War Lord - Chapter 319

Published at 21st of October 2021 11:03:21 AM

Chapter 319: 319

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Agatha suddenly stopped. Just now, she seemed to catch a gunshot.

After zero distracted her pursuers, Agatha activated the ability to "sense faults" and sneaked into yotonheim. It has to be said that the power of sensing fault is very powerful. After using this ability on herself, the living corpse queen on the Obelisk will no longer be aware of Agatha's existence, let her pass all the way and keep approaching the target coordinates.

The perception fault not only blocks the perception of those with high-level abilities, but also makes Agatha as transparent as air in the eyes of other living corpses. Although there are still living corpses passing by Agatha in Jotunheim, and there are some medium-level weapons among them, none of Agatha's existence has been found. But judging from the direction of the corpse weapon, Agatha knew that the battle was going on in several corners of Jotunheim.

Agatha didn't know how they were now. She could only pray that they would survive. She tidied up her mood and looked up at the square dust column surrounded by heavy buildings. It is the tallest building in Jotunheim, and Agatha can't do it even if she wants to ignore it.

She continued to run in the direction of the square dust column.

There are many buildings in Jotunheim. These dark red buildings are full of dark style and smell evil. When passing through these buildings, Agatha will occasionally look inside and find that many buildings are the rest rooms of corpse weapons. When there is no command, these weapons will be parked in the building and leave the building when necessary.

In these buildings, Agatha also passes through an area similar to the ancient square. In the square, Agatha saw another creator, who was as fat as gulad, in the center of the square, and next to it were countless middle-level and early-level weapons that were constantly produced.

Arsenal, energy station, soldiers' lounge... All these are so similar to human cities. Suddenly, Agatha thought of another building with special functions.

Food processing plant.

Yes, living corpses also need food. They are far from reaching the advanced stage of absorbing energy from space. And to maintain Jotunheim's movement, a lot of food is necessary. As for what the food of the living corpse will be, it is very obvious.


Whether human or animal, living corpses feed on organisms. Few living corpses attack their own kind unless things are impossible. Of course, the creator is an exception.

Agatha is almost certain that there must be a place in jotunheimri where a large number of creatures are kept for the daily feeding of corpse weapons.

While thinking, Agatha suddenly felt a strange feeling. When she had just crossed an energy transmission channel, it was like passing through a water curtain, and she felt cold all over. With the elements of the nearby space suddenly crazy, the fire elements combine with each other to form an ability in an instant.


In an instant, Agatha only had time to lay a defense field all over her body. The next moment, her eyes were full of red flames.

A violent pillar of fire rushed silently from Agatha's feet and directly shook Agatha out. Fortunately, the fire ground rush is only a low-level ability, but in this way, Agatha's perception fault lost its effect under the impact of external forces, and suddenly showed her body shape.

Agatha rolled on the ground and put out some residual flames wrapped around her body. She quickly jumped up and hid in the corner of a nearby building and looked around. Fortunately, the corpse didn't find her.

Slightly thankful, Agatha quickly prepared another perception fault. Just as the ability was about to start, Agatha suddenly bristled.


She immediately turned and left her position, but it was too late.

A bright and hot light beam directly penetrated Agatha's right shoulder. The light beam with only fingers had terrible penetration. The night God tactical suit was directly vaporized by the light beam without even one second. Then Agatha had a bloody wound on her shoulder, and light white smoke still floated from the edge of the wound.

Agatha finally screamed in pain, turned her hand, and a small silver pistol had fallen into the palm of her left hand.

This is Agatha's weapon specially prepared for herself.

The special Tactical Pistol "silver track", driven by pocket battery, can launch special bullets for most alien creatures. In this pistol, Agatha has preset two "biological fusion bombs" and one "high frequency magnetic explosive bomb".

The former is designed for the known genetic weaknesses of most organisms. At the moment when the bullet enters the body, the pressure in the organism will cause the warhead to disintegrate, and the gene toxin hidden in the warhead will cause the gene collapse of prey within 1 to 3 seconds; The latter is a simple violent attack. For creatures that cannot be affected by the fusion bomb, when the magnetic explosive bomb enters the body, it will release a terrible magnetic energy impact. Even those with high-level abilities in the combat domain are not willing to face this special bullet.

Naturally, these two kinds of bullets cost a lot of money, and the price of magnetic explosive bombs is more than twice that of dissolved bombs. These three bullets plus silver tracks are life-saving tools purchased from nearly half of Agatha's property.

Now in the enemy city, Agatha naturally took them out without stinginess. Besides, Agatha has never heard of a corpse that emits energy beams.

Is it a new biological weapon again?

Agatha thought, but the facts exceeded her expectations. Standing on the top of the building wall is a strange corpse. In short, it is a bird man. But different from the alien Aaron people zero has seen, the bird man in front of him has a very strange head. Its lower face is undoubtedly no different from human beings, with a nose and mouth. But the face above the nose is fan-shaped, with a circle of eyes on the fan-shaped face.

The monster's body is like a human teenager, thin and somewhat hunchbacked. The body is covered with fine fluff, with a pair of long legs with anti joint and Eagle claws on the legs. It has no arms. It has four wings on its bare upper body. On the surface of the bone limbs of each wing, it has the same row of eyes as the strange face.

There are at least a hundred eyes on the face and four wings. These hundreds of eyes seem to be controlled by different nervous systems and can rotate at different angles. It's very strange.

Agatha didn't know that the bird man she met was a high-level weapon of Jotunheim, named dusk hunter.

Dusk hunter, as a biological weapon that cannot be produced in mass, naturally has extremely powerful ability. Like Agatha's three special bullets, the dusk Hunter also has a special role for Jotunheim.

In the design blueprint of the dark crown, it is a biological weapon integrating cruise, reconnaissance and trap arrangement. Those four wings are not decorative. In fact, they can support Twilight hunters for 36 hours of endless flight. In addition to recognizing various energy attributes and having the function of recording and feedback, nearly 100 eyes on the body can also emit energy beams like those penetrating Agatha's shoulder.

However, the most powerful ability of the dusk hunter is to set various element traps. The flame that made Agatha appear just now is one of the traps used by the dusk hunter to protect the square dust tower. From here to the direction of the obelisk, the only ten dusk hunters in yodenheim laid a full 200 element traps with different powers!

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