Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1976

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:13:58 AM

Chapter 1976

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The stars are densely covered and turn into a long river of stars.

Dark as the boundless universe, countless stars are dotted on it.

But the Star Dragon rushed into the sea of ice and fog and was frozen in the twinkling of an eye.

Seeing the cold current coming, Zhang lie was calm, his left arm suddenly tightened and retracted, the source force of his whole body retracted in an instant, and the Dragon shadow burst out suddenly.

Wave fist · hundred dragon dance!

In the thunderous roar of the dragon, the star river became a piece. Countless galaxies cut through the sky, the star dragons scattered, and hundreds of star dragons surged out. With their fists waving, one long Star Dragon rushed into the cold current.

Zhang Hanshuang sneered, "brother, do you think it's meaningful?"

Zhang lie said, "how do you know if you don't try?"

Zhang Hanshuang shook his head and said, "brother, pull out the sword."

The sword is Zhang lie's strongest. Before pulling out the sword, Zhang lie still doesn't take it seriously.

In the third world, Zhang Hanshuang didn't force his brother to draw a sword to cut his sister.

This time, I have to force my brother's sharp blade out of the scabbard!


This time, Xinglong didn't want to break through the ice and fog cold current. It was like the sea ice and fog rolling. Under Zhang lie's control, Xinglong collided with each other, entangled with each other, and even attacked and bit each other.

Zhang Hanshuang's face suddenly changed. She knew what Zhang lie was doing.

Zhang lie snapped his fingers.


With the collapse of scales, all star dragons burst into dazzling light, dazzling starlight, through the thick ice fog, and all star dragons exploded in one breath in the cold current of ice fog.

The dark source force erupts like an avalanche. The vanishing force shakes open the cold current and destroys all the cold frost. Snowflakes collapse in mid air. The vanishing force is like a black hole, swallowing everything in front of you.

Devoid of power, such as the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves and burying flowers with ice and snow, is an irresistible "general trend" for life.

The annihilation of space, the irresistibility of the body, the destruction of everything and the destruction of endless vitality, like pushing the world to the starting point.

However, the cold current of ice and fog did not sit and wait to die, and the chill was freezing and destructive.

If it's just a star dragon, maybe the cold of the snowy ice and snow world has suppressed the vanishing storm, but now hundreds of star dragons erupt, and the vanishing force is hundreds of times at the same time.

At present, it will become an energy competition in an instant. Is it the cold that first freezes the vanishing force, or the vanishing force that first destroys the ice and snow world.

The competition for energy ended with Zhang Hanshuang's intervention. The cold was boiling, like a fire burning, the cold kept rising, and his eyes turned into ice beads. With Zhang Hanshuang's hand, the cold froze and lost its power.

The cold air around Zhang Hanshuang broke out, and the cold air turned into a storm. With his fist, the cold ice storm turned into hundreds of dragons.

Zhang lie finally pulled out his sword. It was the first time he pulled out his sword in the face of his sister.

The bright sword light shines and illuminates the whole sky. The sword light sweeps across the sky, and the Dragon composed of hundreds of ice and snow storms dissipates. The sword light tears the heaven and earth, cuts through heavy snow clouds, and the sun shines with warmth. The sword light opens the sky and cuts a road in the snow clouds.

Zhang Hanshuang's eyes were cold, and the cold spread in all directions. The original warming temperature suddenly plunged again and returned to the freezing point.

Large snowflakes fell from the cloudy sky. Look at the snowflakes. They are exquisite. Then it was as white as jade, but there was a terrible killing opportunity hidden. A snowflake weighed as much as a kilogram, and no one could catch it at all.

The divine body burst into light, and the power of cold ice was deeply deduced. Cold regular fragments surrounded it, and a silver white sun appeared behind it.

But this round of the sun does not emit hot light, but extreme cold light, freezing the sky with ice and snow.

Zhang Hanshuang's whole body overflowed with white light, snow and ice danced, cut into the sky, and the silver sun boiled.

He opened his mouth and roared, spitting out a piece of white light, boundless and cold for a moment.

The world is frozen. The cold is terrible and contains deadly lethality.

Towering sword - chasing the waves!

The sword light of the stormy waves rushes out, the sword spirit is brilliant, and rushes up into the sky. The dark blue source force rushes out of the body and turns into a surging sea. The water phase source force surrounds the body and turns into a startling sword. It is a sword meaning beyond the understanding of ordinary creatures. It is grand and vast, like a vast mountain, like a raging sea, across ancient and modern times.

The sun was bright and roaring, one by one, like a god waterfall hanging in the air.

This place is shrouded in sword. It's bright and blazing. It's impossible to look directly at it!

This fierce and powerful attack makes people's soul tremble.


Heaven and earth resonate and roar.

The sword is like a rainbow and pierces the sky man.

The golden light is shining like a big day rising from the sea and suppressing the frost all over the sky.

The sword is shining brightly. It splits the snow all over the sky and looks like a fairy outside the sky!

The extreme cold is divided into two in front of Zhang lie.

The sword light wiped beside Zhang Hanshuang. If Zhang lie's sword was not his sister, but the enemy, he would be dead now.

Zhang lie didn't speak. He quietly looked at his sister to see how she made a choice.

Zhang Hanshuang still didn't give up. The chill condensed. Ice flowers under Zhang Hanshuang's feet grew on the white frost and spread all the way.

The snowflakes in the sky are flying rapidly, but the dust can't reach it.

Zhang Hanshuang takes out a cracked silver gem from the space soul jade, and the power of time flows on it. It is Zhang Hanshuang's booty in the underground palace.

With the drive of Zhang Hanshuang and the outbreak of his own cold ice force, everything in front of him was frozen.

The chill sweeps across the world, and the pale cold current like the tide drowns everything. Whether it is material, time, or cause and effect, the whole time and space are frozen.

The snow in the sky solidified in mid air, and everyone in the extreme team kept their original posture, one by one like petrification. Everything in front of them seemed to be covered with a layer of white ice and snow.

When Zhang Hanshuang saw Zhang lie standing still, he was so excited that he almost jumped up. Zhang Hanshuang walked over with his toes on the snow.

Zhang lie, who seems to have turned into an ice sculpture, looked left and right, waved in front of him, carefully poked his finger into his face, and saw that he didn't move at all. Zhang Hanshuang was excited, happy and proud. He took out an oily water pen from his pocket and was about to draw a big turtle on Zhang lie's face. Suddenly, Zhang lie's eyes tilted to Zhang Hanshuang.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Hanshuang jumped back hundreds of meters like a frightened rabbit.

Zhang Hanshuang said in horror, "brother, why are you all right?"

Zhang lie stood up and said, "time and space plus material freezing is a very good idea. It's just used to deal with my brother. It's a little short."

Zhang Hanshuang's ability to freeze everything has been exposed to the rule level. Even in the extreme team, only Fang Yi has just solved the space-time freeze. Yang Ze estimates that it is still a little short. It should be solved simultaneously with sun Mengmeng.

It can be said that with this skill alone, Zhang Hanshuang is qualified to stand beside the extreme team. In terms of strength, he is at the same level as the extreme team.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!