Published at 23rd of November 2022 06:17:27 AM

Chapter 226: Thinking time about the school festival

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Known for its opulence, the French Palace of Versailles was the size of a city where not only the royalty but also the nobility lived. I feel that living in Versailles was depicted in a girl cartoon famous for its classical level, like the status of an aristocrat.

Actually, I wonder if it was the aristocratic rebellion (Fronnd's orgy)? Louis XIV, who felt that his life was in danger, was forced to emigrate to Versailles to keep an eye on the nobles.

The actions of those in power have a shivish underpinning.

If it was the founding period of the empire in the era of warfare, it would have been a natural idea to keep the children at hand as hostages to suppress the princes. The reason that coeducation is because girls were also hostages... I think it is uncomfortable because I remember reading that in Europe in the previous life, girls had no hostage value (that is, children had no value except for succession).

It seems that there were many times and regions in this world with such a mindset, but the ancient Astra Empire seemed to have a rather low status for women, but this world has magic power unlike previous generations. Even if a woman has strong magic power, she can cross over a man. Therefore, in times of war, even a girl with strong magic might have been worthy as a hostage.

The first Empress Lyudmila, Pyotr's right wife, commanded more than Pyotr on the battlefield. It looked like your family was under the stars, too. It was also possible that Emperor Piotr thought it would be better to hold onto the girl himself.

- No, wait.

After all, it's not a combination.

There's a lot of powerful girls out there! You're a very good bride candidate! If you don't come, the magic power of your bloodline will be strengthened and you'll fall into trouble. So you've collected girls to call the boys.

Besides, if you're just a bastard, you can't just call a girl. What a light snowfall. I have a feeling about it, it's the founding period of the Empire.

Anyway, isn't having magic power that meets the regulations a good gateway?

The presence of strong magic power is important to the lords. I must not have wanted to give it to you. But I don't have such a strong magic power in my house, so if you tell me, I won't have a lot of talent there, so I can lick it. You would have had to come out.

Moreover, even if the magic power is strong, if the child is not an inheritance on the bloodline, the hurdle of handing it down may have fallen.

That said... in a time when there was still a rough wind, when someone with strong magic power cultivated a powerful connection with the Great Emperor returned, it was possible to suppress the inheritance on the bloodline and take charge of the next generation.

House disturbance! Downstairs!

There is no denying that there are some romantic observations made by women with slightly different histories.

It's terrifying to describe it as a hostage, but it seems that Piotr was cute when he called out the boy and girl.

He taught scholarship, taught martial arts, and led them to interact with each other and foster friendships. The auditorium of the Academy of Magic is decorated with huge paintings depicting Emperor Piotr and Empress Lyudmila, who enjoy spending time with them.

Normally, it seems to be an uncle who likes children. My children were also mixed with them to study and learn martial arts. I think Piotr the Great was basically Yang Ka. A person who likes to get along with people and naturally becomes the center of the circle of people. I had a lot of trouble, but I got it all set up around me.

Even my brother and my ancestor's founding father, Lord Sergei, said that Piotr had thrown all kinds of rounds and crushed them, but when he saw them and talked to them, he seemed to have listened to their pleas. "That's a good idea, Ancestor."

But Great Emperor Piotr was not a simple man. Someone who could do a clever calculation and make a ruthless decision. On top of that, I think he was also a loving person.

Emperor Piotr taught the boys and girls to become useful characters as the next lords, while putting shackles on them so that the lords would not rebel.

By letting teenagers know each other directly and cultivate understanding and friendship, they created a relationship that would prevent subordinates from fighting each other in vain.

I don't see them as enemy children, I feel like my brother-in-law.

Well, I must have imprinted my loyalty so I wouldn't have to turn my back on myself.

Oh, by the way, Tokugawa Ieyasu spent most of his childhood as a hostage. At Yoshimoto Imakawa's place. But they took good care of him, and eventually he was educated as a successor to the house, and he sometimes played with eagle hunting. In Japan during the Warring States Period, even if it is a hostage, there may be aspects such as becoming a guardian even if it is a hostage (more oh)... The prototype of the Magic School may feel similar to that.

A boy and girl who had been summoned to live and learn with Emperor Piotr became, in a sense, like the emperor's foster children, the children of the empire.

Today, almost all the major people in the Empire are Magic School graduates. Even if the generations are different, there is a common iron topic such as which dormitory they lived in, where they always met at the bronze statue, and so on.

Compared to other countries, it is unlikely that confrontation and antagonism among the nobles will become serious.

The existence of the school may be one of the reasons why the empire has lasted for four hundred years.

The beginning of the school festival was probably a time when the children summoned by Emperor Piotr performed the customs of their place of origin and played music for them to listen to. It seems to have such a record.

I'm sure it was a homesickness measure.

However, after 400 years of doing it, the first purpose was completely forgotten, and it was only an event for everyone to enjoy.

But that's fine.

I'm glad to have an event that I can enjoy to make memories in peace.

However, I'm a villainous daughter and I need to be careful not to set the doom flag!

I promised oniisama that I wouldn't be able to do anything, and I decided to suddenly chorus the performance of the class, and buried it in everyone. Let's do that.

A cultural festival in high school, nostalgic! I'm looking forward to the school festival.

I was so impressed with Ekaterina.

After a discussion about deciding what to do with the class, I found Alexei in the classroom and rushed over and cried.


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