Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2756

Published at 28th of November 2022 12:55:08 PM

Chapter 2756

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Standing behind Zhang Lie, it was Xiaoxian Emperor Xuying, with a smile of approval on his face, and then asked: "Even if this is a dead end, a road destined to fail, you still want to go down?"

"There is no doomed failure. The so-called failure is just not enough accumulation. If I fall, there will be another one. If the next one fails, there will be another one." Zhang Lie responded with a confident smile: "But I will not Let the next one appear, I will succeed, I will rise!"

Little Immortal Emperor's smile was even brighter, because this was his philosophy, what he once said was heard in Zhang Lie's mouth again, and he smiled happily.

After three thousand epochs, his philosophy and will have been inherited.

When I came back to my senses, it was still in the stone room, but the figure of the Little Immortal Emperor had disappeared.

He was in severe pain, and his soul was cut like a knife, as if it was divided into many pieces. He was still alive, in this world, and never perished.

Despite being very reluctant, Zhang Lie quickly took the Immortal Medicine Liquid to treat the terrifying injury.

Even if he knew the source of the Immortal Medicine Liquid, his injuries were extremely serious and he almost died. Only the Immortal Medicine Liquid could treat him quickly and would not leave any dark wounds.

However, after recovering, Zhang Lie did not pay attention to himself for the first time, but pondered what he saw just now and muttered to himself, "What was it just now?"

Time and space reflection?

The remnant soul that Little Immortal Emperor didn't want to leave?

But I didn't feel it in the stone room, it was only used as a revolving light before death, and I didn't care too much.

Or, there is an arrangement in the stone room, and the power that the Immortal Emperor has retained in the past, he is going to be successful on this road, and he is asking in his heart, but he does not know the purpose.

Since he has not been affected, it proves that he has passed, and there is no need to pursue further investigations. Now it is more important to cultivate the second law of the divine chain.

After recovering, Zhang Lie ignited the law again.

The sword contends, the body and soul are destroyed!

The sea of ​​soul power expands, covering Zhang Lie’s whole body in a blink of an eye. The sea of ​​soul power exudes colorful brilliance, just like the sea of ​​​​aurora, unpredictable, illusory and real, seemingly contradictory, but therefore beautiful, the ocean is like a gap between fantasy and reality. In between, people can't touch it, can't reach out and touch it.

The light of the knife burns, the dark supernatural power covers up, and the dark supernatural power ocean rolls, affecting the level of reality and illusion.

Swords in one!

The changing and unreal sea of ​​colorful souls collides with the dark ocean of supernatural power. One has an illusory and real level, and the other affects the illusory level with the power of the reality level, and distorts both the reality and the illusory level. A powerful force.

The two forces collided at this moment.

The real and illusory levels have a huge impact. The color-changing ocean is ignited by the darkness, and the fire of the soul is burning. Under the influence of the power of the soul, the high temperature of the dark ocean is higher, and it emits a searing heat that stings the soul.

These two different forces, one is the power of illusion and reality, and the other is the power of reality, which affects the power of illusion. Obviously different forces, but with Zhang Lie as the fulcrum, they move forward and merge.

The disintegration of fantasy and reality becomes blurred, and the boundaries between dimensions and sub-dimensions begin to dissolve.

The light of the sword is like thousands of fiery horses running free, the light of the sword is like countless roaring dragons, the vastness and brilliance of the sword.

The waves flew by in unison, the unpredictable soul sea was like a galloping horse, and the color-changing soul flames were like raging dragons, roaring in the sky.

The dragon of soul fire galloped on the pitch-black sea. The pitch-black ocean of divine power set off waves one after another, layer upon layer. From a distance, it looked like a flaming phoenix spreading its wings in rows, and up close, it looked like a group of flaming dragons spreading their wings. .

The unpredictable aurora ocean, the flying colored flame dragon, the surging dark sea waves, contains Zhang Lie's powerful soul power and source power, as well as the sword force and sword intent that have passed through countless years of training through countless Shura fields. .

The ocean of soul power seems to be in the second dimension. The dark side of divine power is in the dimension where Zhang Lie is located. The two forces are so huge that they can affect the boundary of reality. At this moment, the two huge forces are fused into one. Sword cut out.

The unity of sword and sword, including soul power and divine power, as well as will and accumulation of years, all turned into a tsunami.

The two forces collided together, twisted with the power of the sword, and turned into a turbulent vortex under the push of Zhang Lie. The power of two different levels really achieves the power to destroy the body and soul.

The Law of Ten Thousand Paths oscillated, the sea of ​​fire roiled, and the sea of ​​​​soul sea and the ocean of dark divine power fused together with the sea of ​​fire that appeared after the Law of Ten Thousand Paths was ignited.

The waves spread round after round, the waves roared, the heaven and the earth trembled, the void shook endlessly, the dark divine power and the fire of the soul erupted with a piece of mighty energy.


The huge power shook the heaven and the earth, the laws were broken one after another, the furnace formed by the void of the heaven and the earth trembled at the same time, cracks cracked on it, Zhang Lie screamed, the sea where the soul and the dark divine power merged became more violent, and the place was boiling.

The fire of the law continued, and the sea where the soul and the dark divine power were fused was pushed back, drowning Zhang Lie in an instant.

The fire shattered the cauldron, the blazing fire of the law burned the body, and the law penetrated the soul.

"Can't die!"

It's like being locked in a dark cage, and will be cut off from the world.

Although not the first time to experience death, it is not the same every time.

In one breath, he seemed to see the vast world, the endless starry sky, the countless stars of life, the infinite creatures, the ups and downs of a hundred lives, all of which passed by leisurely.

The soul seems to be torn into pieces, and it recovers after drinking the immortal medicinal liquid.

This time, he did not completely lose consciousness, escaped from the darkness, and saw the ups and downs of the world, as if a dream of eternity.

"There is no reincarnation, it's just fragments of time. I fell into eternal silence and saw them." Zhang Lie said to himself, his mind was firm, and his eyes gradually brightened.

"Come again!"

In this way, after Zhang Lie recovered, he started again, igniting the Law of Ten Thousand Dao.

Three cut heaven and earth!

The runes engraved by [Key of Creation] appeared.

The runes are flaming, densely distributed inside and outside the body.

His head is full of black hair, his eyes are like lightning, and the whole body is cloudy. Just like a god, his breath is astonishing.


Suddenly, with a loud shout, the fire of the law burned, the bones crackled, the flesh trembled, and the endless spirit and divine transformation dragon rushed up.


The sound of the gods is endless, and it is even more dazzling, like the emergence of the fairy world, dazzling and amazing, where the divine splendor is boiling.


Finally, he let out a light drink.


Divine power fluctuates, auspicious colors, endless ripples spread, like the roar of the divine voice, the universe is divided into two, above the horizon, the space is torn, the black and white forces erupt like a volcanic tsunami, the white power ascends to the sky, the black power makes to the whole sea shaking.

The sky and the earth are eclipsed, and everything is gathered on this sword mark. The creation of the heaven and the earth, and the changes of all things, are all in it. Chaos and the void appear within the line of sight, and black and white are intertwined.

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