Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2589

Published at 28th of November 2022 01:00:25 PM

Chapter 2589

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The Tianluo Immortal Saber is like a sea-breaking dragon, with the sword power of turning the world over, turning into a black dragon surrounding it.

The black dragon and the blood dragon rushed out at the same time, circling like a tornado.

The spinning black dragon and blood dragon turned into a black wave vortex, and the black and blood-colored light bands were intertwined.

The power of the blood moon and the black sun merged into it, and the rotating black dragon and blood dragon rushed out with the waves and turned into a black wave vortex.

The void cracked, the black gap surrounded the black vortex, and the scene was terrifying.

The vortex sucks all the attacks into it, then smashes it into pieces.

The vortex pushed it all the way, strangling the tree.

The wheel of time glowed, and in an instant, a dense forest of dark trees appeared in front of him, and the phantoms overlapped.

The vortex rushed past, and did not capture the real dark tree.

Thousands of black mists are intertwined, covering the sky like darkness.

Wave Fist · Hundred Dragon Dance!

Above the fists, the dragon shadow slammed out in the tossing.


Thunder-like dragon roars echoed, and hundreds of black giants rushed out, with waves that shook the heavens and the earth and destruction storms, the void collapsed, and the heavens and the earth trembled.

"Tianlei Shenfeng Legs!"

Hundreds of tree roots turned into long whips and swung out, causing the void to split open, and the dense attacks blocked all of Zhang Lie's escape routes.

The Guizang Sword and the Tianluo Immortal Sword intertwined, cutting off the black tree roots with wind and thunder.

The black dragon is mixed with the roots of the tree with wind and thunder, like a storm attack.

Dragon scale transformation!

The scarlet color like fire radiates the whole world. Zhang Lie is covered with red scales, like a red armor, with antlers on the top of his head, with the characteristics of a dragon, surrounded by red flames. If you look closely, it is not a red flame at all, but a derivative fire. The red transpiration water source power, the black sun wheel behind him, the blood-red moonlight under his feet, the aurora around his body, and the layers of starlight are like star yarns.

One hundred divine fire genes were ignited, and the whole body was enveloped in divine fire, surrounded by three thousand law flames, with a long tail growing behind him, his black hair burning like flames, a black rule formation above his head, and a bloody rule formation at his feet. , like a dragon descending into the world.

The fiery red transpiration water source is surrounded, like a dragon rushing into the sky.

A sword light slashed out, like a fire burning, the fiery red transpiration source was mixed with unpredictable aurora, and the blazing flame sword light slashed out.

The sword light is like a sky mark, and the fire of the law burns, instantly destroying the black dragon and the wind and thunder tree roots intertwined with waves, destroying all the way.

Mingshu felt a huge crisis, the leaves trembled, the scarlet blood pupils on it were aimed at the blazing flame sword light, and the blood-colored wave broke out, forcibly blocking the blazing flame sword light.

The sword contends, the body and soul are destroyed!

The sea of ​​soul power expands, covering Zhang Lie’s whole body in a blink of an eye. The sea of ​​soul power exudes colorful brilliance, just like the sea of ​​​​aurora, unpredictable, illusory and real, seemingly contradictory, but therefore beautiful, the ocean is like a gap between fantasy and reality. In between, people can't touch it, can't reach out and touch it.

The ever-changing and psychedelic light makes everyone fascinated by it.

The light of the knife in his hand burned, the source power of the crimson water zodiac was covered up, and the high-temperature steam of crimson was constantly steaming out.

The red high-temperature steam formed by the source force spreads out and turns into a red-red area, and the transpiration of the red water element, the source force, reveals a terrifying temperature.

The source power of the surging high temperature red water is not so much a domain space, but more like a red sea. Originally, the world of the trial space was taken away by the red color. It is estimated that ordinary creatures will be ignited in an instant just by approaching.

The high temperature distorts the space, and the line of sight passes through the ocean of the source power of the red water element. Everything you see is constantly distorted, like a turbulent sea. The scenery is constantly changing, affecting the level of reality and illusion.

Zhang Lie controls the sword that emits changing light with one hand, and the sword that surrounds the source power of the red water zodiac in the other hand.

The changing and unreal sea of ​​colorful souls collides with the ocean of high-temperature red source power. One exists in the illusory and real levels, and the other affects the illusory level with the power of the reality level, and distorts both the reality and the illusory level. .

The two forces collided at this moment.

The reality and the illusory level have a huge impact. The color-changing ocean is ignited by the red color, burning the fire of the soul whose light is constantly changing. Under the influence of the power of the soul, the red ocean has a higher temperature and emits a searing heat that stings the soul.

These two different forces, one is the power of illusion and reality, and the other is the power of reality, which affects the power of illusion. Obviously different forces, but with Zhang Lie as the fulcrum, they move forward and merge.

The disintegration of fantasy and reality becomes blurred, and the boundaries between dimensions and sub-dimensions begin to dissolve.

The light of the sword is like thousands of fiery horses running free, the light of the sword is like countless roaring dragons, the vastness and brilliance of the sword.

The waves flew by in unison, the unpredictable soul sea was like a galloping horse, and the color-changing soul flames were like raging dragons, roaring in the sky.

The dragon of the soul fire is flying on the red sea, and the high-temperature red source sea has set off one wave after another, layer upon layer, from a distance, it looks like a flaming phoenix spreading its wings in rows, and it looks like a group of flames spreading its wings from a distance. dragon.

The unpredictable aurora ocean, the flying colored flame dragons, the surging red ocean waves, contain Zhang Lie's powerful soul power and source power, as well as the sword stance and sword intent that have passed through countless Asura fields for countless years. .

The ocean of soul power seems to be in a sub-dimension. The source side of the red water zodiac is in the dimension where Zhang Lie is located. The two forces are so huge that they can affect the boundary of reality. At this moment, the two huge forces are integrated into one. Zhang Lie's sword was cut out.

The unity of swords and swords, including the power of the soul, as well as its own source power, will and accumulation of years, all turned into a tsunami.

The two forces collided together, twisted with the power of the sword, and turned into a turbulent vortex under the push of Zhang Lie. The power of two different levels really achieves the power to destroy the body and soul.

The dark trees erupted at the same time, and the black fog condensed into countless black spears. The black laws on the spears were densely packed. If the devil's fog was entangled, it seemed to dance with resentful souls. And the blood rose to the sky.

The demonic energy turned into millions of innocent souls flying in the sky, and the black mist condensed into a god's mansion, sitting cross-legged on each black spear, surrounded by law and flames, revealing the sky-high evil spirit.

The black lightning flashed, turned into a giant dragon, and flew in the air.

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