Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1041

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:34:37 AM

Chapter 1041

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The emperor of the ice soul world sneered: "the power of the three super worlds wants to shoot the highest value booty. It's ridiculous. I'm willing to take out the power of the five super worlds."

A face appeared on the black fog and said, "I take out the power of eight super worlds."

Li Chongming looked around and felt that a group of kings of the super world that existed forever were so rich that they could easily come up with several powers of the super world. Compared with the poor, he was no different.

It's ridiculous to be complacent just after getting the black rain super world.

The king of the key gate said slowly, "don't worry. I haven't finished my words yet. Wait until I finish my words."

Several world kings quickly suppressed their excitement and said, "it's not wrong to follow the original rules, but don't forget that we're all in debt."

Thinking of the gamble before the war of the underworld, the fire of the sun on the emperor of wanyang world was burning violently, and the cold ice on the emperor of bingsoul world could not be suppressed and burst out, turning into a snow storm.

The black fog is difficult to maintain the face. The emperor of the evil ancestral world boils, and the deformed monster continues to wail and scream.

"According to the original gambling, in the end, I lost a total of 30 super world forces."

Hearing this number, I was startled even though I was prepared.

What is the concept of the power of 30 super worlds?

It is estimated that none of the world kings of the super big world can produce the power of 30 super big worlds, which is equivalent to cultivating 30 super big worlds.

The king of the key gate said slowly, "from the evaluation price, it is clear that the gem in front of us is worth the power of 30 super worlds. There is no problem at all. Do you have any objection to this price?"

The king of the key gate turned and looked at Li Chongming.

Li Chongming is very encouraged for it. Is it possible to "be encouraged and strong, that's it!"

Why don't you fart? What's meant by trying to be strong? Although the total amount of world power contained in gemstones is small, it is probably equivalent to the power of ten super worlds. The problem lies in quality, not quantity.

This is the precious existence of the power to surpass the super world. The power of the super world often exists, but the power to surpass the super world is difficult to find.

The power of the super big world can find ways to pay some price or get it. Surpassing the power of the super big world is something that can't be started no matter what the price.

It's hard to estimate how much this will improve the world.

The king of the key gate world nodded and said, "since there is no objection, according to the original agreement, the booty of you, including me, belongs to the emperor of the Chongming world."

The emperor of wanyang world, the emperor of ice soul world and the emperor of black fog world stared at Li Chongming, as if they wanted to eat him raw.

Why didn't you think that after the war of the underworld, there would be such a valuable booty? No wonder the emperor of Xiaogu world would take risks with his own body and take it with his own life.

This is a key that can make yourself go further and even reach the level of the king of the key gate world and the king of the chaos world.

In addition to the chaos world emperor and the key gate world emperor, several world emperors present regretted that they should not have been greedy for a small bargain and directly exchanged the first booty for it.

Although the gambling debt is very heavy, it is not that they can't afford it. The king of keygate has promised to share half. They only need to take out the power of three super worlds to pay this gambling debt.

But they are too arrogant. Why do they think they should give you the power of a new super world? We still want to extract value from you.

Who would have thought that the value of the first booty was so high that it was the power to surpass the super world.

Now I regret the gambling agreement I promised. In addition to the chaos world emperor and the key door world emperor, several world emperors stare at Zhang lie. If the eyes can kill people, Zhang lie has died hundreds of times.

It's all this guy!

It's fifty times what I said at the beginning. This bastard definitely calculated everything from the beginning.

It's no use regretting now. Except for the chaos world emperor and the spoon Door world emperor, several world emperors are like eating lemon. They are not sour.

"According to the original bet, they return the power of the three super worlds. In other words, the share of a booty is equivalent to the power of the three super worlds!"

"I have two distribution shares here, which is equivalent to the power of six Super worlds, but at the same time, I still owe the power of 15 super worlds to the emperor of Chongming."

Zhang lie's saliva couldn't help flowing out after the calculation of the king of the key gate world.

"In other words, even if I take out all my share of distribution, I still owe nine super worlds," continued the king of the key gate world

Li Chongming waved his hand and said, "no, the king of the key gate is willing to take out the spoils and distribute the share, so he can return it."

The king of the key gate world smiled coldly: "want to sell me a favor?"

Li Chongming was stunned.

Li Chongming did have this plan, but the king of keygate did not intend to appreciate it.

"Is it too arrogant? My favor can't be exchanged by the power of just nine super worlds."

The king of the keygate world obviously came prepared. He directly took out nine light balls full of the power of the super big world and pushed them out and said, "take it, you deserve it."

After receiving nine light balls full of the power of the super big world, Li Chongming was stunned.

Just now, he thought he was a poor man. As a result, the surprise came so fast that he couldn't catch it.

The ups and downs of life are really exciting.

I was just a poor man. Now I may be rich enough to rank third. As long as I can press the first prize, the condensate that surpasses the power of the super world can even rank second.

Looking at the nine light balls full of the power of the super big world floating in front of Li Chongming, except for the chaotic world emperor and the key gate world emperor, the mouth water of several other world emperors almost stayed, and their eyes were full of jealousy.

Li Chongming will be jealous if he gets the power they want to surpass the super world.

You don't need to be the first to take part in the chaos world, but you don't need to laugh at the chaos world if you want to take part in the chaos world

Fortunately, there is the emperor of chaos, otherwise the other emperors will definitely be jealous.

But everyone present did not expect that the answer of the chaotic world emperor was: "give me the power of two super worlds."

The crowd turned their heads and stared round.

Just now, the king of keymen has said that the condensate beyond the power of the super world is equivalent to the value of the power of 30 super worlds.

As long as the emperor of chaos can come up with more than 25, up to more than 30 super worlds, even Li Chongming and Zhang lie can't resist.

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