Published at 2nd of November 2022 05:57:44 AM

Chapter 11

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Dr. Hu has a way to provide people with identity certificates. Of course, Xie Yunnan provided the money and all kinds of information.

Xie Yunnan filled in Duan Changqing’s information on the spot – a 22-year-old who never attended school and was born in the fringe area on the other side of Hongye City.

There are schools in the fringe area, but most of the children here do not attend school. Among his peers, Xie Yunnan is considered as one of the most educated, and even finished high school.

He also wanted to go to university at the beginning, but the tuition was too expensive… He didn’t tell anyone that he was admitted to university, and didn’t go.

Even if he went to college, with the circumstances back then, there wouldn’t be enough money even after emptying his home. While there are ways around the money, he also considered how difficult it would be to mix and form roots in the general district after graduating.

So he simply went home and inherited the auto repair shop.

After finishing identity card matters, Xie Yunnan went to Sister Wu to buy cosmetics.

Apart from the flesh business, Sister Wu also sells skin care products and cosmetics part-time, but there are not many people in their town who use them.

She had just gotten up when Xie Yunnan passed by. Wearing a suspender skirt, her drowsy eyes widened in surprise upon learning that Xie Yunnan wanted to buy cosmetics. “Your face is fine, why do you think you want to buy these?”

“I’m dating someone; he will use it .” Xie Yunnan said.

“Since when? Why didn’t I know?” Sister Wu’s cigarette almost fell out of her mouth. She has always been well informed, yet she didn’t know anything about it.

“Very recently, I’ll bring him to meet you in a few days.” Xie Yunnan smiled.

Sister Wu handed some cosmetics to Xie Yunnan with a suspicious face, and also introduced how to use them along the way.

Xie Yunnan has never applied makeup himself, but he has seen some people on TV turn night into day with makeup and no makeup.

Since people can be made beautiful, they should be able to make them uglier, right?

After listening to Sister Wu’s introduction, he chose a can of yellowish foundation and some other things, and bought them back together.

On the way home, Xie Yunnan also told others about the person he was dating. “It’s the child of my grandfather’s friend. He came to see me a few days ago. I think he’s very suitable. I plan to marry him in a few days.”

Xie Yunnan closed the door and went upstairs. “I have already asked someone to prepare your identity card. I will bring you to take photos in a few days.”

Duan Changqing is too ill now. It’s not easy to take him out, and its better to learn how to wear makeup first if they’re going to take pictures.

Thinking so, Xie Yunnan handed Duan Changqing the cosmetics he purchased. “Can you do makeup?”

“I’ll try.” Duan Changqing replied.

His current appearance is similar to his first life, which makes it easy to feel grounded, but he doesn’t like his face much.

This face lacks masculinity!

He must make himself a little more mighty!

While Duan Changqing was learning how to disguise himself, the Liao family in the central district bought another batch of supplies.

Of course, they not only bought food, but other materials as well. When beasts attacked the fringes, the soldiers of Hongye City had to go out of the city to fight, so all kinds of equipment were naturally indispensable, and medicine was also very important.

Even if the prices were high, the Liao family bought it all. In order to buy supplies, they even sold their plantations and farms in the fringe area of ​​Hongye City.

The Liao family’s move was quite big, and it directly caused the price of food and various materials in Hongye City to rise a lot. Now, the things they bought have soared in price.

But Liao Muye didn’t care.

Although he’s paying double to purchase these things now, he can double the prices when he sells them later.

“Muye, this farm is the largest among all farms, and the location is good. It brings a steady stream of income to our Liao family every year. Do you really want to sell it?” Father Liao asked his son with a tangled heart.

The big families in Hongye City all have plantations and farms in the fringe area, and the income stream is quite good.

He is really reluctant to sell them off now.

“Grandpa has already agreed.” Liao Muye said. After revealing to his grandfather what he knew about the future, they discussed and made the decision together.

Father Liao could only agree and sign the sale agreement.

The farm’s location is very good, so it quickly sold at a low price.

Liao Muye didn’t feel bad at all. After all, this land would be occupied by wild beasts soon, and those animals that have not grown up yet would become food for the beasts.1farm = raising animals; plantation = raising crops

He might as well sell it early, and then use the proceeds to buy materials, which will generate a lot of profit later.

If they still want a farm in the future, they can buy it after the situation stabilizes.

After exotic beasts attacked Hongye City, Hongye City was in chaos for a long time, and the prices of plantations and farms outside the city also plummeted.

Speaking of which, Hongye Forest should be in chaos now, right?

The corpse of the high priest should have appeared in Hongye Forest.

However, the strongest beasts did not fight in the beginning. It would take another month before things turned serious.

Liao Muye once wanted to find the body of the high priest, but there were many people looking for him, and he did not dare intervene.

Moreover, it is useless to find the high priest’s body. It may even result in him being targeted by a group of powerful exotic beasts.

Rather than let the future development veer in an uncontrollable direction, he might as well keep his troops on hold to take control of Hongye City and conquer the rebel leader when the time is ripe.

Thinking so, Liao Muye looked in the direction of Hongye Forest.

In Hongye Forest, the beasts fought each other and the mercenaries who came to hunt them, everything was exactly the same as usual.

In a certain mountain pass, a group of people holding the latest information were a little puzzled. “What happened to the Liao family? Why did they suddenly buy so many supplies?”

“I don’t know. They also sold their farms and plantations, so I asked someone to buy two. Soon we will have a regular source of food in the future!”

“That’s great! Although there is no shortage of meat in the forest, I can’t stand eating meat every day!”

“Can we go there to play?”

“Is that ok? Just pretend to be an employee of a farm or a plantation.”

As the group was chatting, a man wearing a mask suddenly came out of a nearby cave.

If Liao Muye was here, he would have recognized at a glance that this man wearing a mask was the one on the S-Class wanted list that he had seen repeatedly before – the leader of the rebel army nicknamed “Ghost King”.

“Boss!” When those who were chatting lazily saw the masked man, they quickly got up and stood still, bowing their heads respectfully.

“You want to go to Hongye City?” the man asked.


“If you want to go, I will go too.” The man said.

Everyone was surprised.

At the same time, Duan Changqing had already put on makeup.

He has never put on makeup, but he lived in the era of information explosion in his last life, so he could guess how it went on.

After a few tries, he got the hang of it, but failed to make himself a manly man.

He just made his skin darker and rougher, and his entire person looked ugly.

The person in the mirror looked good-looking, much like those male internet celebrities in his previous life. But the makeup on his face was a little thick, which made people think that his appearance mostly depended on makeup.

Ugly… and a little bit girly…

“You’ve spent so much time, but you’re still beautiful.” Xie Yunnan couldn’t help sighing.

Duan Changqing: “…” Is this person’s filter for him too thick?!

DCQ, your face is just too delicate! You gotta see what those others outside the home look like first.

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