War Lord - Chapter 202

Published at 21st of October 2021 11:06:56 AM

Chapter 202: 202

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With a clang, the iron fence of the detention room was opened by the teacher. Wearing a Victorian Dress, valkiri is as noble as a queen. Her cold eyes crossed the fence and landed on the zero body in the detention room. Lying on the ground, he looked at the ceiling, but there was no focus. Only the ups and downs of his chest showed that he was not a dead body.

After being caught in a fight in the tavern and taken to the detention room, zero gave instructor kario several severe repairs in the next 12 hours. There is no doubt that Cario is very skilled at beating people. His fists and kicks all fell on zero's irrelevant body parts, but each blow made zero clearly feel the incomparable pain. It was as if Cario's attack skill bypassed the defense of ability and muscle and really acted on the nerve, so it almost collapsed after a few times.

Now being able to lie down like a vegetable has surprised Cario's tenacity of zero will.

However, after being tossed and tossed by Cario, he has a new understanding of the skills of zero power application. I don't know whether it's a skill or a method. Cario can use his power, even called energy, freely between dispersion and concentration. This enables the strength and potential energy of each punch and foot to bypass most of the defense and directly act on the target.

Zero believes that Cario's "lesson" must be a trivial part of his total strength. Then it can be imagined how much damage will be caused when Cario goes all out.

But unlike most capable people, Cario does not pursue superficial destructive power. He pays more attention to internal destruction than killing a person. There is no big difference between killing the target and destroying a wide range of physical environment with a luxurious attack and directly ending the other party with one punch.

Kario's skills are more prominent in energy saving and efficiency, and also have a certain enlightening effect on zero.

Zero's mind was completely immersed in the picture of recalling Cario's fist and foot. He recorded all Cario's actions with much higher memory than ordinary people, and played them back at a slow speed at this time. By observing the muscle changes during Cario's attack, as well as the attack angle and landing point, zero constantly analyzes Cario's skills. In this way, he learned a little, but the skills he imitated were only two or three times the power of Cario.

"Get up before you die, if you still want to attend class."

Valkiri's cold voice broke zero's thoughts, so zero's eyes gradually focused. Countless signals are transmitted to all parts of the body through the brain. When the nerve endings feed back the signals to the brain. Although this process doesn't even take one second, zero feels strangely long.

But in fact, in valkiri's eyes, zero jumped up soon after hearing her words. But his face suddenly changed slightly, his body trembled slightly, but he returned to normal in an instant. That's the sequelae of being taught by Cario, but in general, zero doesn't matter.

Varkiri turned and left. The teacher who opened the door didn't mean to stop him, so he walked through the thin door. The detention room is located behind the instructor's office. Only an iron fence separates the punished soldiers from the outside world. For zero, as long as he is willing to leave at any time, the fence can not play a binding role. Therefore, the significance of the iron fence is greater than the actual role. Of course, it is easy to leave, but we have to consider how to bear Cario's anger.

It's definitely not as simple as punching.

When zero followed valkiri to the instructor's office, kario was putting his feet on the desk and still biting two cigars in his mouth. It seems that he has to smoke cigars all day. Even if Cario can afford this expensive tobacco, he is not afraid to smoke himself to death.

"I want to borrow your tactical guidance room," Valkyrie said to Cario without expression

"Just take it and use it. No one uses it at ordinary times anyway." Cario took out a bunch of keys from the drawer and threw them on the desk.

A teacher quickly picked them up and took them to the guidance room. When he reached the door, zero suddenly turned and said to kario, "thank you."

"Thank me for what?" Cario was confused.

Zero smiled and left the office. Cario spits out two big puffs of smoke. Behind the scenes, he says to himself, "this guy looks terrible."

The Tactical Guidance room is next to the office. It is a separate room. It is equipped with projector, intelligent brain and several appliances. At ordinary times, as a tactical theory course, some teachers will list some representative wars here and explain the tactics involved in the war, weapons, personnel allocation and other elements to the recruits.

But today, there are only two people in the room, and what is involved is not tactics, but knowledge of capability domain.

Valkiri opened a tree root chart on the rear projection screen through the intelligent brain equipped in the room. In the middle of the top of the chart, there is the word "evolutionary tree". Valkiri looked at zero and said faintly, "there is a saying in the new era that talent determines ability, and ability determines destiny!"

"As we all know, ability originates from the first gene shock, and the ability generated after gene shock is related to the talent of that person. Only by classifying and distinguishing different abilities can we have the so-called five ability domains." valkiri said here and added: "However, the abilities acquired for the first time, such as strength enhancement and defense enhancement, are classified as basic abilities in the ability system. So the question comes, in this turbulent era, everything is evolving, will the ability also evolve? The answer is yes, so there will be it!"

Varkiri's hand knocked on the back light screen and said: "Evolutionary tree, or capability map, is actually the same thing. After sorting and research by predecessors, modeling based on basic capabilities, and comparing and deliberating through massive data, the great project to determine the direction of human evolution began 30 years ago and is getting closer and closer to perfection. It can be said that at present, in addition to the rule domain in the theoretical stage, there are four other fields Can find the corresponding abilities and their branches in the evolutionary tree diagram. "

"For example, the hall of heroes or the dark Council has an instrument called ability debugging machine, which enables those who meet the basic conditions to develop from low-level to medium-level and high-level. Of course, those with ability in the wilderness can also be promoted through genetic medicine. However, genetic medicine generally has defects, and the relatively stable medicine is expensive, and can only be used at most It provides the first stage of promotion, so it has not been widely used. "Valkiri added:" this is also the reason why middle and high-level talents are only in the hands of large organizations, and there are only low-level talents in the wilderness! "

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