the first time.

Zhang lie simply doesn't control the warbeast, but instead controls the warbeast tribal leader

The result is to grasp one by one. Almost at the moment when the other party is right, he will be completely controlled in the illusion.

After that, let him control the blood snake and wolf under his body and launch an attack on other super soldiers of the warbeast tribe. The eldest son of the patriarch was surprised: "father, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, it is natural to respond to him with a fist full of fatherly love from the head of the warbeast tribe, which directly knocked the eldest son to the ground.

Originally, the eldest son of the patriarch controlled the super gene beast, which could be inseparable from the big white fight and even gain the upper hand.

As a result, the clan head of the warbeast tribe suddenly turned back, which made the grown son and the frog at his feet unexpectedly give Dabai a chance.

Zhang lie also shot.

Wave fist · shake the ground!

The speed of the fist was even faster than that of the red comet. The blood snake and wolf couldn't react at all, so they took a hard blow, and the water wave and space burst at the same time.

The blood snake wolf's body suddenly shook and then lay down directly.

"Sting! Kill the ultimate blood snake and wolf, devour its flesh and blood, and you can absorb 1-10 points of the ultimate gene!"

Of course, this is still under the control of Zhang lie.

In fact, the inside of this guy has been completely destroyed by Zhang lie.

The red comet lost its target and turned into a blood red streamer, extending the blood sickle of death to the super gene white bird.

The super gene bird controlled by the patriarch's daughter was completely unaware of the approach of the red light.

Zhang lie had a hunch of something and turned his head and shouted, "Hey, leave the bird's head!"

A blood light rose into the sky, one wing of the super gene white bird was torn, and then the blood red light crisscrossed in the air. The patriarch's daughter and the super gene white bird tore into pieces and fell from the sky.

The red comet sickle was inserted into the head of the super gene white bird and handed to Zhang lie completely.

Zhang lie covered his head: "I need a bird's head, it's not like this."

The red comet tilted its head and put it on the head of the super gene white bird. It turned into a streamer and soon brought back the head of the patriarch's daughter.

"Forget it, you go away."

The situation in Dabai is a little bad. The form has been reversed. The super gene frog is covered with scars, but its blood and skin are full of toxins.

The big white mouth and teeth are dissolved, and the purple green liquid drips from the mouth. Although the super gene frog is broken and embarrassed, it will not die.

Zhang lie made a move and ended the Super Frog with a punch.

"Sting! Kill the super gene poisonous skin frog and devour its flesh and blood. You can absorb 1-10 super genes!"

The red comet killed the eldest son of the patriarch.

The battle comes and ends quickly.

When the people of warbeast tribe saw that Zhang lie and three gene beasts were so powerful, they dared not attack again.

When the clan leader died, the two most powerful super gene beasts in the clan and one ultimate gene beast were killed. The most powerful combat power of the ultimate gene beast and super gene beast was completely killed by Zhang lie.

The other party is in good condition. How can the rest of the people do it? After recognizing the situation, they directly start to flee.

The gene mutation of the comet and the ordinary beast shake their heads to clean up the battlefield, while the gene mutation of the comet and the ordinary beast shake their heads directly.

The red comet is fast and kills faster. Basically, a head flies with a flash of red light.

The head kept rolling to the ground, the people around him kept falling down, and the people of the warbeast tribe kept screaming.

Someone was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. But the red comet only listened to Zhang lie's orders. How could it listen to other people's begging for mercy.

The red light of the God of death flickered continuously, and the alien tribes of warbeast tribes fell down.

Zhang lie is also very happy here. With his fist, the voice of xumijie in his ear never stopped.

"Ding! Kill ordinary ghost coyotes and devour their flesh and blood. You can absorb 1-10 ordinary genes!"

"Ding! Kill the mutant tiancang leopard and devour its flesh and blood. You can absorb 1-10 mutant genes!"

"Ding! Kill the common black wind mantis and devour its flesh and blood. You can absorb 1-10 common genes!"

"Sting! Kill ordinary black spiders and devour their flesh and blood. You can absorb 1-10 ordinary genes!"

"Bite, kill the mutant white dragon tiger, devour its flesh and blood, and can absorb 1-10 mutant genes!"


Zhang lie is like the God of war. He is bleeding all over and has a smile on his face. As his fist falls, circle after circle of waves disperse. The waves spread like ripples on the battlefield, and the ripples continue to harvest life like sickles.

The soldiers assembled by the different wine tribe originally wanted to help, but they found that they could not help at all. They would only be affected by the attack.

The battlefield was a mess.

The ground is full of corpses. The corpses of genetic animals are mixed with those of other races. The front of the different wine tribe emits a strong smell of blood. It is estimated that it will not disperse for three days and three nights.

The different tribes of different wine tribes respect and fear Zhang lie. They are all convinced by Zhang lie's strength, but they are also afraid of Zhang lie's God of war strength.

Such eyes, Zhang lie has long been used to

After that, it was simple. Zhang lie asked the different wine tribe to bring a big pot and cook all the gene animals.

At present, Zhang lie's order is the same as the imperial edict in the strange wine tribe. As soon as it makes a sound, the whole tribe mobilizes to deal with the strange animals cleanly and starts to bake and cook again.

Soon everyone forgot their fear of war and fell into a cheerful atmosphere and held a celebration banquet.

For the people of Yijiu tribe, today is undoubtedly an extraordinary day. Great revenge can repay the tribe with zero casualties.

If such a day is not worth celebrating, there will be no other day worth celebrating

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