Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1502

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:24:26 AM

Chapter 1502

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Although the void has split and the void slash appears, which will explode infinite powers, different from everyone's imagination, there is no previous explosion.

The silver and gold rays are intertwined, and the light source force forms an independent world. Although the great void splitting power breaks the holy world, it does not affect the outside.

The power is wrapped by the independent world formed by the light phase source force. The void big crack and explosion power can stimulate the sword light in the holy world. First, a blazing lightning burst.

Then, like the sword light punished by the God of heaven, it exploded one after another, and its power was more powerful than expected!

The thunder of the sword rushed to the fairy King candidate along the halberd, which shocked his body. At this moment, his body burst into endless divine light, and the power was instilled on the armor to block it.

The lightning was blazing, crackling, and the silver feathers were blazing, extremely gorgeous, and the feathers were flying. Glittering and translucent, like light rain, just like eclosion, the treasure clothes are shining, and the sword meaning thunder is absorbed by Xianyu battle armor.

The Silver Feather emits a dazzling silver glow, and each feather has the same sword spirit.

"Xianyu battle armor!"

As an alternate of the fairy king, he also has this suit, which is the equipment of the ninth generation of the fairy king.

"Sky covering sword · dragon broken!"

The sword light cuts out a silver dragon sword gang.


The giant dragon roared and shocked the world. The silver dragon sword was stabbed out and the sound of dragon singing came out. A fuzzy light and shadow real dragon appeared and circled around the furnace body, raised its head and roared, refining the void and crushing the immeasurable divine power!

Although the void exploded, it was crushed and could not spread to all directions and hurt Li Feng.

The silver dragon sword Gang whirls and rushes straight over. The fairy King's alternate battle halberd rung dissolves the attack

The sword cuts the stars and the moon!

Li Feng's attack speed is very fast. He speeds up the pace of attack, and the trend of breaking the sky and the earth spreads. The sword light is as bright as the scorching sun.

The sword light cut the sky, the stars fell, and the huge sword light rose into the sky, as if the sky was divided into two.

The fairy King candidate who was injured several times can only resist hard. The void explodes, the stars explode, and the sword light explodes.

The alternate fairy King retreated again and struggled to stabilize himself.

Sky eating sword · breaking the sun!

The sword light surged and the sword intention broke the Kyushu. The sword power was surging and surging. The sword light crushed the light of the sun and replaced it with silver light. The sword light tore the stars. The fairy King candidate was not comparable to the fairy King nine generations after all. The halberd was waved and collided with the sword light, the void exploded, and the sword light shone on the sky.

The fairy King candidate realized that he could not be suppressed any more and wanted to regain the initiative. The halberd crossed the void, the real Phoenix was singing, and the Cabernet Sauvignon was shining for nine days.

Li Feng collided with his sword, the light exploded in the sky, the void collapsed, and the two sides clashed violently.

Heaven eating sword - earth breaking!

On the body of the light dragon, the sword opened for nine days. The sword power was turbulent, the sword power was vast and surging, and the sword light crushed the sunlight.

The sword light is stronger than the light of the sun, moon and stars. The sword meaning is as solid as the essence, and the sword light is like a towering dragon, with the sword meaning of tearing the sky and splitting the earth.

After cutting out the earth, the star rain was broken, and collided with the halberd tearing the void again. The fairy King's alternate hands shook violently, and his momentum was suppressed step by step by Li Feng.

However, the alternate Immortal King is worthy of being one of the heirs of the ancient immortal hall. Although he is at a disadvantage, he still plays back and forth with Li Feng, and the defense is tight. Now Li Feng is only the most critical move to win.

The sword cuts the stars!

The sword light is like a blazing sun. The power of breaking the sky and the earth spreads round and round. It is beyond the point of cutting off rivers. It is already the level of cutting off stars.

The sword light collides with the halberd that breaks the void. The sword light extends all the way to break through the power of the void explosion and collapse. The fairy King's alternate horizontal halberd resists, and the whole person is shocked to fly.

Originally, the fairy King alternate was injured many times in the confrontation with Li Feng. As the war continued, his injury became more and more serious, but the fairy King alternate didn't mean to give up the battle, just like the injured mad dog jumping on it again.

In front of him, there was not only an enemy named Li Feng, but also nine generations of Immortal King standing behind him. As long as Li Feng was killed, he could seize the throne of Immortal King.

This is his only chance in life, the first and only chance after losing to the ninth generation of Xianwang.

He can't give up!

Holy dragon transformation

The silver light renders the whole heaven and earth, and the source force condenses into white and silver scales, such as a silver armor. There are antlers on the head, with the characteristics of a dragon, surrounded by silver light, and each hair emits white and silver light.

Li Feng gathered a large number of light source forces and broke out a strong combat effectiveness.

When the sword is cut out, the light of the sword is like a dragon.

After a short time of promotion, the sword blade can be waved at an amazing speed. The sword light cut from a short distance is like thousands of streamers.

The speed of the light phase is increased, and the speed is increased to the extreme under the change of the holy dragon. It seems that Li Feng has evolved into a 10000 heavy figure.

The attack speed is not only fast, but also the sword light is sharp, just like thousands of sword lights exploding in an instant.

The fairy King candidate was unilaterally suppressed by the extremely fast Li Feng. He didn't even have the power to fight back. Scars kept appearing on his body. In order to open the distance and fight for the opportunity to fight back, the fairy King candidate turned into a powerful humanoid creature with his own blood.

But Li Feng's speed is faster, no! This can no longer be described quickly. Li Feng's sword has exceeded the concept of time.

Sky eating sword - Divine destruction

The silver light is like the surging waves, the back waves push the front waves, and the rows of tide clusters are like silver white holy dragons.

The golden silk thread is integrated into it, and the force of cause and effect is attached to it. Like the sea of Aurora, it is unpredictable, illusory and real. It seems contradictory, but it is therefore beautiful. The ocean seems to have a gap between illusory and real, which can't be touched.

That constantly changing and psychedelic light fascinates everyone.

At the intersection of reality and illusion, it's better to say that the power penetrates the end of illusion and reality, and the sword light flies past like thousands of holy dragons.

Beyond time, beyond space, beyond illusion, beyond reality.

At this moment, time becomes meaningless under Li Feng's sword.

When Li Feng wielded this sword, the action of the fairy King candidate and the humanoid creature transformed by silver blood slowed down.

It's not that the action slows down, but that time becomes meaningless under the sword of Li Feng.

Not only space, but also power.

Illusion and reality are intertwined and intertwined with each other. This is a force that has gone beyond the dimension. Illusory gods can kill in the new Yang.

This is the power to kill legends and turn legends into reality.

Illusory and real intertwined, time was suddenly erased.

The humanoid creature transformed by silver blood was wiped out at once. The sword light swept away, the thunder exploded, and the immortal feather battle armor was transformed into silver light fragments, which exploded and scattered, with glittering silver blood beads.

"The last blow!"

The sword is held high above the head, and the light of the sword shines and startles the world.

The fairy King's alternate was injured again, and the fairy feather battle armor was damaged with the previous sword, so it was difficult to use Li Feng's sword.

The dazzling light converged on the sword, eclipsed between heaven and earth, and the world became dark, as if the light had been deprived. With Li Feng as the center, the surrounding area had a brighter light than the sun. The light was stronger and stronger, and the momentum became stronger and stronger.

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