Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2304

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:08:00 AM

Chapter 2304

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Zhang lie asked: "if elder martial sister said so, it is related to the star hunter who blew up the mine of the star Protoss?"

Just when Feng Shen was about to answer, Zhang Hanshuang hurried back.

"Something's wrong! Something's wrong! Something's wrong with my brother!"

Zhang Hanshuang's loud cry was heard from a distance. Zhang lie frowned tightly and appeared in front of Zhang Hanshuang in an instant by using the law of space.

"Your brother is fine. Nothing has happened."

Zhang Hanshuang gasped, waved his hand and said, "it's not my brother's accident."

"Take a breath first."

"There's no time." Zhang Hanshuang grabbed Zhang lie and walked out.

But Zhang lie was as motionless as a mountain, and Zhang Hanshuang couldn't drag it away.

"Explain to me what happened."

Zhang Hanshuang looked around and whispered to Zhang lie.

"Something happened to Fang Yi!"

Zhang lie has a strange expression.

Lying grass, separated less than half a month, there was an accident.

Fang Yi is really capable of making trouble!

At the beginning, after being separated from Zhang lie and others, Fang Yi set out to fight for freedom for the living creatures.

Fang Yi went to the starry sky to get more counter life stars.

So he embarked on the road of fighting for the freedom of creatures. He found those oppressed creatures and led them against power.

It didn't go well at first. Most of the creatures in the starry sky didn't trust Fang Yi, but he had the shelter of Marx and lived in a great country. He was nourished by the ideas handed down by his ancestors, and countless ancestors' struggle experience was used as a reference.

Natural human rights, equality for all, no one can deprive the right to be born free.

These words can play a leading role wherever they are.

Finally, red flags will be raised in the starry sky.

Of course, the most important thing is that Fang Yi has strong enough strength.

It's easy to have the fighting power to sweep under the gods and save the oppressed creatures on one or two planets.

However, Fang Yi's purpose is not to let freedom and equality spread in the starry sky and save countless creatures oppressed in the starry sky. His purpose is simple from the beginning, that is, to go against the stars.

Fang Yi asked that if you don't ask the sky, the counter life stars will be attracted by the counter life people and fight for freedom. People who fight against the destiny will virtually attract the counter life stars, or attract each other.

After half a month's efforts, Fang Yi successfully harvested a piece of counter life star.

Originally, Fang Yi thought it would be simple and smooth. It was just a power to oppress the living creatures. He wouldn't watch it and let Fang Yi fool around.

One of Fang Yi's resistance planets is ruled by the star Protoss.

After he beat away the divine residence of the star Protoss and rescued the creatures inside, but not long after Fang Yi left, the star Protoss came back, not only repressed again, but also took away a group of creatures.

Fang Yi didn't intend to watch. He gave up that group of creatures and followed them all the way.

After all kinds of intelligence and inquiries, Fang Yi knew that after the suppression of those creatures, the leaders and the creatures who were unwilling to surrender were escorted to a mining area of the star Protoss to dig as slaves.


In front, a silver flame rose and enveloped the land for several miles. There were creatures transporting ore and burned into ashes in an instant.

Fang Yi was awe inspiring and was more than expected about the harsh environment in the Xingshen mining area.

Although Fang Yi had collected a lot of intelligence before coming here, he had a psychological preparation for the mining environment of Xingshen family, but his heart was cold when he saw the immediate environment.

Where are we looking for coolies? It's really a different way of punishment.

In some areas, fires often rise, come and go quickly, strange and inexplicable, and there is no law at all.

The fire is burning, and only the God residence can walk calmly. When the God residence comes down here, it is completely suicidal.

Most importantly, this is not the core of the mining area, but the entrance of the mining area.

Xingshen divine mining area covers a wide area and is rich in rare materials. It is a very famous treasure land.

In the territory occupied by the star Protoss, the two most famous divine mines have been mined for many years.

Fang Yi sneaked in quietly. Several hours later, he looked at this place from a distance and looked at it silently. He was not very nervous. There was no God in the intelligence, and the strongest one was only the real God.

After all, the gods are superb. Generally speaking, they will not sit in the mining area. They will be offered by the forces to protect the forces.

In fact, the true God is enough. Even if the star Protoss has declined for nearly ten thousand years, it was once brilliant in the starry sky. In which era did the star myth lay a great foundation for the star Protoss? Even if the younger generation lost their family again, it is also the last of the first-class forces. Few people dare to grab food from the tiger and come here to seize mines.

Fang Yi is fearless. In terms of escape speed, he is second only to Yang Ze in the team. He can walk away even when he meets the God of heaven.

Instead of rushing to make a move, he turned from one place to another and looked at the two most famous sacred mines to observe the terrain.

In the mining area, I saw countless creatures mining in the mining area with bracelets and foot chains. These people had resisted the star Protoss, or were once the enemies of the star Protoss. They were thrown into the mining area and mined ore.

After the torment of the protoss without age, each one was as thin as firewood, with empty eyes, like walking corpses.

Fang Yi found that the two mining areas are not simple, vertical and horizontal. Each mine cave is not mined indiscriminately. The two mining areas reflect each other and coincide with Yin and Yang, like a large array.

However, Fang Yi doesn't know much about the Dharma array. Although he has studied for half a month, the time is too short after all. He just knows something and can't see why.


Suddenly, Fang Yi was surprised and saw that there was a strange smell in both divine mines, which looked very unusual.

"Something unusual." Fang Yi looked at it carefully. It was silent. After waiting for a long time, he found a trace of white fog steaming up from the ground again. It was very light and empty.

What's underground? Fang Yi wondered.

He didn't do anything, so he hid here and went deep into the two divine mines.

Fang Yi is surprised that the two divine mines are not guarded by real gods, which is completely different from the information obtained before coming.

"Did something happen?"

Without the guard of the true God, Fang Yi can't be found under the divine realm. Those people under the divine realm haven't reacted yet and are quietly killed by Fang Yi.

Fang Yi has also found the creatures captured by the star Protoss. However, Fang Yi is not in a hurry. He wants to see what happened to the star Protoss.

Fang Yi went deep very smoothly and found a huge cavity under the ancient mine. In fact, it is closely guarded. There are ten people in the true God alone.

The cavity is located between two ancient mines.

This was what he saw, which surprised him. Generally speaking, the true God came here only to sit in town. How can he keep patrolling?

"I'm afraid something's going to happen here."

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