Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0775

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:40:15 AM

Chapter 0775

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"Break it for me!"

Facing the tough base, Fang Yi roared, injected a large amount of source force, improved the power of wind and thunder, and surrounded by thunder and storm.

The black floor had a slight crack, and the storm and lightning drilled into it.

After his death, the wheel of time is bright, and a wheel of time rises. Fang Yi has gathered five wheels of time behind him.

Under the five times acceleration, the black floor began to burn red, the cracks spread, the storm and lightning drill bit by bit, and Fang Yi was surrounded by wind and thunder.

The force of wind and thunder is like a whirlwind. It surrounds Fang Yi and takes the tip of a long gun as the starting point. The whole person becomes a drill bit.

Another round of the wheel of time rises, and the speed of storm and lightning drilling is accelerated.

"Liuyun · wind and thunder ring!"

The force of wind and thunder spread behind him, forming a spiral ring.


With Fang Yi's roar again, the ring formed by the force of wind and thunder broke open, turned into the driving force of acceleration, and became the last straw to crush the camel.

The dark floor burst open and Fang Yi drove straight in

Sure enough, there is a huge space under the Black Pyramid.

If you look through the ground, you will find that under the Black Pyramid, there is an inverted pyramid.

The structure of the pyramid is not a quadrilateral triangle at all, but a rhombohedron.

The drill bit broke through several walls in a row, whether it was a mechanism, a wall, or a black spirit.

Driving all the way, Fang Yi saw a large number of Heiling people in the inverted pyramid space.

All these black spirits hide in the inverted pyramid.

They stretch out black bandages one after another to stop Fang Yi.

Fang Yi is surrounded by lightning storms, like a drill bit breaking through walls and floors one after another. The black bandage stretched out by the Heiling family can't stop it at all.

The momentum is like a rainbow and the momentum is like breaking bamboo. There is a great momentum of God blocking and killing God and Buddha blocking and killing Buddha.

After Fang Yi entered the inverted pyramid, he felt a powerful breath, like a giant snake in the abyss, coiled in the depths of the ground, cold and silent.

Just feel this breath, the whole body is hairy, the back is cold, and the clothes and armor are wet with sweat.

To be sure, in the deepest part of the inverted pyramid, where the black spirit king sleeps!

Behind him, the time wheel is constantly lit up one after another. There are only ten time wheels in a short time.

Fang Yi has confirmed the position of the black spirit king through breath.

If there is a perspective eye at the bottom of the ground, you will find that Fang Yi's forward direction is the bottom of the inverted pyramid, which is equivalent to the top of the Black Pyramid.

The position of the eye that emits a purple beam.

Behind him, the wheel of time is still increasing, and the rotation speed of storm lightning drill is faster, driving a large amount of air flow around. The electric light and air flow are like ribbons and whips around the body.

In the inverted pyramid, no matter how hard the wall or the most dangerous mechanism can stop Fang Yi who has a storm and lightning drill.

The bottom of the inverted pyramid approaches, but the storm lightning drill is blocked.

The storm lightning drill hit a hard object and couldn't break through at the speed of the storm lightning drill for a time.

Here it is!

"Dragon and tiger roar!"

With a low cry, the tiger roared and the Dragon chanted. On Fang Yi's long gun, the wind dragon, thunder and tiger appeared. The spiral force was pulled into the long gun and turned into an impact force.

The wind dragon, thunder and tiger coiled on the long gun, turned into the impact of high-speed rotation, and broke the wall in one breath.

Terrible black smoke surged out of the broken hole. Fang Yi broke through the wall under the protection of dragon tiger wind, thunder and electric drill.

Dragon Tiger wind thunder electric drill tears black smoke.

On the other side of the wall is a tomb, in which there is a coffin. The smell of terror is emitted from the coffin.

The Dragon Tiger wind thunder electric drill directly goes up to the coffin and directly breaks a big hole in the coffin. The force of wind and thunder breaks out and directly tears the coffin.

But at this moment, the Dragon Tiger wind lightning drill can't get any more.

Inside the coffin lay a mummy with his hands crossed on his chest.

Mummies, like the black spirits outside, are monsters wrapped in black bandages.

The difference is that the mummy lying in the coffin is wrapped tightly, and it is not as loose as the black spirit outside

Even exposed the black part.

Inside the coffin lies the mummy, wrapped tightly in a black bandage, which is like a work of art.

Cross your hands around a scepter.

The scepter is unique. It is different from the cross. The upper part is a circle, like the upper part of the word "8" and the middle and lower part of the word "10", with an eye engraved in the middle.

Like the original eyes at the top of the Black Pyramid.

The golden eyes glittered, and two branches appeared in the corner of the eyes.

The Dragon Tiger wind thunder electric drill just landed on the mummy's forehead. The mummy's face was wearing a mask. The Dragon Tiger wind thunder drill, which can almost break everything, was blocked by a mask.

Fang Yi increases the output and speed, but the Dragon Tiger wind thunder electric drill still can't make a penny.

Dragon Tiger wind lightning drill is like drilling into a world, competing with the whole world, and the force of world law is protecting the mummy.

No, it's a mask to protect the mummy's face.

Proof of the emperor.

Fang Yi thinks of the evidence of the emperor once mentioned by Zhang lie.

The certificate of the emperor of the world is protected by the laws of the world and cannot be destroyed by external forces. Before destroying the certificate of the emperor of the world, we must break the world first.

The mask is the evidence of the emperor.

The mummy woke up and opened her eyes.

Eyes have no eyes, white eyes, only dark abyss.

Black smoke came out, and the eyes of the scepter glittered purple. A light column suddenly burst into the sky and shot straight out of the pyramid along the hole drilled by Fang Yi.

Outside, the star Eagle God of war saw a purple light rising from the bottom of the pyramid and illuminating the whole night sky.

Fang Yichang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he dealt with the purple beam emitted from the top of the Black Pyramid.

When seeing the purple light of the staff in the mummy's hand, Fang Yi immediately realized that it was wrong and immediately avoided the attack of the staff in the mummy's hand.

A pale blue flame was burning on the left and right sides. Fang Yi saw that the two braziers lit up automatically to illuminate everything in front of him.

At this moment, Fang Yi is in a tomb, with unknown hieroglyphs carved at his feet and on the ceiling, and some murals on the walls around him.

This guy with the certificate of the world emperor on his face is obviously the world emperor of the black spirit world - the black spirit king.

"Mole ants, Ann dares to disturb my deep sleep!"

The black spirit king roared angrily and waved the black bandage around him like a black storm.


Fang Yi has no fear at all. Under the thunder, the long black gun with alternating wind and thunder points out with an indomitable momentum.


There was a loud explosion, a long black gun came out, and the wind and thunder danced wildly.

Surrounded by wind and thunder, with the blessing of the wheel of time behind him, it suddenly turned into hundreds of gun shadows, and the wind and thunder gun shadow storm collided with the black storm.

The two sides did not give in to each other. Behind them, the wheel of time lit up, the black bandage suddenly dispersed, a purple light came face to face, and the scepter laser hit.

Fang Yi dodges with the floating cloud body method. At the same time, the power of wind and thunder in his long gun surrounds him, and the light illuminates the whole tomb

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