Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1588

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:22:23 AM

Chapter 1588

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The dark vanishing force surged up the billowing waves. Looking at the distance, the sky and the sea were connected, boundless.

A sword opens the sky!

The darkness was blown away, the boundless Black Sea was divided in two, and ketayat was cut in the middle.

"Power doesn't mean everything, and its nature is not invincible. The application method is also very important. Even if the weak power is used well, no one can stop it."

On both sides of the Black Sea, two human shapes formed by devoid force grow at the same time. Although they are human shapes, they look like human beasts. Ketayat on the left sneered: "that's just what people with insufficient strength say."

Ketayat on the right: "as long as you have enough strength, everything can be under your feet."

Sun Xiaowu, who watched the war on the spacecraft, said, "I know this. It's called making great efforts to work miracles."

The nature of the Black Sea on the right changes again and turns into a sea composed of the force of space.

The vanishing force turns into sea waves, pushing forward and surging back to form huge waves.

When the wind blows violently, the force of space is like a raging tide. The back waves push the front waves. Rows of space forces turn into huge waves and rush towards them. The sound is like thunder and the momentum is like ten thousand horses galloping.

As they galloped by, they set off waves one after another. From a distance, they looked like countless roaring dragons, and the whole sea was surging.

The sea breeze is blowing a sharp "horn", and the power of space seems to be thousands of iron riding warriors, leading "thousands of troops and horses" and shouting. A huge stone weighing a thousand kilograms will be crushed as long as it is brushed gently.

The power of space is stacked one after another. From a distance, it looks like a flying sea demon, like thousands of runaway horses, and the sea is surging.

Even in the extreme team, Yang Ze, who is best at the power of space, can't help but change his face. If he is himself, he can do better space operation, but he can't mobilize the huge power of space.

Mighty sword - Styx River

The temperature drops to the freezing point in an instant. The cold wind blows, and the black snowflakes float in the air, like a mysterious hell.

When a sword comes out, it is like the hell devil door is opened. The sword Gang instantly turns into the river of the terrible star, the dark river of the underworld is crisscross in the sky, and countless bloody starlights are intertwined. Take a closer look, it is not water and source power that make up the dark river of the underworld, but thousands of dark magic snakes.

The abyss of each ghost demon snake is dark, like a dark night, with stars in it. Each ghost demon snake is a small star river, intertwined with dense ghost demon snakes, as if in the yellow spring across the sky, guiding the dead soul into the sky and taking it away from the earth by the river of stars and ghosts.

Zhang lie's long sword fell, and the river of Xingming fell to the earth.

The sound of "Dangdang" can be heard all the time. Each dark demon snake is like a sharp blade, more like a meteor, cutting through the yellow spring of the stars and colliding with the two oceans of extinction and space.

The sea is roaring, the wind is roaring, and the collision of forces is almost the extent of destroying the sky and the earth.

In terms of power, ketayat has more powerful power, but in terms of techniques, ketayat can't learn anyway.

Perhaps, ketayat can assimilate itself and obtain the same nature of Zhang lie's attack energy, but it can't master Zhang lie's same techniques.

This is the advantage of gene warriors. Gene beasts can't master it.

In the final analysis, ketayat is just a beast with great power. He is at a disadvantage in front of advanced techniques.

"My strength is more than that."

The devoid power began to transform, and ketayat even mastered another high-level power nature - time.

The power of extinction is transformed into the power of time, and the Black Sea is transformed into the sea of time.

Endless time flows on it, and all substances will age rapidly. The power of the sea of space and the sea of time combine to become the sea of time and space.

The terrible power of time and space directly crosses the river of Xingming.

The light in Zhang lie's eyes is more prosperous and his war intention is high.

Towering sword - dark sea

The dark source force is like an abyss, more like the boundless universe. The starlight scattered in the dark source force is intoxicating.

The stars are dotted in the sky. The night turns into a roaring and furious sea. The strong wind makes the turbulent tide. The back waves push the front waves. Rows of black tides rush around. The sound is like thunder, the potential is like millions of heavenly horses, and the stars fly by like meteors. The whole star map is constantly changing.

Dark waves galloped past in unison, and the night sky set off waves one after another. The stars wriggled, and the night became layered. The aurora covered the sky, like a beautiful veil on the sky.

The starry night sea covers the whole sky. In the distance, it looks like there are two oceans.

The dark sea of time and space occupy the earth, just as the night sea occupies the sky, and countless stars and dragons soar in the sky.

This is a beautiful spectacle and a thrilling scene.

From a distance, it looks like countless roaring star dragons tumbling. The dark dragon seems to be the embodiment of the star river. The whole night sky is surging and thundering.

The stars and Dragons roam, the Black Sea and thunder forest are intertwined, and the aurora lasts for three thousand miles. It is so beautiful that people are intoxicated.

When a sword comes out, millions of stars vibrate, the sword Gang transits, and terror sweeps across the dark sea. The black sword light is like a roaring black dragon. The sword intention is surging and surging. The sword potential is like an aurora changing. The sword strength is like a hundred ghosts walking at night, and the sword spirit is like a thousand ghosts wailing. The bright sword awn is like countless meteors across the night sky. The sword Qi rippling the stars.

The whole night sky changes, and millions of stars and Dragons fall down from the sky. It is no longer described by rough waves. It is the legendary flood that broke a hole in the sky and destroyed the world.

The sea breeze blew a sharp "horn", and the Xinglong seemed to be thousands of brave soldiers, attacking fiercely and shouting loudly.

The power of time and space collides with the night sea of stars, the sea water is churning, the surging tide, the back wave pushes the front wave, the tide of time and space rushes around, the space goes out, the time is chaotic, the dark source force is surging, and the sea of sword light shines in the sky.

The waves of time and space fly by in unison. The power of space turns into a galloping horse. The power of time is like a flying blackbird, a star dragon swims away, and the dark source turns into a violent black dragon, whistling in the sky.

The collision between the two oceans set off waves one after another. From a distance, it looks like rows of flying egrets and countless roaring black dragons.

Like a golden flame, the Star Dragon burns in the bottomless sea of stars, constantly churns in the sea of time and space, and finally destroys in the sea of time and space.

The vast two seas are filled with dark source waves, and countless stars and Dragons dance disorderly. They fight in time and space. Between the impacts, they make a roar of collapse and earth crack, splashing dark waves. The dark tide is like a charging team, shouting and fighting with the sea of time and space.

The two seas fought for more than 50 rounds, and the crazy tide flood was full of shuddering terror and unfathomable mystery.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!