Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1155

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:31:55 AM

Chapter 1155

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Zhang Hanshuang also wanted to invite one of the extreme team to dance. As a result, they were rejected by the extreme team.

Are you kidding? Going dancing with Zhang lie's sister is not a good thing if brother lie misunderstands something.

I don't know how long it took for the banquet. Suddenly, the emperor of chaos issued a chaotic and harsh voice: "it's almost time for you to dance. It's time to enter the theme of the banquet."

The dream witch said excitedly, "the climax is coming."

The guests are looking forward to it one by one. They have written the word "expectation" on their faces.

The guests made way in the hall.

The emperor of chaos said, "now enter the true banquet."

The guests roared one after another.

The emperor of chaos said, "Zhang lie and you, next you are the real protagonists. Are you interested in performing?"

Zhang lie asked, "is it a talent show?"

If you have the ability to fight with chaos, you have the unique ability to fight with chaos

right enough.

Zhang lie looks at the Witch of dreams.

The Witch of the dream stood up and said, "every time we hold a banquet, the special guests invited by the leader will fight with us and have in-depth communication through battle."

The emperor of chaos said, "if you win, I will give you a rich reward."

Sun Xiaowu asked, "what are the rewards?"

"A wish."

After hearing a wish, everyone in the extreme team was excited.

What tempting words.

Sun Xiaowu hurriedly asked, "is it OK to have any wish?"

The emperor of chaos said: "of course, not all wishes can be achieved. As long as the wishes can be realized in the three thousand world, they can be achieved."

Sun Mengmeng hurriedly asked, "the dead Su Sheng also reversed time and space?"

The emperor of the chaotic world said, "I said that as long as I am in the three thousand world, there will be no problem. If you say that I can revive the people who died outside you, I can't do anything. After all, I'm not a God."

As long as all wishes can be achieved in the three thousand world, isn't this the God in the three thousand world?

There is also a deep understanding of the strength and terror of the chaotic emperor.

The emperor of chaos world said, "however, don't put forward too cunning wishes. If someone puts forward a hundred wishes, it's a trick on me. Don't blame me for shooting to death."

Zhang lie asked the most important question.

"What if you lose?"

The emperor of chaos said, "it's not a punishment, but to join us and become our companions."

right enough.

The Witch of the dream said that it was not so easy for the chaotic world emperor to give up. That's what she meant.

The Witch of dreams whispered and whispered: "the leader is a very persistent guy. If he thinks it interesting, he will be accepted as his own companion. In a sense, the leader has a habit of collecting, so you can give up."

The king of chaos said, "dream witch, even if you don't lower your voice, I can hear it."

The dream witch spits out her tongue.

The emperor of chaos asked, "do you want to participate?"

The Witch of the dream replied without hesitation: "of course, it's rare to have a banquet. This time, there are nine interesting guys. Of course I'm going to attend."

The emperor of chaos asked, "Zhang lie, are you willing to have this gambling fight?"

Zhang lie hesitated immediately.

Although it sounds very good to have a wish, being able to become a companion of the emperor of chaos is not a weak hand. It is certain that they have outstanding abilities. They also have all kinds of strange abilities and origins. The weakest one is the degree of Hong Ruoxi.

The dark one sneered: "how dare you?"

"If you don't dare, just join in. We won't dislike it," the curtain breaker sneered

The race mother tree said, "in the final analysis, what kind of Terran, that's all."

"It seems that the special guests of this year are not very good," North said

The overlord of different dimensions said, "if you don't dare, go back and don't lose face here."

The man who broke the curtain said, "chief, I'm wrong. Such a coward is not qualified to join the demon temple."

The mother tree of the race said, "I dare not even fight. That's the only degree."

Sun Xiaowu stepped out: "who said we didn't dare!"

Zhang lie hurriedly held: "Sun Xiaowu, what are you doing?"

Yang Ze walks to sun Xiaowu's side.

"Brother lie, we also have a temper."

Li Feng followed up and said, "if someone talks about this level, if you don't do it, you won't be a man."

Sun Mengmeng said, "with me, I'm very interested in the promise of the emperor of chaos."

Zhang Hanshuang said, "it's still a step slow. I've long wanted to jump out."

Zhou Ying said: "anyway, losing is just joining the demon temple. Although I don't want to, it's not too much punishment."

Hong Ruoxi said discontentedly, "what are you talking about, sister Zhou Ying? As a Terran gene warrior, how can we be defeated by those monsters in the third world after being trained by the teacher? Now we should think about what reward we want after winning."

The crowd stepped forward one after another. Zhang lie shook his head helplessly and followed the footsteps of the crowd.

"I am too timid. Compared with thinking about how to lose, I should think about how to win. The reward of a wish is really exciting."

Zhang lie's eyes radiated light and his whole body was raised to the extreme.

Fang Yi said, "we're in this gambling fight. I don't know if the guy who just provoked us dares to do it now."

The dark one sneered: "hehe, who dare not go up."

The one who broke the curtain said, "see the power of the demon God hall. Give in to our powerful power."

The emperor of the chaos world said, "very good. Who else will join in addition to them?"

Many guests raised their hands one after another. The emperor of chaos finally chose random selection. Finally, the star feast and the moon with thousands of faces were selected.

Zhang lie asked, "who will take the first shot in the first game?"

"I'll do the first." Hong Ruoxi strides out.

Here comes the dark one.

Super BLUEWING bird soul jade!

Super moonlight pig soul jade!

Super fire feather fox soul jade!

Super heavy bright bird soul jade!

Fully armed, Hong Ruoxi is now shining brightly.

If Hongxi summons soul jade, the left feather fan is surrounded by the breeze, and the right long sword is shining with moonlight. Behind him is a peacock screen, full of brilliance. The eclipse field of the moon is open all over the body. Under his feet, he steps on the white field of the moon, surrounded by flames. Behind him, the black sun wheel appears, which complements the white field of the moon under his feet.

The hurricane dances wildly. The light of the sword on your right hand is like the hazy moon. The green feather fan fans fan. A strong wind rolls straight. The moonlight sword dances. The sword Gang cuts out like a crescent moon. The strong wind and the crescent moon are one.

The dark one holds his hands high, the darkness is like the tide, and the dark red energy is like a polluted river, semi transparent.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!