War God Asura - Chapter 2806

Published at 13th of February 2023 10:17:25 AM

Chapter 2806

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The elders in charge of tiandaofeng were surprised, even they were so. The audience was fully aware of their emotions. They were unable to control their emotions and completely burned up.

"Brother Lu Yuan, can't you think of it? In fact, I'm a rock body. My body can't be attacked by any poison. I'll control your poison gas

After the change of Yuwen Junhao into noumenon, his voice was also extremely loud. Although it was only a plain tone, every word and sentence were like the long ringing of an ancient clock, which made people's ears buzzing.

"Special constitution is really interesting. It's no wonder that people who can get special physique are lucky people, fools. In this way, what do you do?"

Bao'er sits in the audience, watching everything in the field. When he sees the change of Yuwen Junhao's constitution, he can't help but turn his eyes to the punishment in the corner, because he knows that the final battle will fall on these two people.


Lu Yuan struggles to break free, as if to get rid of Yuwen Junhao's control, but Yuwen Junhao doesn't give him the chance. He just hears the sound of GABA, and Luyuan sends out a shrill scream again.

After that, Lu Yuan's posture actually began to change, and finally turned into his own appearance, and he was pale and fainted without a trace of blood.

Yu Wenjun Hao threw Lu Yuan, who was naked, to one side. His body began to change and shrink, and soon recovered to its original size and appearance. However, at the moment, his light was lingering, and people could not see his appearance.

When the light faded away, he had already put on a bright tiandaofeng Taoist robe, which must have been completed in the previous time when the light was lingering.

After all, his Taoist robe has been torn hard when he shows his noumenon. If he doesn't change into new clothes, he will become a naked man like Lu Yuan.

"Br >

the victory or defeat of this battle has been decided. When the boundary of the closed competition platform dissipates, an old man's figure suddenly jumps into it, covers Luyuan's naked body with his clothes, takes a cool look at Yu Wenjun Hao, and then holds him away from the competition platform.

The old man was no other than Lu Yuan's master, one of the leading elders of guiyinfeng, elder Tai Shi.

"Oh ~ ~"

at this moment, the square resounded with thunderous cheers, all of which were cheering for yuwenjunhao, because yuwenjunhao showed them what the real strong man was.

Yu Wenjun Hao, instead of leaving the competition platform, is waiting for a person, that is, Yi Changfeng, who defeated Bai Ye.

Now the top disciples of wuzhifeng have been defeated one by one. Only he and Yi Changfeng have not been defeated. Therefore, only Yi Changfeng is left to fight with him.

A flash of light and shadow swept into the competition platform like lightning. This is the Yi Changfeng disguised by the criminal justice. After entering the arena, he bowed respectfully at Yu Wenjun Hao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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