Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2748

Published at 28th of November 2022 12:55:23 PM

Chapter 2748

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In the void, the light appeared, and the stars were dotted. You could see a big star falling from outside the domain, with a long broom tail light, across the sky and crashing into the earth.


This sound. The cauldron of heaven and earth was dented, deformed, cracked, and the inside was shaken, bleeding from the nose and mouth.

Then, in the sky, big stars appeared one after another. They are all transformed by one law after another, turned into comets, and smashed downwards.

The next moment, the scene changed again, and there were ferocious beasts everywhere in the sky and the ground. Burning, with the flame of the law, culling downwards, cracking the cauldron.

Afterwards, all the things in the world, every grass and one tree, all appeared, and they were famous. Some emitted sword energy, some released the power of rules, and the fire was surging.

Five slashing stars!

The sword light is like a turbulent ocean tide, like a storm that destroys the stars, enough to make the sun collapse, break the sword light of the stars, and create a huge hole in the sea of ​​fire.

The next moment, the sea of ​​flames returned, and the heaven and earth were crushed, and the changes were unpredictable!


In the end, the cauldron cracked open, and Zhang Lie could only fight with his physical body, his whole body glowed, and then gradually turned black, experiencing the most terrifying ordeal.

Afterwards, Zhang Lie devoured the holy medicine and began to heal, and he almost died just now.

Outside the Hall of Immortal Kings.

Compared with Zhang Lie's fierce battle inside, the outside is also in fierce battle.

"A pair of 4!"

"A pair of 2!"


At this time, outside the Palace of the Immortal King, the immortal medicine and the extreme team were still playing cards outside.

"Hehe, Immortal Medicine, you lost again." Sun Xiaowu smiled and spread the cards in his hands on the table.

Xian Yao's face turned black.

"Why did you lose again?"

Immortal medicine scratched his head helplessly.

Yang Ze, Fang Yi, Li Feng and Sun Xiaowu looked at each other knowingly, revealing cunning in their eyes.

However, they all looked very embarrassed. At this time, the male members of the extreme team were disheveled, with turtles and various patterns painted on their faces, and their hair seemed to be bitten by dogs.

If the genetic warriors of the Star Fortress see that the hero who once saved the Galaxy Universe of the Star Fortress becomes this embarrassed look, he doesn't know what to say.

Not to mention the genetic warriors in the Starry Sky Fortress, the students of Thunder Star Territory and Tianya Academy could not help laughing when they saw it. Fang Yi and Yang Ze, who used to be high-spirited and the most dazzling in Thunder Star Territory and Tianya Academy, turned out to be like this. general appearance.

"Remember that you are willing to admit defeat." Ze said.

Although they did use some means, the opponent was an elixir that had lived for three thousand epochs. If they wanted to deceive the other party, they had to pay some price.

After all, it was a three-thousand-year-old immortal medicine, and the indiscriminate practice of doing tricks on cards would soon be discovered by the other party.

Yang Ze tried to use the power of causality to play cards, Fang Yi tried to use the power of time and space to play cards, and Li Feng even tried to use the speed of hands faster than the speed of light, but they were all helpless to be discovered one by one.

Everyone in the extreme team did not give up, and finally took advantage of the tacit understanding between their companions who have been working together for many years.

"Xingxingxing, it's not that I can't afford to lose." Xianyao reluctantly wrapped a strand of hair with her fingers, pulled it hard, and handed it over.

The hair is crystal clear and exudes a strong medicinal fragrance, and the fragrance gives birth to colorful rays of light.

Before the game of cards, they made a bet, the elixir loses and pulls one hair to them, and they lose, pulls ten hairs, and besides, the elixir can draw anything on their faces.

Don't underestimate it's just a strand of hair, it's from the elixir, it's a proper genuine elixir, the quality is better than the medicinal liquid harvested by Zhou Ying, and the concentrate is the essence.

This is a proper seed of elixir. After a while, I dig a few tons of soil in the elixir garden and pack it away, plant the hair, and in time, it may take root and sprout, and a new elixir will grow.

Full of joy, Yang Ze took out the jade box and carefully put away the hair strands. Each strand of hair was individually packaged.

Even though they were disheveled even if they came out, they were very embarrassed with their faces full of turtles, but they looked so handsome when they put away the herbal silk.

If you play a card, there will be an immortal medicine. There is no such thing in this world. If it is spread out, it will make countless geniuses crazy, even the group of people who have built a chain of laws will be jealous.

"Come, come, continue." Sun Xiaowu began to quickly organize the cards, and then continued to deal.

"I don't fight anymore, I don't fight anymore, I'll be bald if I fight again." Xian Yao said dissatisfied.

"No, it's not fun to leave so soon." Yang Ze said dissatisfied.

"Yeah, you only pull one hair when you lose. We pull ten hairs when we lose, and we're not afraid of baldness. What are you afraid of?" Sun Xiaowu said dissatisfied.

"How can it be the same?" Immortal Medicine said angrily: "Our life forms are all different."

"Aren't you just afraid of losing?" Li Feng said with an imminent approach.

"Our life forms are different! You can grow a new hair in a blink of an eye. I want to grow a new hair, and it will take years to make a unit!" Immortal Medicine complained.

It doesn't want to go out and be called the elixir of Buddha, the elixir of Buddhism, the elixir of Buddha's reincarnation.

"It's not that exaggerated. It's only one, two, three... fifty or sixty hairs. Your head is black and shiny... When will your hair with colorful brilliance come to an end?" Li Feng disagreed.

"Your hair is so thick, it's a big project to get rid of baldness. It's enough for you to play for hundreds of years." Yang Ze looked at the dense hair of the elixir and couldn't help drooling.

"There is a saying in our hometown that if you gamble, you will lose. If the gamble is not over, don't decide whether to win or lose." Sun Xiaowu said.

"Come here, who is the landlord." Yang Ze picked up the card and said.

"No, no, it really can't be like this, it really can't be done." Xian Yao said so, but her body was still honest, she picked up the card again, and said proudly: "Hahaha, I'm in good hands, you wait. Change your head."

"Haha, with twenty cards, you can beat me?" Sun Xiaowu said disdainfully.

"You all wait for me, come first with a pair of 10s. Do you have any?" Immortal medicine triumphantly played cards, and then took out two more cards: "Next, it will always be my turn!"

Zhou Ying and Sun Mengmeng looked at the elixir on the round table and a group of men in the extreme team with strange faces. The same thing had never happened again. As expected, the elixir soon lost again.

"I don't play anymore, I don't play anymore, how can I lose again?" Xian Yao angrily threw down the cards in his hand.

Yang Ze, Fang Yi, Li Feng and Sun Xiaowu found a sense of tacit understanding, and when they joined forces, the elixir was completely played with applause.

"It's just one round, you're just unlucky, let's do another round." Sun Xiaowu said quickly sorting out the cards on the table.

"I won't play anymore, I won't play anymore, I'll really be bald if I keep playing." Immortal Medicine waved his hands repeatedly to refuse.

"The next round hasn't started yet, so why did you give up, let's play another round, and you are guaranteed to win the next round." Sun Xiaowu said as he dealt the cards.

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