War God Asura - Chapter 1849

Published at 13th of February 2023 10:42:46 AM

Chapter 1849

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seeing this, Ma Qiang was also furious. He raised his long knife and was ready to rush again. You know, in his heart, Liu Lele is his wife to be! How can he not be angry when his wife to be is insulted?

"Boy, if you dare to destroy Laozi's good deeds, I'll cut off the one under you and feed it to the dog!"

But when Ma qianggang was about to rush forward, the bandit leader who had already taken Liu Lele into his arms projected his murderous eyes.


In the face of the bandit's fierce light, Ma Qiang was even more stunned, his face changed greatly, and then he stopped walking forward. He was afraid, and his heart was shaking, because he fully believed that if he destroyed the good deeds of the robber, his lower body would really be cut off!

You can still find the lady when she is gone, but it is meaningless to have more women. He is thinking about Liu Lele and his own value. As a result, he wins Liu Lele completely, so he decides to protect himself!

"Cousin, help me! Help me! Cousin, come and help me

Seeing the only hope, she was intimidated by others. Liu Lele was more crazy and yelled at Ma Qiang, who was standing not far away, staring at himself dully. At the moment, she was already tearful, her voice was hoarse, and her body was shaking.

"Ha ha, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, cousin is here!"

"Boss, hurry up, we can't help it!"

Liu Lele's cry and cry for help, not only did not have the slightest effect, could not awaken his cousin Ma Qiang's conscience, but made the robbers more and more excited.

Looking at Liu Lele's peeling clothes and white skin, the robbers were like wild animals with blue eyes and dancing hands. No one could stop their inner desire.

At this moment, the villagers who were subdued by bandits were afraid to even look at Liu Lele. Although Liu Lele was tricky, they would not bear to be ruined by robbers. However, they did not have the ability to stop all this and had to choose silence.

"I count three, if you don't let her go, I'll cut off your lower body and let you eat it!"

But just when Liu Lele was in despair and the robbers were crazy, a faint voice suddenly came from the villagers. Although the voice was not light or heavy, it was like a dull thunder, which exploded in the ears of all the robbers and all the people present, and spread to their hearts!

"Boy, what did you say earlier? Say it again to Laozi

Such blatant words made the bandit head angry. When he looked at the villagers, he found a figure standing up in awe and walking towards him with his gentle pace. This man with a beautiful face and a faint smile on his mouth was the sentence.

At this moment, everyone was surprised. The villagers looked at the sentence with unbelievable eyes, while Liu Lele, whose cheek was already wet with tears, opened his eyes full of tears and fixed his eyes on the sentence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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