Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2708

Published at 28th of November 2022 12:56:34 PM

Chapter 2708

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Even if the environment here is comfortable and suitable for growth, as an immortal medicine, an epoch is just a flick of a finger, and it will pass in a flash, but after 3,000 epochs, the fingers are all smashed, and being bound for 3,000 epochs, I feel somewhat unhappy. .

For the person who trapped it, the immortal medicine is very complicated psychologically. It takes more than one person to escape the dark catastrophe and not be wiped out by the catastrophe. It should be grateful, but the same person trapped himself on the island again. can't leave.

Of course, not angry, the main thing is to beat.

Zhou Ying looked at Zhang Lie.

She didn't know whether releasing the elixir was a good thing or a bad thing.

My daughter Zhou Hui, why did she trap the elixir here, so rashly release it, wouldn't it be a bad thing?

"Everything is planned."

This plan is not Zhang Lie's plan, but Zhou Hui's plan.

Zhou Ying worried that it was not unreasonable. Her daughter put the elixir here, and no one knew what she wanted.

No one knows how releasing the elixir will affect the future. Does Zhou Hui have other arrangements?

Zhang Lie also thought about this question. In fact, Zhou Hui had already left a reminder in the Xiancang era.

Immortal Medicine said that Zhou Hui left a reminder that only a special knife could break the Immortal Golden Chain.

The Tianluo Immortal Saber did break the immortal golden chain, proving that the special blade that Zhou Hui referred to in the Immortal Cang era was most likely the Tianluo Immortal Saber.

Recalling the altar under Heiyuan, locating the current time and space, forming a space-time channel, also through the Tianluo Xiandao, it is obvious that this special sword is the most critical key, connecting Xiancang and the present.

If Zhou Hui really traveled to the age of immortals, what happened today would definitely be expected.

If the immortal medicine is released, it will affect the arrangement plan, and corresponding means and tips will definitely be left.

Zhou Hui not only did not leave any tips and means to stop it, but instead left an important reminder to break the golden chain of immortals.

According to Zhang Lie's guess, Zhou Hui arranged for Zhang Lie to break the fairy gold chain.

Without Zhou Hui's hint, Zhang Lie would not have thought of Tianluo Xiandao for a short time.

If Zhou Hui did not want the immortal gold chain to be broken, and would not leave a reminder of breaking the immortal gold chain, it could be guessed that the immortal gold chain was absorbed by the Tianluo Immortal Sword, which was part of Zhou Hui's unknown arrangement and plan.

"Congratulations, you are out of trouble." Zhang Lie stepped forward.

"With the help of my brothers, I can get out of trouble." Xian Yao said.

It always feels weird to be called a brother by an immortal medicine.

"It was said that the immortal gold chain was given to us, but it turned out to be a conspiracy. It felt like being cheated, and I felt a little uncomfortable."

With a bang, he flicked his fingers to fencing, and the sound was like the roar of a dragon and a phoenix. The white mist on the Tianluo Immortal Saber is hazy, unusually sacred, and the clouds and mists permeate into an illusory fairy gold chain, and the law emerges around the Tianluo Immortal Saber. The white fog was restrained, and it returned to its dull and dull state.

Zhang Lie said leisurely, "How sharp do you think the knife that absorbs the special immortal gold chain is?"

The Immortal Golden Chain did not disappear, but existed in another way, integrating with the Tianluo Immortal Sword.

Seeing the Immortal Gold Chain that bound it for 3000 Era again, Immortal Medicine hurriedly backed away.

Although the law chain has left the body, facing the immortal golden chain, the immortal medicine still has a kind of fear, just like the illusory immortal golden chain can trap it again at the next moment.

"I want to try it a little bit, what does it feel like to cut an immortal medicine?" Zhang Lie said while stroking the Tianluo Immortal Blade.

Immortal medicine shuddered and said quickly: "Thank you for your help, I deceived you before, and I feel really sorry. As compensation, I will give you a practice method from Xiancang."

"It's too rubbish for me to look at."

Immortal medicine is speechless to the extreme. If Xiancang era exercises are placed outside, the master of the star field can knock out the dog's brain, and any young supreme will be madly jealous when they see it, and it will trigger bloody battles among the major forces in the starry sky.

However, Zhang Lie's attitude was still unacceptable.

Facing the Tianluo Immortal Saber touched by Zhang Lie, the immortal medicine did not dare to attack.

"Directly to the natural avenue."

"A lot of breath."

This sentence was said by Zhou Ying.

As the inheritor of the World Tree, he has a deeper understanding of the natural avenue than anyone else. The natural avenue is as vast as a starry sky.

"As an immortal medicine, it is easier to feel the nature of the world than any living creature, and it has a unique understanding and perception. This exercise was originally left by that person. I spent 3,000 epochs interpreting the exercise and adapting it belongs to The herbal cultivation method, you can see the magic medicine in the medicine garden, they are all cultivated, and the results are good."

When I came in, I felt weird. It turns out that this medicine garden is really a sect?

Should it be called herbal pie or elixir pie?

There are indeed too many magical medicines in the medicine garden. It seems that not only the environment of the medicine garden is excellent, but also the cultivation method.

Zhang Lie suddenly became interested.

If you master this special cultivation technique, can you create an elixir garden outside the virtual realm of the starry sky?

Zhou Ying asked: "You said that person was the one who planted you in the Garden of Immortal Medicine?"


Zhou Hui!

This is after Zhou Hui planted the fairy medicine here, and left it to practice the cultivation method. It was definitely not easy.

"This includes my understanding of the natural world in the 3000th Era, as well as the exercises that contain the natural Dao left by the person in the Xiancang era, and the nine changes of herbal medicines that I have adapted." A seed, and a golden herb.

Black lacquer seeds look ordinary, while golden herbs look otherworldly by comparison.

The medicinal herbs emit a brilliant golden light and a delicate fragrance, which is very unreal, like a composition of energy, but also like a magic medicine.

This name always sounds familiar.

Zhang Lie frowned immediately.

Why is this name similar to Yulong Nine Changes, is it an illusion?

Thinking that it was Zhou Hui who stayed, then it was absolutely impossible that it didn't matter.

According to the immortal medicine, Zhou Ying poured her power into the herbs, and the golden herbs bloomed with dazzling light, like a burning sun.

The golden light extended, Zhou Ying poured the source energy into it from the roots, and the golden herbs bloomed with dazzling light, like a burning sun.

The golden herbs extend and grow rapidly, and the golden branches and leaves form ancient written records, and the means look very magical.

"What is recorded on the Dao of Nature?" Zhang Lie asked suspiciously.

"No, it contains the Natural Dao Cultivation Technique in the seeds."

Immortal medicine said: "The seed is the means of the immortal, and the knowledge is integrated into a seed by the secret method."

"Do you need special tools?" Zhang Lie asked suspiciously.

"Is it Thunder, or is it a network disk?" Yang Ze asked.

"Special techniques are needed," said the fairy medicine.

Zhang Lie couldn't help but imagine the scene of the Xiancang period in his mind. A friend made a voice transmission through the secret method of WeChat: I just watched a portrait broadcast, which was very exciting.

Send a seed through the secret method of space, unlock the seed with the secret method of Thunder, and you can see the video in the seed.

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