Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1384

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:27:03 AM

Chapter 1384

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Zhang lie asked: "the space between reality and illusion?"

"I can say so, but I can't say so. I don't know the specific principle. After all, it's something we don't have in the galaxy. The technology used is called real projection. The damage suffered in that space will be directly fed back to the spirit. If you die in that space, your spirit will be seriously damaged. It's difficult to recover without cultivation for three or five years."

Everyone nodded.

Don't ask heaven: "in addition, part of the benefits obtained in that world can be directly projected into this device."

Zhang lie asked, "can you bring the objects in the game, no, in the special space, to reality?"

He shook his head and said, "it's not so exaggerated. It's just part of the influence. It's not on the spirit, but on himself."

Sun Xiaowu scratched his head and said, "you're confusing me. You can give me an example directly in terms of spirit and yourself."

Don't ask heaven: "for example, the top ten awards of the universe rookie Cup..."

Zhang lie asked, "in addition to Xingyu life flower, are there other rewards?"

Don't ask heaven: "yes, in addition to the life of Xingyu, the top ten of the universe rookie cup can also get a chance of gene expansion."

"What's that?"

"It's similar to the extreme genetic potion you created in the galaxy," he said without asking the sky

Zhang lie was surprised and said, "what kind of gene can increase the number of genes?"

Without asking the sky, he smiled and said, "you'll know after you try."

Don't you even have such information, senior Zhang

I don't know. You don't know. I was brushed down in the primary election. I just heard that it's mysterious. What can get gene expansion will stand at the peak of the stars. In fact, rookies who get gene expansion will become strong as long as they don't die halfway. I also know a little about the specific principle. I guess it's similar to your extreme gene medicine

The crowd was speechless.

You look like an expert. As a result, you don't know anything.

It's useless!

Don't ask heaven: "however, it is said that the higher the ranking, the better the benefits."

Sun Xiaowu raised his hand and said, "senior, I've just heard 'Milky Way' from you several times. I've always wanted to ask, are you a strong man in the Milky Way universe?"

Don't ask the sky. This time I didn't play Tai Chi and nodded.

Sun Xiaowu asked, "why do you master so many technologies that the Milky Way universe does not have?"

Don't ask the sky and sigh: "when you get to the fifth world, you will naturally know everything. It's cruel, but you must face it directly."

Sun Xiaowu asked, "elder, you always say the fifth world, so you should always reveal where the fifth world is, what kind of place it is, and what is your identity in the fifth world?"

He shook his head and said, "you will know everything after you are promoted to the fifth world."

Sun Xiaowu guessed: "so, elder is a big man in the fifth world?"

Don't ask the sky, smile mysteriously: "when you are promoted to the fifth world, you will naturally know."

No matter how you ask, if you don't ask, you always answer. After you are promoted to the fifth circle, you will naturally know that people feel like punching on cotton. There is really no way to get more information, so they can only give up.

Sun Xiaowu pointed to the way: "you said that such a magical device, why is it like a coffin? Can you always say it?"

Don't ask the sky to stand up: "I can only order this one. What can I do?"

This thing is ordered?

Don't ask the sky, wave your hand and say, "there are more than ten days to go before the rookie cup. Zhang lie won't say first. Your strength is not enough. You should train well."

Sun Xiaowu asked, "how do you train?"

Don't ask heaven: "just before I was in the trial space, I left the equipment of the original training plan. I can deploy all kinds of strong enemies to fight with you, and I can also fight with my own shadow to see the shortcomings."

Sun Mengmeng asked, "have you ever had a training plan?"

Don't ask the sky and sigh: "speaking of this, it's my sad history. I once wanted to cultivate a strong person by myself... Don't say it, saying more is also tears. Anyway, it's useless for the equipment to stay here. It's just used for your cultivation. Although it's a little different from what I expected, you are all good materials. You can still improve your strength by one or two points in more than ten days."

Sun Mengmeng raised his hand and said, "senior, there's no problem in cultivation, but can you let us have a rest first? We've just finished fighting with the remnants of the strong in the challenge arena. To be honest, we're a little tired, especially the remnants of brother lie. It's terrible."

The extreme team nodded one after another.

Don't ask the sky to recall: "indeed, after the battle just now, it's not suitable for training. I'll prepare a place for you to rest and food. What don't you like to eat."

Sun Xiaowu gave a white look and said, "senior, do you think we gene warriors from the first world, touching, climbing and rolling to the fourth world will not like to eat?"

The gene warriors from the first world to the fourth world are characterized by eating goods.

Yang Ze touched his stomach and said, "as long as you have a stuttering, don't be too bad."

Don't ask heaven: "then the ultimate gene animal meat. I have a lot of survival, high energy and protein, and high nutritional value. Even if the ultimate gene is completed, it is also a good food to restore physical strength."

With a flash of light, he left without asking the sky.

Sun Mengmeng asked, "brother lie, what do you think of this master who doesn't ask heaven?"

Zhang lie frowned and said, "I can't say my opinion. I've been observing, at least for the time being."

Sunxiaowu was stunned and asked, "is there any possibility that this elder will harm us?"

After hearing that the galaxy has never mastered the universe, Mingze said, "we can't even smile when we have heard that the galaxy has never been the fifth place in the universe."

Zhang lie nodded and said, "what Yang Ze said is exactly what I want to say."

Li Feng asked, "what about the universe rookie cup?"

Zhang lie's eyes revealed self-confidence and overbearing: "take a look first and take the first place."

Seeing that Zhang lie was so confident, the extreme team naturally settled down and smiled.

"Since brother lie said so, let's take a look first and arrange the top ten easily."

With a flash of light, don't ask the sky appeared in front of you: "your rest place is ready. By the way, I'll put the reward in your respective rooms."

Without asking the sky to lead the way, they went to a chic small building.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!