Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2324

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:07:30 AM

Chapter 2324

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Xing Protoss immediately fried the pot. Xingyou was beaten so badly. It's unimaginable that even the second strongest young man in the family can't stop Fang Yi. Is it only Xingyu?

The light in the real God's eyes of the star Protoss soared, and the fire soared into the sky. The murderous spirit filled the air. We need to kill the person in front of us at one stroke.

"You can't leave him!" The star Protoss has the true God cold sound channel.

This result is an unacceptable disgrace!

"Kill him!" Some people shouted and rushed up with weapons.

"Stop it!"

Xingyou is covered with wounds, bloody and angry. The power of time, chaos and lightning constantly erode itself from the wounds, and the sharp pain runs through the heart. Xingyou's face is distorted and ferocious!

"There's nothing to say. Don't be afraid. Just kill it!" Zhenshen broke out on the spot. He didn't want to bear it any more and asked for thunder.

This man robbed the rare treasures in their divine mine and continuously killed the true gods of the family, which is a naked target and humiliation.

"No!" Xingyou made a sound to stop it.

This is not just a matter of his personal dignity. If he can't kill Fang Yi, it's the turn of the star Protoss to attack. Even if Fang Yi is surrounded and killed in the end, the star Protoss will lose his face.

Defeating this person is not just about regaining your dignity. Also to recover the dignity of the Protoss.

"What are you talking about?!" The true God frowned, slightly dissatisfied.

"This is my fight. I don't want you to fight. I want to fight for the top!" Xingyou said, if he loses today, what face does he have?

"You've made progress."

Fang Yi again spoke proudly, as if looking up at Xingyou and not treating him as an enemy of his generation.

Not only in terms of strength, when Xingyou was in the rookie competition, but even Tiangang gun · Wushi couldn't stop it.

Other true gods would have died long ago, and Xingyou was holding on.

Of course, in terms of mentality, he is more mature and respected than Xingyou in the past

"I'm not the star you used to be!"

Suddenly, a fire burst out of the holy star.


The divine fire emits a thin and auspicious light. For a moment, it is red, purple and white as jade. It reflects incomparably bright here and interweaves with countless laws.

The light illuminates the whole sky, vast, holy, solemn and solemn, with a very grand atmosphere.


The power of time, chaos and lightning are all ignited by divine fire, turned into energy and finally dissipated.

"That's... The fatalistic star, no... it's the fatalistic fire!"

Everyone opened their eyes and looked at him. The divine fire covered his body, and the thin Ruixia reflected the holy harmony here, and there were laws resonating.

Many people have red eyes!

Fatalistic stars are rare things. Each piece can create a peerless master. People can't forget the legend of the starry sky.

However, the fatalistic stars that make the whole starry sky jealous are turned into divine fire by Xingyou as a fire.

What a luxury!.

Xingyou has undergone amazing changes. The broken limbs are reborn. Every inch of fur and bones are shining. They are in harmony with heaven and earth and laws. Standing in front of them is not a true God, but a god!

Someone exclaimed: "lighting the divine fire with fatalistic stars is equivalent to lighting the destiny into a God and dominating the fate of heaven and earth. The true divine realm is naturally invincible. Even in the celestial realm, it is estimated that few people are opponents. Only by participating in the return of the peak king of the virtual realm of the stars for many times can they compete with it."

"Who can check and balance this guy in the starry sky before the return of the peak king in the starry sky?"

"The realm of true God is invincible under the God of heaven, and the realm of God of heaven is invincible under the Lord of the star domain. It's a foul."

The powerful God who has great power saw it and said, "lighting the divine fire with fatalistic stars leaves a great hidden danger. It is impossible to touch that unspeakable level in a lifetime."

Light the divine fire with fatalistic stars. Although Xingyou itself coincides with heaven and earth, fate is also linked with heaven and earth.

This thing is mysterious. Xingyou can't do anything against the fate of heaven and earth. Although she has become the God of fate, she is also a slave of fate and a slave of heaven and earth.

"You are bound by heaven and earth." Fang Yi said calmly and pushed forward. His hair naturally scattered on his chest and back. His eyes were bright and confident.

"In the future, the stars will become destiny, and heaven and earth will not be able to bind me." Xingyou said coldly, with a low voice, like thunder, shaking the starry sky.

His body glowed, recovered to the peak state, and steaming, which was obviously different.

"You all stand back and don't do it." At this moment, the true God of the star Protoss showed a different color, his eyes were hot, and there was a kind of expectation.

"Are you willing to be the stepping stone of the stars?" Fang Yi asked.

"He will make a new legend of the starry sky. Let me clear your obstacle for him first!"

The starry sky was noisy, many people were shouting, and the noise shook the sky.

Not only did Xingyou turn the precious fatalistic stars into divine fire, but also because they were going to fight again.

Amazing things happened. The silver glow behind the stars shook the sky and scattered all the nearby clouds like a volcano.


Behind him appeared a pair of silver wings, huge and incomparable, shrouded in holy light and unparalleled. They scattered blazing white light, like endless light burning and burning stars arranged, which was more dazzling than the legendary wings of Blazing Angels.

"Star wings!" The voice of the true God of the star Protoss trembled slightly.

"No! It's different from the star wings of Xingyu!" A real God of the star Protoss found duaner.


Xingyou's body made a tsunami like sound. It was his blood flowing. Unexpectedly, it caused this kind of prestige. Some people who were shocked could not stand stably.


On its head, a pair of burning dragon horns are born.

"Star God horn!" A true God of the star Protoss was excited and his body was shaking slightly.


At the next moment, Xingyou appeared one armor after another, flashing brilliance. It was condensed by law, not tangible material.

"God's armor, it's done!" Many elders of the protoss trembled and were pleasantly surprised.

Then, they seemed to be relieved, no longer worried, no longer worried, and stepped back to watch the war.

"This is the legend of... The legend of the starry sky?" At the beginning, all ethnic groups were puzzled, but soon woke up and thought of the legend of the star Protoss.

Merging with the fatalistic stars is equal to being recognized by heaven and earth, and some gifted wizards can further lead to some transformation and surge in ability.

Some people can get star wings, star horns, and put on Sacred Armor, and can conquer the world!

This change is called the legend of the starry sky.

"No! This is not a star legend!" Someone shouted.

"I know there is still a big gap between this and the legend of the starry sky."

Even so, since ancient times, the star Protoss can come to this step, which is rare, and each one is extremely powerful!

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