War God Asura - Chapter 3084

Published at 13th of February 2023 10:09:49 AM

Chapter 3084

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This fragrance is very special. It seems that it has the power of enchantment naturally. If it is not for the strong self-control of punishment, I am afraid that at the moment, I have the most primitive idea of the beauty in front of me.

"I don't know what's wrong with elder martial Sister Li. There's no one here. You may as well tell me." After the sentence, he said with a smile.

"Although it is still a short time for him to come to the Holy Land alliance mansion, his deeds are amazing everywhere."

"Now your name, even among my senior disciples, is like a thunderbolt."

"We are all looking forward to when you, the dragon of man, can fly to my senior disciples and stir up changes!"

"Elder martial Sister Li is really flattering. But I don't think she came here specially to say that?"

Seeing that Li Yuran didn't go straight into the subject, he winked at his charming eyes while talking, and used all kinds of provocative means. The sentence was asked on his own initiative.


for the sentence, Li Yuran's face changed a little. She first gave a little smile, and then she said:

"since the younger martial brother of xingjue is so anxious, I won't betray the point any more."

"I have the intention to capture the secret skills of dragon and Phoenix. However, there are many disciples in the Holy Land alliance house, but there is no one I like."

"However, I was moved by what my younger martial brother xingjue did. I thought you were different."

"Today I come here for nothing else. I want to form a partner with younger martial brother Xing Jue. First, I will seize the secret skills of dragon and Phoenix, and then form a couple."

Speaking of this, Li Yuran's enchanting body, like a gust of breeze, fell into the arms of the criminal judge.

Before the sentence is decided, a pair of jade arms are placed between the sentence's neck, and a pair of straight and crisp chests are firmly fixed in front of the sentence's chest. The pink and attractive fragrant lips are kissing at the sentence's mouth.

No matter how strong the sentencing power is, it is also a man. Li Yuran made such a move, and suddenly he made a primitive response.

Although Li Yuran is exerting various temptations to the sentence.

However, Xing Jue didn't like Li Yuran at all, so he quickly got rid of Li Yuran in his arms, and then stood up and said solemnly:

"senior Sister Li, I have a wife in my sentence. I think senior Sister Li, I'd better look for someone else!"

"It's normal to punish younger martial brothers, to be a man, to have three wives and four concubines."

"I don't mind. Why do you mind?" Li Yuran didn't give up and rushed to the prison again.

But this time, just like the last time, he was thrown away by the sentence again.

With the lesson of Murong Xiaoxiao last time, Xing Jue is really afraid of being seduced again and can't control himself.

So this time, we simply kept a certain distance with Li Yuran, and arranged a border to block the whole body in case Li Yuran continued to approach.

"How many men in the world want me."

"Now I throw myself in my arms, but I don't want to be rejected a thousand miles away." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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