Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2272

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:08:45 AM

Chapter 2272

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Zhang lie gasped for a long time before he calmed down.

At this time, ten giant stone puppets of 200000 kg rushed towards him.

The source force is blocked and the body is aging. In everyone's opinion, it is impossible to beat ten 200000 kg giant stone puppets.

Even Zhang Hanshuang, who has always been full of confidence in Zhang lie, is worried about his brother.

In the face of ten 200000 kg stone puppets, Zhang lie pointed to the sword. The sword spirit was brilliant and rushed up into the sky. It was beyond the understanding of ordinary creatures. It was grand and vast. It was like a vast mountain, like a raging sea, across the ancient and modern times.

Even if the source force is lost and the body is getting old, the road and everything Zhang lie has gone through will not be eliminated from the world.

When there is no source power bonus, there is only pure sword meaning left.

The purest sword intention is also the most terrible attack and the most shocking attack.

The sword light broke out, one by one, like a divine waterfall hanging in the air.

This place is shrouded in sword. It's bright and blazing. It's impossible to look directly at it!

"Oh, my God! That's sword!"

The people present were shocked by Zhang Liejian's intention. The fierce intention of the sword made people can't bear to look directly at it.

This sharp and powerful sword idea makes people's soul tremble.


Heaven and earth resonate and roar.

The sword is like a rainbow and pierces the sky man.

The sword breath blew white hair, and the deep eyes showed a sharp sword meaning. People felt that standing on the stage was not a young challenger on the way to heaven, but an old swordsman precipitated by years.

Each sword is extremely sophisticated. Zhang lie takes one sword step by step. The light of the sword is like a tide, like a divine punishment, breaking through a 200000 kg giant stone puppet.


Another bell rang through the sky star college. On the stone pillars on both sides, the flame rushed into the night, broke through the sky and lit up the whole college, indicating that he had passed the customs.

"So fast, successfully passed the second level?"

"Is there a monster?"

Deep in the college, some people stood up, and several beauties on the stunning list were surprised.

As for the entrance of the college, a group of people had already been shocked, and then there was a lot of noise and hot discussion.

"I see. The test of the second pass is not the combat power, but the artistic conception and the level of cultivation of moves."

"It is possible that the test is other means of attack in addition to the power of heaven and earth and the power of the flesh."

"But the meaning of the sword is too exaggerated. The younger generation can't practice it at all?"

"I believe he is a monster hundreds of years and thousands of years old."


Zhang lie's previous performance was so amazing that more people came over one after another.

The road to heaven has not been opened for many years, and there are few people who can reach the second level, which naturally attracts people's attention.

Zhang lie stepped onto the ladder, and the time went back. In the twinkling of an eye, he returned from old age to middle age. Every step is like going back to time. When he stepped on the third platform, he has returned from middle age to old age, recovered at the life level and liberated the source force.

Zhang lie frowned tightly without a trace of happiness.

Previously, in the second level, for ten 200000 kg giant stone puppets, they had to block the source force, cut off the life level and aging their bodies. Now to the third level, they liberate the source force and recover their bodies, which does not mean that the third level is easier than the second level.

According to the difficulty comparison between the first level and the second level, the third level will be ten times and a hundred times more difficult than the second level.

In other words, the enemy Zhang lie has to face in the third level is difficult to defeat, even if it is to liberate the source force and restore Zhang Liesheng's level.

When Zhang lie stepped on the third high platform, the flame lit up on the three stone pillars. In a moment, the space of the high platform expanded and evolved into a gladiator!

A smelting furnace appeared in the center of the high platform. At the same time when Zhang lie stepped on the third high platform, the fire ignited and the high temperature twisted around. Zhang lie noticed that it was not an ordinary flame, but a divine fire!

The smelting furnace stretched out its limbs and head, and the high temperature erupted, and the divine fire rolled up the whole high platform.

Everyone below screamed.

"My God, it's a puppet in the divine realm!"

"Is it crazy for the college to put a puppet of Shenjing on the way to heaven?"

"The third pass is to guard the state of mind. Who designed the road to heaven? There's something wrong with your brain. This is not to open a window for genius. It's to let genius hit the muzzle of a gun."

Lin Nan sneered: "it seems that your brother is over."

"Hey, hey." Zhang Hanshuang couldn't help laughing.

Lin Nan frowned: "are you stupid?"

Zhang Hanshuang smiled and said, "I was worried that the third level would be very difficult. Now I find there is no need to worry."

Hong Ruoxi also said, "I'm also scared. The second level is so difficult. I didn't expect the third level to be so easy."

Lin Nan boasted, "that's the divine realm, the goal of countless people all their lives."

"It's just a pure realm."

Lin Nan said maliciously, "what a godly place? I thought you were stupid, but you were crazy. I just saw him drowned by divine fire. It is estimated that he has turned to ashes now. This is the consequence of overestimation."

Suddenly, the sea of fire turned upside down, and the divine fire puppet flew out of the challenge arena while everyone was stunned.

"Boom!" "When!"

The third bell rang and roared at the same time. The loud sound was like thunder and roared continuously, so that everyone couldn't help covering their ears.

In the light of the fire, under the hood, Zhang Hanshuang smiled confidently and said, "I told you, it's just a pure state. My brother can fly with his backhand."

Lin Nan was stunned.

That was the divine realm. It was not only the goal of countless people, but also the goal of most of the students present, but also Lin Nan's current goal. However, it was only a moment and was beaten away by Zhang lie.

This is no longer a person who speaks from the same height.

The target of most of the people present, the man on the high platform, is nothing more than a fist flying thing.

For others, the puppet in the divine realm may be a more difficult test than the second level. For Zhang lie, he will turn his hand and destroy it.

The divine fire is extremely hot to others. For Zhang lie, a monster who has experienced more than 2000 laws of fire burning, he doesn't even have a temperature. He can solve the puppet of the divine realm in an instant.

When the three pillars of fire burst into the sky, the whole college and even the satellite area could clearly see the flames, and the group of people in the depths of the college couldn't sit still.

"No, I've passed the third level. It's too fast. Is this really breaking through?"

Stepping on the step to the fourth high platform, sure enough, the pressure on the fourth step is four times heavier than before, but Zhang lie can still easily ignore it.

When Zhang lie set foot on the fourth high platform, the flames lit up on the four stone pillars. In a moment, the space of the high platform expanded and evolved into a arena!

The four flames converged in the center of the high platform and turned into a mark. Then the mark evolved into a person, holding a sword in one hand and wearing a silver robe!

Someone exclaimed, "it's that man!"

"Do you know?"

"It's Luo Jianchen!"

"In the legend of the college, that man!"

Zhang Hanshuang asked curiously, "who?"

"No, are you a student of the college? I don't know the legend of the college?"

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