Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2736

Published at 28th of November 2022 12:55:47 PM

Chapter 2736

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"Later, I don't know how many years later you came here as a junior, since you came here and resonated with me, obviously you chose the same path as me. Dao burns your body, endless pain, all kinds of torture, I hope you are mentally prepared."

That light group is very strange, coming towards his body, and trying to get in, there is no way to resist.

Zhang Lie was silent, sitting there silently, like a fossil.

He saw a picture on the rough wall of the Shizhang secret room.

That is a young man, handsome and handsome, with extraordinary talent, the crown of his peers, few opponents, and he is respected as a little immortal emperor.

He has already built a law chain, but he is not satisfied and wants to go further.

He chose a path and walked with Zhang Lie, but he was also burnt in a thousand ways, suffering endless pain and torture, he endured it all and never retreated.

In the end, with a puff, the Little Immortal Emperor shattered, and his flesh was blurred.

"Is it worth it? This road is a desperate situation, and it is impossible to succeed." Someone asked the Little Immortal Emperor, who was also in this secret room.

The young man's body reorganized, obviously his experience was similar to that of Zhang Lie.

"It's not worth it or not, this is my belief. My way, my way!" His eyes were serene, calm and determined, and his mind remained unshakable. Still going this way.

Then, the screen disappeared.

Zhang Lie woke up, and he silently realized that in the Xiancang era, there was also a young man from the immortal clan like him, who used the ten-zhang secret room to burn his body with ten thousand ways.

just now. He saw the various things that the Little Immortal Emperor had been burned.

Zhang Lie pondered carefully for a long time, compared the two, and kept thinking.

This is the inheritance of the path, through the last person who walked the same path as a reference.

Outside, time passed, not too long.

However, in the secret room, Zhang Lie seemed to have experienced a cycle of reincarnation for so long.

cold world

Sitting silently for a day and a night, trying again and again, and deducing again and again, after a day of sitting still, Sun Xiaowu suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were like electricity, and the light shot out three inches.

"It's too early to draw conclusions."

After a day and a night of thinking, Sun Xiaowu had three different guesses in his heart.

The first is that the path he has taken is not good.

Zhang Lie used this path to build the first divine chain of laws, but it did not mean that he could build the second divine chain of laws.

It is more than ten thousand times more difficult to cultivate the second law divine chain than the first law divine chain.

Although Zhang Lie's path is scary in the eyes of the extreme team, it does not mean that it has reached the height of the second law divine chain, otherwise, Zhang Lie will directly appear two law divine chains.

Of course, it is also possible that there is a difference between what he went and what Zhang Lie did.

Zhang Lie's path not only ignites the three thousand laws, but also ignites the conflict between the two worlds in his body. The three world laws are burned together, and the burning is close to the nine thousand laws. Normal people have already been burned to death, but Zhang Lie has survived.

Although he used the same method as Zhang Lie, the magic weapon rune was not as good as the entanglement of the laws of the two worlds.

However, this is only one possibility.

There is another possibility, the reason for this world.

There is a special law of ice in the cold world, freezing everything and suppressing the fire of the law to a certain extent.

Sun Xiaowu can withstand the burning of the Three Thousand Laws, and to a large extent is suppressed by the Law of the Cold World.

But now Sun Xiaowu had to suppress the law of the cold world and put a question mark on it.

Could it be because of the influence of the law of the cold world that the second law of the divine chain could not emerge, or it may be due to the suppression of the law of the cold world, the fire of the law is not powerful enough to form the second law of the divine chain.

If that's the only reason, it's fine.

Thirdly, it is naturally the reason why I thought about this world before, and now it is no longer the age of immortals.

The Xiancang era has long since passed, and the laws of heaven and earth have changed greatly, which is very different from the original Xiancang era.

Although Xingkong Xingyu retains the laws of the Xiancang era, the Xingkong Xingyu region is not a complete Xiancang. According to Zhou Ying, it is a star pendant of the Xiancang era. It can be said that it is a fragment of Xiancang.

Even if the laws of Xiancang are retained, no one can guarantee that the laws are complete and have no defects.

Of course, Sun Xiaowu also thought about the fourth possibility, that is, the shackles of life. Maybe due to genetic reasons, it is impossible to cultivate the second law of the divine chain.

After all, they are different from life in the starry sky. They are a race that absorbs genes to become stronger.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Sun Xiaowu felt that this possibility was very rare. After all, the problem would not be on the second law of the divine chain. When the first law of the divine chain was built, there was already a problem.

From the current point of view, there is no sense of rejection between the genetic warriors and the divine chain of laws.

After thinking about it all night, Sun Xiaowu couldn't come up with an answer either, so he had to come up with his last card: look for brother lie if he is indecisive.

Sun Xiaowu wanted to contact Zhang Lie through Soul Jade, but was surprised to find that Soul Jade couldn't contact him. The connection between the two parties seemed to be disconnected. He tried to contact other people.

"Hello, is that Yang Ze?"

Yang Ze responded: "You are still alive!?"

"Am I so surprised that I am alive?" Sun Xiaowu said angrily, "How much do you want me to die?"

"I thought you burned to death."

Yang Ze responded with a very heavy heart.

"I'm burned to death, can I still communicate with you?" Sun Xiaowu said in a panic.

How much does this guy want him to die!

"You are so lucky."


Sun Xiaowu directly hung up Yang Ze's communication, and should not contact him from the beginning, or find a more reliable person.

This time, Sun Xiaowu contacted Sun Mengmeng.

"Sister, how are you over there?"

"Very good, how about you?" Sun Mengmeng asked, "Did you succeed?"

"Something happened here. I want to ask brother lie about some questions, but I can't get in touch." Sun Xiaowu asked, "what happened to brother lie?"

"Because it's not on the server."

Sun Xiaowu: ? ? ?

Isn't my old lady unreliable?

"Aren't you with brother lie?" Sun Xiaowu asked.

"It turned out to be together. Later, Brother Lie entered a copy of the Xiancang era. It is the trial place of the arrogance of the immortals. It is called the Palace of the Immortal King. It hasn't come out yet. It's normal that you can't get in touch."

Everyone in the extreme team has tried this in the Immortal King Hall, and they are also unable to contact Zhang Lie in the Immortal King Hall.

"The Palace of the Immortal King was built by the Immortal Emperor. It is independent of the outside world, it forms its own time and space, and is isolated from the outside world. The power of the Soul Jade cannot penetrate, so it cannot be connected."

"So arrogant!?"

The special soul jade given by Zhang Lie can communicate even across several worlds, unimpeded and full of signals.

However, such a powerful communication soul jade could not contact the Immortal King's Hall. It can only be said that it is worthy of being an Immortal Emperor.

A word of immortal emperor's arrogance is over.

"Do you have anything to do with brother lie?" Sun Mengmeng asked.

Sun Xiaowu thought for a while and said, "I'd better come directly."

If you can't solve it, then you won't be able to take the last step. It's better to take a look at the long experience. Sun Xiaowu is more curious about the Palace of the Immortal King, which can't even penetrate the special soul jade.

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