Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0712

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:41:17 AM

Chapter 0712

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"It's beautiful, Lord Li Qianqian!"

"You are really... Like the most beautiful stars in the night sky."

"Your Highness will be happy about it!"

It took hours to dress up, and the makeup artists and maids gave the highest evaluation and praise.

It was clearly a happy day, but Li Qianqian was not happy at all. Just like the girl before the execution, she had no hope of her own life.

Duan Gen has seen this person several times in the past. At the age of ten, Li Qianqian feels disgusted by his disgusting sight.

His strength is very strong. At least he has no opponent in the younger generation of the eastern and Western circles. He is even known as the first person under the emperor of the world.

However, strength and virtue are often not in direct proportion. Strong strength does not mean matched virtue.

This is more dangerous and annoying.

After he came to the east boundary, he fooled the younger generation with his strength like a prank.

He showed off his strength and did almost nothing evil.

But even so, such an object will still become his own husband, which will not change and cannot be changed.

She is the goddess of the eastern world. Even if she is favored by the audience, she also has the vision of ordinary girls.

I also dreamed of a prince appearing valiantly at a time of crisis.

Or encounter each other, overcome many obstacles, and finally get married. She also dreamed of such a love story.

However, this is an impossible future.

Li Qianqian is very smart and has accepted the mission since childhood.

Even if she marries someone she hates from the bottom of her heart, she will make a good wife.

At tonight's party, she also wants to play the role of "crown prince" princess. She has made such an awakening.

Just then, there was a sudden commotion outside the door.

Then, in front of Li Qianqian and others, the door was pushed open.

The man strode into the room and followed Li Qianqian. The guards anxiously stopped him, but the man didn't care.

"Oh, this dress tonight... General!"

The man looked at her from top to bottom with the same eyes as looking at objects, and finally gave a very bad evaluation.

In the eyes of men, dressing for half an hour is worthless.

"... Lord Duan gen, I sincerely admire you for your sudden intrusion into the room of an unmarried woman."

Li Qianqian did not give in.

"Ah? Am I your husband? What are you talking about?"

"Sorry to remind you, it's just your fiance!"


After being reminded by Li Qianqian, she answered her with an unhappy face. It was her engagement object.

Duan Gen hasn't changed in recent years. He looks like a dog in front of big people and respects the two world emperors.

He was rude and tyrannical in front of others. He looked at Li Qianqian from top to bottom like an ill bred dog.

Li Qianqian had a chill on his back.

"Hey, you all go out."

Duan Gen crooked his mouth and gave orders to the maidens and knights with a sly smile.

The next people were at a loss. Duan Gen ordered again. Then he ran out of the room in panic.

Of course, the guard Knight doesn't want to. Anyway, this is also the east boundary.

Duan Gen's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Li Qianqian couldn't bear that the knights were targeted afterwards and ordered them to retreat.

Duan Gen said unhappily, "hum, the ant colony's uneducated dog has time to teach a good lesson!"

"... they are not dogs, but my important subjects!" Li Qianqian was even more dissatisfied.

"... still resisting? Hehe, you stared at me like this when you were less than ten years old!"

"It was at that time that I unconsciously wanted to turn you into something for me."

Duan Gen looked at Li Qianqian with a stubborn face and showed that she hated a smile from the bottom of her heart.

Suddenly, Duan Gen suddenly took her hand.


Duan Gen's hands are like pliers, which makes Li Qianqian feel pain.

Seeing that expression, Duan Gen was excited and sneered.

"Don't say, you're so impatient?"

"Why don't we get married in advance?"

"How dare you!"

"Dare? What dare I? Just cry. The louder you shout, the more excited I will be!"

"The sound insulation in this room is good. I tested it myself. Last time I tried a maid here, I couldn't hear the sound outside?"

"You killed Xiaotao!"

Li Qianqian couldn't believe it. With her eyes wide open, she was closest to the maid who grew up with her. She was more like a best friend than a maid.

She died inexplicably half a month ago and was abandoned in the well. Her death was tragic. As her wedding was approaching, the impact was not good. This matter was pressed down by her father and did not go deep into investigation.

Remembering that this guy happened to be here the night before Xiaotao's body was found.

"Just a maid, dare to stare at me, and treat her as your substitute!"

"I have to say that she was gouged out of her eyes. She was bleeding and crying, mixed with screams and groans. Until now, it gives me endless aftertaste!"

For this marriage, Li Qianqian originally thought that even if he was the object he hated first.

But as long as his wife advises him, he will change one day.

But now it seems that this is only the naive idea of teenage girls after all.

Some people will never change!

Li Qianqian finally realized.

No, I can't marry this pervert.

"Let go!"

With a low drink, the girl lifted her Yin feet and began to resist


Duan gen, who was caught off guard, immediately withered half of his tent.

Li Qianqian also opened her forceps like hands and regained her freedom again.

As the daughter of the Eastern Emperor, she can't be a vase.

Almost in the moment of breaking away, the source force has filled the whole body.

"Damn woman, how dare you kick me!"

Unfortunately, the other party is too strong. In addition, the emperor of the western sky is too doting and has several interface treasures.

Almost at the moment of Li Qianqian's outburst, the whole room was suddenly shrouded in darkness, like an airtight cage.

Li Qianqian clenched her lips. At this moment, she really knew how powerful the other party was.

Comparable to the emperor!

Yes, it's not the first under the emperor. This damn abnormal strength is already comparable to the emperor.

Under the pressure of terror, Li Qianqian's space is being compressed at a high speed.

Her face turned blue, but her eyes were still firm

"Your eyes, your rebellious eyes, are very good and beautiful..."

"I just like to color it with pain, despair and happiness. What I like most is to play with the guys who resist me and make them give in completely."

Duan Gen slowly approached Li Qianqian with a sly smile.

"Li Qianqian, when I first met you, when I appraised you, but you stared back at me with resolute eyes, I thought I would make a mess of you one day..."

The last light in the space was about to disappear, and he opened his eyes as if he were inciting Li Qianqian's fear.

Lift it gently with one hand, trying to lift Li Qianqian's chin and prevent her from turning her face to one side.

Looking at the "black hand" approaching slowly, Li Qianqian was completely desperate.

"Li Qianqian, what would you say if you lost your purity at the wedding party and then attended the party?"

"When I endure the pain of breaking, what expression will I use to stand in front of those guys? Aha, full of expectation!"

"Damn pervert, remember, I, Li Qianqian will never give in to you, even if it's death!"

When the voice fell, the source force in Li Qianqian's body suddenly became chaotic, and the blood instantly dyed red and white sand.

But before she took the next step, the space in the whole room suddenly stopped.

"Hahaha, it's not that simple to want to commit suicide!"

At this moment, Li Qianqian can't even commit suicide.

Duan Gen's dirty hand finally touched Li Qianqian's chin, but it disappeared at the moment of touching.

To tell the truth, Li Qianqian didn't think that someone showed up at his critical moment and completely crushed the scum in front of her, pulling her out of the quagmire.

At one moment, she even made a wish that someone could save her?

But then Li Qianqian laughed at how stupid he was as a princess, so that he could be so whimsical.

This is the eastern heaven, and this is my father's palace.

No one could stop the guy in front of him except his father, and no one thought the guy in front of him would be here

Father should be very busy now, so it's almost impossible to be here.

But even so, she couldn't stop hoping that someone could save her.

At this time, a man suddenly appeared behind Duan Gen.

"Little brother, you don't seem very good at Jill. Change a new one."

Then she heard a man's voice full of ice and cold.

In the next moment, the bound space created by Duan Gen was released.

Li Qianqian looked sideways and saw the face behind Duan Gen. among the handsome men he had seen, this face could only be regarded as ordinary.

But the resolute eyes brought her a sense of peace of mind she had never had before.

The man's breath was strong to the bone, and in his deep eyes, he seemed to have an unspeakable story, which gave her a feeling of deja vu!

by the way!

It's my father.

From the other side, he seemed to see the shadow of the eastern boundary emperor.

Duan Gen couldn't help shaking.

Li Qianqian was extremely surprised. He had never seen this man, or even had no impression.

The people behind me appear without warning

What's this place?

The marriage banquet between the East and the West. People with heads and faces in the East and the West are here.

In addition to gathering almost all the powerful factions in the East and West, the alert and defense forces are unprecedented.

However, he was touched by the man in front of him into the boudoir where the princess was married.

Who is Duan Gen? But the strongest of the younger generation in the East and West, even the one who just performed, has not lost to the emperor.

Even so, he didn't notice the arrival of Difang, and was standing behind him without even a reaction.

The Knights outside didn't respond at all.

In other words, the strength of the other party exceeds Duan Gen countless times and has reached another dimension.

The other side's face is very young. There is no such person in the East and West circles.

Duan Gen trembled slightly: "you are the guard assigned to Qianqian by the Eastern Emperor. As a dog, it's pretty good..."

Duan Gen obviously regarded the other party as the escort of the eastern boundary, but Zhang lie showed with his actions that he was not.


When you lift your Yin foot and kick it out from the rear, the sound of egg splitting sounds like a tomato being pinched and exploded.

Duan Gen's crotch was stained with blood. Before he could react, his head was already burning and hit the black ceiling he arranged.


His crotch was covered with blood, and he fell to the ground after being hit hard on the head.


Duan Gen covered his legs and screamed miserably.

At this moment, he curled up like a badly beaten dog.

Zhang lie stepped on the pasted crotch and said leisurely, "this is really what you said. The sound insulation effect is great!"

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