Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2300

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:08:06 AM

Chapter 2300

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Zhang lie looks for the corresponding books in the library.

"It turns out that the current star sky cultivation system was created by the Immortal Emperor."

Zhang lie looks at the history of xiancang.

"The ten immortal emperors are in the sky and control the immortal Cang, but the blood of future generations will wither."

"The Immortal Emperor is the only one who cannot be inherited by future generations. He created immortal Dharma together, opened the way of becoming a God, and passed it on to all ages. His merits are profound and boundless, and his merits and virtues are bright for an era."

In short, the descendants of the Immortal Emperor could not inherit their power. In order to maintain the blood of the later generations, they jointly created the method of becoming a God, which was later spread and created the glory of the immortal era at that time.

According to the description in the book, the way to become a God can be compared with the Immortal Emperor at the end.

The survey found that the history of xiancang is only the first half.

Only ten immortal emperors jointly created the era of the reign of the Immortal Emperor. There are no records on how to flourish and how to be brilliant, but how to be lonely in the end.

It is recorded in the book that the Immortal Emperor is invincible in the world. No one can shake it. One thought can reverse the sky. It is impossible to imagine the heyday of the immortal era in the past.

Can there be an invincible ten immortal emperors? The once brilliant immortal era has become a history of the past and turned into a spray in the long river of time and space.

The ten immortal emperors disappeared, and the era of immortality came to an end.

Although there is no record in the book, Zhang lie has been to the virtual realm of the starry sky. He can guess some more or less. The destruction of the fairy age in that year is likely to have experienced a big war.

Zhang lie could not help thinking about what kind of enemy could destroy the brilliant xiancang era at that time. Even the ten immortal emperors who thought about reversing heaven and earth were not rivals.

Zhang lie plans to find a time to ask the dean. Perhaps as the head of Tianxing college, he will know more about what is not recorded in the book.

It took another week to fully master xiancang characters, and then began to learn the war god formula.

In the first sentence of the war god formula, write a sentence in vigorous and powerful words: "it's fun to fight with heaven, it's fun to fight with earth, and it's fun to fight with all things. Please fight! All the immortals and gods of all things in heaven and earth!"

Seeing the first sentence above, Zhang lie felt that the guy who created the formula of God of war was a madman. He wanted to compete with two lengs in everything.

It took Zhang lie a day to finally learn the formula of the God of war.

"What a genius and a ghost idea."

When Zhang lie finished learning the formula of God of war, he took a long breath.

The person who created the formula of God of war is too talented and gorgeous. It can't be described by searching the praise words in his mind.

The last time he saw such amazing talent and boundless against the sky, which shocked Zhang lie, was when he obtained the nine changes of Yulong.

"Said you two lengzi really contrast, you are the God in two lengzi!"

No wonder the dean said that this is invincible.

"This is really invincible."

Ares formula is not to control anything, let alone control techniques, but to be able to compare everything.

Not everything "wants" but everything "can".

This is beyond all laws, far beyond the understanding of physics. In the words of the Dean, it is above all mysteries and above all mysteries.

If you want to master a secret method, you don't need to learn it. Use the God of war formula to pull out the secret method for a battle. If you win, you can control the secret method.

If you want to master a profound meaning, you don't need to learn. Use the God of war formula to pull it out for a war. If you win, you can control it.

If you want to control a certain law, you don't need a little understanding. You can learn it over time and use the God of war formula to pull out the law. If you win, you can control the law.

How come you just think that a special cultivation technique is wrong because it is a way to control the profound meaning and secret method.

This thing is far beyond your imagination. It is not understood at the same level as the current arcane meaning and secret method. The influence of Ares formula is not the law, but the concept itself.

Zhang lie released the liquid metal celestial puppet, which was handed over to him by the former dean.

Previously, the dean said that the God puppet was not only his reward, but also his test. He wanted to turn the God puppet into his own thing.

Zhang lie had not fully understood what it meant before. After learning the war god formula, he had understood the intention of the dean.

Zhang lie put one hand on the head of the puppet and cast the war god formula on the puppet.

Cang ancient characters surround the body, with their own will as the bone and the power of the source force to move heaven and earth as the flesh and blood. In front of us, a rule Rune and ancient characters form a challenge arena, surrounded by metal liquid.

Liquid metal is like a waterfall hanging curtain, constantly creeping, as if it has vitality.

The challenge arena formed by the war god formula itself does not exist in reality. At one end of the challenge arena is Zhang lie and at the other end is the president.

Correctly speaking, it is the soul mark of the dean.

Zhang lie mastered the formula of the God of war. The moment he stepped on the challenge arena, Zhang lie knew what to do and rushed towards the dean's soul mark.

As soon as the Dean waved his hand, the surrounding liquid metal was attracted and turned into one magic sword after another. Zhang lie was besieged from all directions, and the terrible killing gas broke out.

The Dharma formula can pull the opponent's soul mark onto the challenge arena created by the war god formula. This challenge arena is located in the core of liquid metal puppets. As the master of this place, the dean's soul mark can get help here to a certain extent. In short, it is the home advantage.


Another powerful part of Ares formula is that it reflects almost all the users themselves on the challenge arena.

Standing on the challenge arena, Zhang lie is flesh and blood, with a powerful and invincible body outside. The metal sword was cut off by Zhang lie's palm and sparks splashed everywhere.

The Dean waved again, and the metal liquid around the challenge arena surged down and turned into various weapons. With the law, it was overwhelming and endless. Like a vast expanse of * *

The metal is endless and murderous.

The strong law inside turned into a river and sea, swept the world and encircled and suppressed Zhang lie.

Towering sword * *!

The sword is as bright as waves, and its potential is as continuous as the sea. The light of the sword turns into rough waves. The bright light of the sword divides the liquid metal in front of you into two.

When the Dean waved his hand, the stars shone and countless meteors fell, shining brightly on the whole challenge arena.

This skill has many powers and can kill most gods.

If the Dean himself stood here, even if he was separated, Zhang lie turned and ran away.

But the soul mark is different.

You can't beat yourself and your separation, and you can't destroy the mark of your soul.

Evil snake!

The black magic snake emerged from behind Zhang lie, just like the legendary black snake yemenga, which devoured the world. The source force composition was as solid as the essence, making a threatening rustle and scales.

The dark source force is like dark clouds around Zhang lie, like the sea roaring, exploding in 480 directions, swallowing meteors and drowning the whole challenge arena.

Zhang lie sprints in the black fog. The starlight keeps falling on the challenge arena. The light bursts. Zhang lie shuttles through the sky and rushes to the Dean himself.


The two collide, the black fog explodes, the stars dance, and fight for dozens of rounds quickly

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