Published at 13th of September 2021 10:11:03 AM

Chapter 33: 33

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After Wang Qing left, Jiang Jiu turned around in the corridor and knocked on 701's door again.

It was the gray haired old man who opened the door. His back was as straight as a javelin, his eyes were not dirty, his voice was steady, and he was full of time precipitation: "young man, what else do you want?"

Jiang Jiu gazed at him for a long time, pointed to his skin, and said, "how long have you been dead? Or do you know you're dead? "

The old man hung his head along his fingers. When he saw the dark purplish red spot on his skin, he was stunned for a moment, but he soon flashed across Mingwu.

He pulled down his sleeve and covered the spot properly. Then he rolled his eyes and recalled, "it should be a month, isn't it?"

His eyes were a little empty. After a while, he refocused: "that day I had a heart attack. It's an old problem. It's just that before I have time to take medicine, I lose consciousness and wake up like this. "

It was a very common day. He had a heart attack, but he fell to the ground before he came back to his room to get the medicine. He didn't know how long he had been sleeping on the ground. When he woke up, he found that he had become different, but it didn't matter. He still lived on the seventh floor day after day, waiting to see the retribution of those wicked people.

And the retribution came one after another.

The old man's eyes trembled, but a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Jiu watched his expression: "you shouldn't stay here. You have a place to go when you are dead. "

The old man was not dissatisfied with this, just said: "when the time comes, I will leave."

Jiang Jiu shook his head: "you shouldn't use that thing to help you kill. He Laoer and he Laosi helped you kill, right? He Laowu should also be gone. When it kills sex, you may not be able to control it. "

The old man's eyes trembled, and then dropped down, making people unable to see the look of the fundus. He shook his head and retorted: "I don't know where you come from, but there are no other people here. I killed people, and they should die."

When the old man talked with Jiang Jiu, his expression was always peaceful. From his speech and behavior, we can see that he was a well-educated man. Even though he knew he was dead, he still lived in the world according to the living standards.

But when it comes to "they should die", his teeth are very tight, almost word by word from the teeth, with strong resentment and unwilling.

When Jiang Jiu first met him, if it wasn't for the spot he showed unintentionally, he could hardly detect the death on him. He looked like a living man. But now his whole body is covered with dead air, and the strong putrid smell also comes out.

The old man, who had been gentle and polite, gradually took on the appearance of a hellish devil.

He widened his dark eyes and repeated hoarsely, "they deserve it."

Jiang Jiu raised his hand and gently pressed it on his shoulder, but his eyes crossed his shoulder and looked into the room. In the dark, there were countless pairs of hostile eyes looking at him - the women who had put them on the tea table.

Jiang Jiu stepped forward, but the old man blocked the door with his own body. His face was covered with death, and his bright eyes became dark. But he still straightened his back: "I killed people, but they died long ago. I don't regret it. If an expert wants to do justice for heaven, just do it. "

He blocked the door with his decaying body, but his hand behind him gently waved.

So in the dark, those who were hostile to Jiang GUI's mother, Sao Qing, went back.

Only a pair of eyes in the darker place stare at Jiang Jiu from beginning to end, full of malice.

Jiang pointed to a place in the dark: "do you want to protect it?"

The old man's body was still, but the corners of his mouth were straight. He said stiffly, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"You don't kill people when you are alive. How can you kill people when you are dead?"

Jiang Shu sighed and stepped back to show that he didn't mean any harm. He said seriously, "I'm not an expert in killing demons and demons, let alone your enemy. I'm just entrusted by the police to find out the truth of this case."

When the old man heard the word truth, his eyes moved and his lips slowly tightened.

"I want to talk to it, OK?"

The old man gazed at him, but still slowly shook his head, posture is still alert: "no one else here."

Jiang Shu sighed again. He gently touched the old man's body with his fingers: "your body is almost rotten, isn't it? Even it can't bring you back from the dead. Have you ever thought about what will happen to this body when it completely collapses and its soul dies? "

If he didn't know what it was before, he would have known it after he knocked on the old man's door again.

He saw a shrine in the corner of the living room.

But the shrine is not dedicated to any well-known God, but to a seven or eight year old girl. The little girl has a round face, big black eyes and a small smile. If it wasn't for her to comb her lotus head and hold a broom in her hand, she would be almost the same as an ordinary little girl.

But its dress is destined to be extraordinary.

The old man worshipped a statue of Sao qingniang at home. It's just that the statue is not a young woman in legend, but a little girl of seven or eight years old.

Jiang Shu recalled the materials he had read in his mind.

All the people in Hejia village are of the surname he, and there is only one family of immigrants, surnamed Qin.

The head of the household is Qin Shuyi. He is an educated youth who went to the countryside. He met his wife and fell in love in Hejia village, and finally got married in the remote Hejia village. Qin Shuyi's parents died long ago. After his marriage, he simply settled down in Hejia village, taking care of his wife's three-thirds of the land and teaching in the village primary school.

The only regret is that they never have a child. Until they were in their early 40s, they picked up a baby girl by the river and brought her home to raise her.

Qin Shuyi and his wife love this hard-earned child very much. Unfortunately, in 1999, there was a flood in Jiangcheng. It rained heavily for nearly a month. Qin Shuyi's wife and daughter died in the flood.

Jiang Shu calculated the time. When Qin Shuyi's daughter died, she was eight or nine years old.

The old man is Qin Shuyi. The shrine is dedicated to his early daughter.

Just don't know his daughter and sweep fine Niang have what origin.

After Jiang Gu's words, Qin Shuyi was moved. He hesitated for a long time, then asked in a dumb voice, "do you promise not to hurt her? Those things have nothing to do with her. "


He stood up to the eyes that twinkled maliciously in the dark and said again, "I am a public servant of the state. If it does not commit a crime, I will not hurt it."

Qin Shuyi's face was still hesitant, but his body blocked the door was not so firm.

Jiang Shu took a step forward, he subconsciously stepped back, and the stalemate was broken. Qin Shuyi finally turns around and takes him to the house.

He called softly: "Nannan?"

Seems to be a response, heard from the bedroom of the movement.

Qin Shuyi said, "she's in the bedroom."

Jiang Jiu followed him to the door of the bedroom, and then walked in without hesitation.

In front of the world suddenly becomes bright, the top of the head is gray sky, the foot is muddy loess. Between the sky and the earth, the pouring rain never stops.

He went through a door into another world.

Jiang's steps did not hesitate, as if he had been aware of it. He heard the voices in the distance and went towards them.

There are rows of houses standing on the loess ground. These houses seem to be sketched out with simple strokes. They are very rough. People in the house look out through the window. Even on their flat faces, they can see the expression of sadness: "when is the rain going to end?"

The woman peeped for a while and closed the window with a worried face. The window hanging upside down of sweep fine Niang is slightly shaking in the wind.

Jiang Gu fixed a look at it, and she grinned at him as if she were mocking and provoking.

Jiang Gu ignored it and went on.

This is a village. There are not many families. There are only about 40 or 50 families. There are so qingniang hanging upside down under the eaves and windows of every family. Across the room, Jiang can hear their worries and complaints. He got a lot of information from these complaints.

This paper man world is Hejia village. The time is about May and June. The rice in the field has just grown high, but there are continuous rainstorms in the sky. The rainstorm has been going on for half a month. The water level in the river rises sharply and the water in the field can't be pumped out. If it goes on like this, the rice in the field will be drowned.

Farmers who face the Loess and face the sky live on rice every year. When the rice is drowned, their hopes for the year are lost.

So every family hung up the broom, looking forward to the rain stopped as soon as possible.

But God didn't hear them praying. Jiang Jiu saw a tall male paper man stumble over. He even fell because of his slippery foot, but he didn't care to shout pain. He ran like crazy in the village, shouting: "the river is going to burst, the river is going to burst!"

All the closed doors were opened, and the paper men, big and small, ran out of the house. The rain drenched their bodies, but they didn't feel it. The expression on their flat faces was extremely vivid, full of anxiety and fear that only living people have.

All the people gathered in the open space in the rain. The old village head came out with a crutch. He clubbed the crutch and said in a loud voice: "men, take things with them and follow me to the embankment!"

So a group of male paper men went home and took all kinds of farm tools. Hula followed the village head to the riverbank.

Jiang Jiu saw a tall and thin paper man in the mixed crowd. He was totally different from other paper men. Even with farm tools, he had a straight back.

The men were busy by the river for a day and a night, loading sand and plugging the gap... All of them worked day and night, and finally blocked the gap that was about to burst the dike.

Thin paper body mixed with rain and sand, they did not fall down, have dragged tired home.

Jiang Jiu followed the thin and tall paper man and followed him home.

The house of the tall and thin paper man is at the end of the village. Compared with other houses that are very close to each other, this family is a little far away, standing alone on the edge of the village.

But soon a mother and daughter broke the lonely atmosphere. They opened the door and welcomed the man into the house with a happy smile on their face.

Especially the little paper man, she has a round face, big eyes, and two lovely blushes on her cheek. Looking at the man who came home, he was very happy and called "Dad" in a clear voice.

The male paper man laughs, and his fatigue seems to be swept away. He picked up the little paper man and the family of three entered the room.

The little paper man's face was buried in his father's neck socket, but he suddenly raised his face when he closed the door. His dark and round eyes looked at Jiang Jiu, his bent mouth was even and straight, and his eyes were gloomy and venomous.

——In this village, no one else can see Jiang Shu.

Jiang Shu didn't stop for this. He looked at it one by one.

Outside the rain has not stopped, as if it will never stop. But in such a tired night, one after another people quietly opened the door, and then the paper people came out and went to the biggest house in the village.

That's the village head's house.

Jiang Shu counted the number, and almost all the strong adults in the village arrived.

Except for the tall and thin man's family, they seemed to be isolated by the village.

The old village head was still on crutches, but he didn't look old. Instead, he carefully closed the door and announced something that made everyone panic.

"The gap in the levee can only be blocked for two days at most. It will soon be washed open again. We can't stop it at all."

All the paper men showed a look of horror.

The village head pointed to the sky and continued: "it's been raining for more than ten days. It's Rain God's anger. We have to find a way to calm down the anger of rain god, the rain can stop. Otherwise, if we go on like this, we won't live. "

Someone murmured: "is it to sacrifice Rain God?"

The village head's flat face became wrinkled, but his eyes showed a strange light: "yes, you have to have a try, otherwise the big guys will not survive."

"But where does the sacrifice come from?"

Another question was raised, which seemed very frightening. All the paper men closed their mouths and looked nervously from side to side.

Jiang Jiu's calm expression finally subsided.

The head of the village said, "if there is a girl at home, raise your hand."

The paper men on the scene looked at each other, but no one moved.

They can't understand what it means to sacrifice to the rain god.

There was a custom of sacrificing Rain God in the village long ago. Before the founding of the people's Republic of China, every year when the rainy season came, Hejia village would offer sacrifices to the God of rain, praying for good weather and good harvest. It is said that the Rain God likes beautiful girls, so every year when he worships the rain god, he will choose the most beautiful one from the eight to fifteen year old girls in the village as a sacrifice to the rain god.

The tradition of offering sacrifices to the God of rain continued for many years, and the girl who was dedicated to the God of rain gradually got a nice name, called Sao qingniang.

The people in the village believe that the girls who are dedicated to the rain god have become gods. They become Sao qingniang, the servants who are deeply worshipped by the rain god. So whenever it rains, the villagers hang her paper-cut upside down under the window or under the eaves. In this way, she will hear the wishes of her relatives and ask the rain god to stop the heavy rain and let it clear up.

Generations of people in Hejia village believe it. It was only after the founding of the state of Xinhua that their traditions were interrupted.

It has not been held for many years.

Now suddenly listen to the village head said to sacrifice Rain God, no one is willing to let the family girl as a sacrifice.

Times are changing and people's thoughts are changing. Become more sober, but also more selfish.

Some are silent, some are hesitant, and some seem determined.

The village head looked around, stroked his crutch and said, "don't you want to live? If you don't sacrifice the rain god, what will you do if the River breaks its bank? What about this year's harvest? "

A tall man raised his hand first, but he didn't want to let his daughter be a sacrifice. Instead, he proposed timidly: "otherwise, it will be called the old Qin family. Isn't his daughter just eight years old? If you look good, rain god will like it

Other people's eyes lit up.

Silent, hesitant paper men began to voice their approval.

Their eyes sparkle with a blazing light, and you and I begin to offer advice and suggestions.

"Yes, the girls of the old Qin family are the best."

"Anyway, the old Qin family also picked it up. It's not a problem for them to raise another one in the future."

"But Lao Qin, who has read books, hates feudal superstition. What if he refuses to do?"

"Cheat him out first, and tell him after the ceremony."

"That's to say, I've been in the village for so long, and I always have to make some contribution."


All kinds of voices gathered together, like a monster that ate people. The monster opened its mouth and gave off a fishy smell, saying, "that's settled. It's the girl of the old Qin family."

The fate of the Qin family was so hastily decided.

Outside the wind and rain, hung upside down in the window of the red sweep fine Niang mouth smile more and more big, eyes but shed red tears.


The time flow of the paper man world is very fast, and it's the next day in a twinkling of an eye.

The men in the village went to the riverbank again in spirit. Ginger greet stood before Qin's door, silently watching the thin and tall paper man carrying the shovel and leaving the door.

Seeing this, he understood what was going to happen.

The paper man's flat faces corresponded to reality in his memory.

He Laoda, he Laoer, he Laosan

The living and the dead are here at this time.

They secretly turn back after the thin and tall paper man, that is, Qin Shuyi, leaves home. They tied up Qin Shuyi's wife and forcibly took away the crying child.

The little girl was carried to the village head's house by them. The village head's mother-in-law changed her into a new red and green dress, combed her lotus head, drew her eyebrows and eyes, and gave her a pretty dress to elder he, urging her to go quickly

He went to the river with his child.

At the downstream of the breach of the dyke, a simple altar has been built. The village head takes the post of priest. Regardless of his wet body, he kneels and worships by the river, and his wrinkled body devoutly crawls into the muddy land.

When all the ceremonies are over, he Laoer and he Laosan bring the big stone together. He Laowu and he Laoliu tie the little girl and the heavy stone together with a rope. He Laoqi and he Laoba finally carry the big stone with the girl to the river, ready to throw it into the turbulent river.

Jiang Gu subconsciously steps forward, but hears a shrill cry behind him——


Qin Shuyi's wife stumbles over. Her body is covered with mud. The corners of her mouth are torn by biting the hemp rope, and the red blood like paint drips from her mouth. But she didn't care about anything. She rushed up and hugged her crying daughter and cried bitterly: "you are killing people! She's only eight. You can't do that. She's only eight! "

The papermen looked at him in silence and indifference. The flat face is as like as two peas.

He Laosi came forward to pull her, but she held her daughter tightly and refused to let go. Finally, he Laosi broke off her fingers one by one and separated her from her daughter.

Jiang Jiu even heard the sound of a broken bone. He stepped forward, moved back, and stood still.

All this is just a reappearance of the past, like a funny and cruel paper man play. He is just an intruded audience, and nothing can change.

Finally, the woman was pulled apart, and he Laoliu and he Laoqi mercilessly threw the girl and the boulder into the turbulent river.

Women's howling and cursing resounded through the sky, even the pouring rain could not be covered up.

She hated red eyes, suddenly broke free from the confinement of he Laosi, desperate to call her daughter's name and jumped into the river.

She caught her daughter's hand in mid air, but the stone was heavy and big, and the river was fierce and urgent. The mother and daughter held each other and sank to the bottom of the river in an instant.

Seeing the women jump into the river together, the village people panic.

"How can I explain this to Lao Qin?"

"Otherwise, I won't tell him. Let's say that Cuiping and Nannan accidentally fell into the river."

"Yes, if the girl is gone, she can be raised again. If the mother-in-law is gone, don't Lao Qin work hard with us?"

In a few words, they worked out a plan and a set of words.

Jiang Jiu's eyes fell on the turbulent river. He saw that he Laowu's head was swollen and white in the water, and his turbid eyes were protruding and turning hard in his eyes. His mouth was wide open, as if he were asking for help. Sao qingniang, who is big in the palm of his hand, stands on his forehead and looks straight at Jiang Jiu. The corner of his mouth is a malicious smile.

But this time, Jiang didn't ignore it.

He stood by the river, staring at the little Sao qingniang: "is that why you killed them?"

She grinned and giggled. Her voice was crisp and tender, but she was full of deep resentment: "they should die."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Jiu nodded and said seriously, "they really deserve to die."

These villagers are feudal, superstitious and selfish. Reluctant to give up their own children to die, but can not hesitate to throw other people's children into the river.

They killed two people, a happy family.

And their ridiculous sacrifice to rain god has no effect.

The torrential rain continued, and the river finally burst its bank. The whole Hejia village was submerged, some people were washed away by the flood, and some people died. There were nearly 50 families in this village, with a total of nearly 200 people, but only less than 100 people survived.

The old village head and he Laoba were washed away by the water, and there were no bones left.

He Laoer's wife and son got sick in the water and went there soon; He Laosi was blinded by the branch; He Lao Wu bumped his head and nearly lost his life; He Laoliu was broken by the collapsed beam and became a cripple from then on; Old he had a serious illness, and he has been lingering in his bed ever since

The only one who didn't have an accident was he Laosan, but he came back to avenge himself with ghosts all day and became a complete lunatic.

This is the retribution of Hejia village.

But it's not enough.

"It's not enough, it's two short," she said

He Laosan and he Laoliu are still alive.


Sao qingniang (vicious): bullying my father, killing you.

Greedy boy: the paper man must taste bad. Forget it, I won't eat you.


At the end of the month, the little cute with nutrient solution irrigates the greedy cub a little bit!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!