Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0825

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:39:28 AM

Chapter 0825

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Zhou Ying said, "my vines can't spread to the center of the earth!"

"In other words, the certificate of the emperor is likely to be in the center of the earth."

Zhang lie waved and said, "move and turn out the certificate of the emperor."


The gods of war shouted and began to dig.

Zhang lie went to the poisonous marsh and touched his chin.

According to Zhang lie's guess, the most likely location of the emperor's certificate is still in the underground depth corresponding to the poison marsh sea.

Clench your fist, the blue source force condenses, and the ripples spread around your arms.

Spiral wound on the arm, the wrist shook, the blue source force lingered, and the smell of terror began to bloom. The sky suddenly darkened, and a swimming fish circled in the sky like a giant Kun.

Wave fist · towering!

Layer upon layer of towering waves, sweeping away, shocking the momentum, distorting the space. The water belongs to the phase source force, shaking the space, and the rows of spatial fluctuations are like the tide rushing out in clusters.

The sound is like thunder, the momentum is like galloping horses, and the fist meaning is like the sea of rage.

The huge waves rose into the sky, with one blow, the giant Kun hit back, the fish's tail slapped, the blue waves lifted, and the sound waves were surging


The mud in the toxic marsh sea exploded and turned into huge mud waves, which spread in all directions, and the spatial fluctuations erupted circle after circle, decomposing the mud in mid air, and the toxic mud fell like a rainstorm.

None of the people present were weak. Before the mud fell, they launched their own defense one after another. Zhou Ying stood where she was, and the thick trees and vines under her feet rose and wrapped her directly.

After the poisonous mud came down, the surrounding forest was corroded, and all the branches and leaves were corroded, leaving only a dark trunk and a grassland emitting poisonous mud.

None of the people present cared. Zhou Ying stepped forward. The original position of the poison marsh sea had become a big pit, and the mud inside was evacuated with Zhang lie's fist.

The green life energy is shrouded. The hair is like crystal jade. The long hair is windless and automatic. It is so beautiful that people can't turn their eyes. It is naturally integrated with the whole heaven and earth, and the light of life is like fireflies.

"Qingmu holy body · ten thousand dragons imprisoned in heaven!"

The power of nature blooms, and the big pit emits the power of green life. The glittering green light spots rise, just like seeds sprouting, full of the breath of life.

The earth shook constantly, and in an instant, huge wooden dragons broke through the earth.

Tens of thousands of thick black wooden dragons emerged from the pit and inserted into the bottom of the pit.

Zhang lie turned his head and asked, "can you find it?"

Zhou Ying shook her head and said, "I'm not sure!"

No one at the scene knew where the giant demon king hid the emperor's certificate and how deep it was.

Zhou Ying frowned and said, "the troll king is disgusting. It's not only difficult to kill, but also brings us a big trouble after killing."

Zhang lie nodded.

There are residents in other worlds. After killing the emperor, you can ask the residents.

As a result, the troll king is better. The world emperor is him and the ethnic group in the world is him.

To kill him, we must first kill all the trolls. Now there is no one in the whole world and there is no clue at all.

To find the certificate of the emperor of the world is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack. We can only rely on human carpet search.

Zhang lie finally understood Zhou Ying's difficulty and why he couldn't find it for so many days. The hidden certificate of the emperor of the world can't be found by one person at all.

Zhou Ying said, "when I was looking for it, I wondered whether there were residents in this world except trolls. The mutant individuals of troll King were born among the residents, turning all residents into trolls."

Zhang lie replied: "it's possible, but now we can't find any residents."

The roots of heimulong tree have been probing down for a long time, but they haven't found the certificate of the emperor.

"Sure enough, that disgusting guy can't make it so easy for us to find the certificate of the emperor."

Since he was not in the poison marsh sea, the giant demon king didn't see that the situation was bad and hid the emperor's certificate, but was prepared to hide the emperor's certificate in a secret place.

Zhang lie sighed: "this guy wanted to disgust us from the beginning."

Zhou Ying's launching ability spreads in a circle of life and spreads in the forest. All the trees in the forest emit a circle of vitality. The vitality collides with each other like ripples.


All the leaves were shaking, and the trees rose up. The thick branches on both sides began to twist each other and turn into two huge arms. The roots of the trees moved like tentacles, and all the trees in the forest became tree people.

The tree man began to help dig the pit and look for the certificate of the emperor.

Zhou Ying manipulated the tree man to join, and the powerful gods of war turned over the whole giant demon world, and finally turned out the certificate of the emperor of the world.

The emperor's certificate is not hidden in any special place, but buried in the depths of the earth, which everyone didn't expect.

The most hateful thing is that the troll king is very disgusting. The certificate of the emperor is actually a thing smaller than a mung bean. If it weren't for the world will smell from it, they would really ignore the past directly.

Collect the certificates of the eight emperors and put them in front of Xianlong.

Xianlong said calmly, "you really collected the certificates of the eight worlds, but you just put the certificates of the eight worlds in front of me. What's the reason?"

Although Xianlong looks calm, he is actually very shocked in his heart.

Although I know that Zhang lie has a lot of energy, I didn't expect to put the certificate of eight world kings in front of me in a short time. You know, this is a medium-sized world emperor.

It's not a problem to defeat the emperor, but it's hard to kill. You must have absolute crushing power.

Xianlong also knows that it is not the man in front of him, but the team under him to complete this thing.

Terrans suddenly become so strong that there is no adaptation period at all. Xianlong is not used to it.

Zhang lie said, "I hope you can integrate all the world!"


Zhang lie was stunned: "don't you ask why?"

Xianlong said calmly, "you must have your own reason. As long as I know this, it's not a bad thing for the dragon people."

"Thank you."

Just after walking out of Xianlong's residence, sunmengmeng came to find Zhang lie.

"I said, brother lie, when will you go back? Cold frost is very worried."

Zhang lie stared round his eyes: "ah, there are many things in this period of time. I forgot it for a while!"

Zhang lie has entrusted the Soul Crystal family to deliver news and tell acquaintances about themselves.

It's just that a lot of things happened during this period and I forgot it for a while.

Zhang lie hurried to the conveyor and returned to the galaxy blue star

At the same time, Li Qianqian suddenly received a message from the eastern boundary emperor.

Li Qianqian and the emperor of the eastern boundary still kept in touch with each other by special means. When they saw the news, they showed an exclamatory expression.

"The East and the West are going to merge."

After more than a year in the third world, only two months on the Milky way side.

After returning to the Milky Way universe, extreme martial arts school is still the same.

Seeing that Zhang lie came back, Zhang Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "the owner of the hall, you came back, you were promoted to the third world and suddenly disappeared, which startled us."

"If we hadn't learned from the past, we would have to find someone again!"

Zhang lie asked, "has anything happened in the martial arts school in the past two months?"

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