War Lord - Chapter 949

Published at 21st of October 2021 10:45:26 AM

Chapter 949: 949

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At night, lights are still bright outside Phoenix. A row of spotlights at the top of the wall shine brightly on the battlefield below. Soldiers are cleaning the battlefield. The bodies of the dead must be burned to prevent plague. The plague was very terrible in the old times, but in this era where new germs appear almost every day, explosive plagues can be fatal.

As for the guns, ammunition and even chariots and shells in the hands of the dead, they are recyclable resources. All these resources are collected, which is also a considerable number.

Towards the end of the day's battle, the Council commander issued an order to retreat. Zero didn't deliberately stop them. After all, the wilderness outside Phoenix is very vast, there is no terrain to restrict the movement of the enemy, and the number of soldiers in the city is only equal to the enemy, so there is no way to intercept. But even so, the Council left a mountain high body outside Phoenix.

Looking at several corpse mountains that were regulated in the light, zero shook his head and returned to the city. War is not pleasant, whether it is for the loser or the winner. People who feel that war is as intoxicating as wine are either psychopaths or war maniacs.

Neither is zero, so it seems a little depressed when I go back to the two-story building for my own residence.

The next day, a detailed report was put in front of his case. The report listed the war damage of both sides. Everything was expressed in figures and clear. Due to the proper use of tactics and the support of high-level heterogeneous array, the battle damage of Phoenix is very limited. On the other hand, the parliament left more than 10000 bodies, and there were more than 50 damaged chariots.

Just these chariots, the amount lost by the parliament will be a string of considerable figures.

The same report appeared in Hart's office in neru. Hart looked at it for a long time without saying a word.

Parliament suffered heavy losses in this operation. The most serious part of war damage is not soldiers, but chariots and capable people, including Constantine and two black cavalry. The fall of these three strong men alone is more valuable than the sum of other losses. Especially Constantine, the old strong man of Augustus, almost watched Hart grow up and die, which made Hart have an unspeakable bitterness in his heart.

He didn't even dare to look like his father Leo when he received the news. At the same time, Hart also understood why the last time he exchanged materials for Rhine, zero would generously give people with the ability to surrender. Because for zero, at the level of his army, these people with abilities below the eighth level have become dispensable.

Hart sat in the office. He didn't get angry, let alone roar. He just sat quietly, as usual. But today, the light falling into the office through the window looks much paler than usual.

The war lasted less than a day, but it took more than two days to clean the battlefield. All dead bodies, regardless of the enemy or ourselves, have been completely cremated. The cremated ashes and debris will be transported to the wilderness ten kilometers away for landfill. Maybe they can make the last contribution to the world and turn them into fertilizer to restore the vitality of the land, which can also be regarded as another kind of rebirth?

As for the combat vehicles that can be repaired, they are stepping up repair. Soon, these combat vehicles can be put into the battlefield. Brown had intended to remove the parliamentary symbols from these chariots, but zero intended to keep them. Putting these chariots at a critical moment can also confuse the ears and eyes of Parliament.

After general doss withdrew, Hart also withdrew his troops from Jericho. In that battlefield, the Parliament had the advantage of the main attack, and it was naturally no difficulty to retreat. But next, the city of neru will be quite difficult. Sol will not miss the opportunity of the severe damage to parliament, but will look for an opportunity to further expand the trauma.

When the wound is big enough to bleed, it is enough to kick the parliamentary army out of the coastline and roll to the eternal night city north of the mainland. Zero has a hunch that a general assembly war is coming. Before the storm that will change the situation on the mainland comes, all he has to do is prepare for a war.

Another day later, sol sent an invitation to the joint general attack. Naturally, zero would not refuse the invitation, so the army in Phoenix began to mobilize again. Soldiers, capable people, chariots, biological weapons... All kinds of war resources have been gathered and ready to start. At this time, zero welcomed two special guests.

They were brought to the office by Su himself. When asked about each other's identity, Su smiled without answering, and only said to zero, "one of them is your old friend."

Zero was curious about which old friend ran to Phoenix at this time. When he opened the door of his office and walked in, he saw two figures in half cloaks. One of them was petite and seemed to be a woman. The other was a man. No doubt, hearing the footsteps behind him, the two people who were talking quietly in the window turned around. The woman lifted her hat and showed her blue hair and familiar face.

"Xiuya?" zero whispered, "Why are you here?"

"Don't worry, I'm not looking for you to fight." Xiuya simply took off her cloak and said, "I'm so sad to wear this thing."

"This is to hide people's eyes and ears, major general."

Said the man next to him. He also took off his cloak and showed his light blond hair and lazy face. But in those half squint eyes, zero saw the flashing light. Obviously, the man was not as simple as he looked.

"Let me introduce." Xiuya pushed the man forward and said: "This is Zuo Fei, the head of the parliamentary law enforcement group. In short, the purpose of the law enforcement group is to ensure that the parliament will not go astray under personal selfishness. Now, some members of Zuo Fei think that my father, speaker oglock, is using his power to meet his ambitions. By the way, they already know about prosius."

Zero immediately changed his eyes and looked at Zuo Fei. Zuo Fei spread his hand and smiled bitterly: "the major general is really straightforward. He even skipped the necessary modifications, which is really embarrassing."

"I don't think so. At least in my opinion, it's more efficient. At least I'll let you sit down and talk about it, rather than kick you out immediately. After all, it's disturbing to let a top ten man wander around my city."

Zuo Fei laughed and said, "Mr. zero is joking. With your strength and those strong men in the city, it's not easy to clean me up."

"Well, don't say anything polite. I'm sorry, I'm short of time, so you have 10 minutes to explain your intention."

"You're so generous." Zuo Fei shrugged his shoulders and didn't keep it any more. He spread out what the parliament began to doubt oglock. Finally, he said: "Although some members have proposed to suspend the speaker's rights, to be honest, the power they have is not enough to check and balance the speaker. We need to strive for the patriarch Leo of the ogudus family. Only with the consent of a heavyweight, he is qualified to suspend the speaker's action."

"So what can I do?"

"We hope you can convince Leo. Looking at the current situation, only those who do not belong to the Parliament and the hall of heroes and are strong enough can hope to do this. The current situation is that I can't think of a better candidate except you." Zuo Fei said.

Zero said, "my intention is to prevent the further expansion of internal friction before I can participate in this war. Since our purposes are the same, it is not impossible to cooperate. However, is Leo so easy to be talked about?"

"Of course, it's not easy. This is also my biggest headache." Zuo Fei said with a bitter smile: "you need to create a condition, a condition enough to make Leo believe that you are sincere, so that he can break his heart. Otherwise, he may blow you away at the first time."

Zero looked at Xiuya and said, "it's really not a good job."

"Of course. You know, I'm still in my father's custody. If it weren't for Zuo Fei's help, I couldn't come here to see you." Xiuya bit her lips and said, "you didn't say that the world is dying. Now I know and work hard to prevent its destruction. So don't refuse!"

Zuo Fei accidentally looked at the girl around her, but Xiuya glared back. The head of law enforcement laughed at it. Xiuya has always been strong, even in the face of her father. But when talking to zero, she was a little coquettish, which is like two people at ordinary times.

Zero ha ha smiled and said, "don't worry, it's what I like to see to minimize casualties and end the war. As long as I have the opportunity, I'll try. Besides, in this way, we are on the same front. It's better to be friends in arms than enemies."

The stone in Zuo Fei's heart fell half, and asked, "when are you going to start?"

Zero answered, "didn't you say to create a suitable condition? I think now the opportunity comes."

"What is it?" Zuo Fei's eyes lit up.

"Maybe you don't know. Just a few days ago, Hart used a very clever strategy to fight against sol and me at the same time. Unfortunately, although his strategy is clever, it's a pity that his combat power is still a little weak. Your parliament has suffered a loss from me and is now greatly weakened. Sol has invited me to take joint action to attack neru."

Hearing this, Zuo Fei's face changed and said, "what's the matter? Once the city of neru is defeated, he will even hurt Hart. Leo will not compromise for revenge, which will only force him to the side of the speaker!"

"Of course I know." zero said, "I'll start later and meet sol first. Finalize the details of the attack. The war still needs to be fought, but it needs to be measured. By the way, I'll fight your so-called conditions."

Looking at zero, Zuo Fei and Xiuya looked at each other and couldn't understand his real intention.

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