Yin-Yin Merchant - Chapter 31

Published at 30th of January 2023 06:42:49 AM

Chapter 31

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Xiulan cradled a weeping Bai Meirong in her lap. The poor woman had just had the last illusion of a loving family stripped from her.

Meirong choked out, “They… they are going to come after you now. Curing me has them convinced that they need to capture Zheng Ling. I am sorry I brought…”

Xiulan cut her off, “nonsense I chose to help you. Besides the Bai clan was always going to come after us. There is no need to be sorry. We will just have to trade quickly now. We should have built up a surplus of food staples by now. I need money if we are to combat them with main force.”

Bai Meirong wiped the tears out of her eyes and said, “they will not start with open conflict. The Patriarch cares a lot about the reputation of the clan. Open conflict will be seen as tyranny.”

Xiulan nodded, “still they will likely try and do something to justify their intervention.”

Xiulan turned to a shadowy corner of the room and instructed, “fetch Fu Jinjing back from her workshop. I think all of us should remain in the Combine building for now. Safer for us to be grouped together.”

While one of the twins went to carry out her instructions Yanlin materialized into the room. He bowed and then without further preamble launched into a report, “Magistrate Bai is in the process of putting together an embargo on the sale of Combine goods into the market. The official excuse is that the goods must be inspected for quality before they can be allowed to be sold.”

Xiulan squinted in anger, “they most likely want to hold the perishables on the shelves to rot and keep our rice and grain stores full for further sabotage. Meirong your first job as head of operations is to get as much produce as you can on ships to the Capital before the Magistrate can arrive with his embargo. We will sell it off in the Capital instead of locally. The Magistrate does not have jurisdiction over the river traffic, but he might try and hold our goods in the warehouses and silos before we can get them into river boats.”

Bai Meirong nodded and tidied up her clothing before leavening to do as instructed.

Xiulan turned to Yanlin, “get the golden hand to delay the Magistrate. The more product we move the better.”

Once Yanlin had left, Xiulan sighed, she had only just dealt with Zhao Yaozu and now she had a bigger headache to deal with. The Bai clan posed more of a threat than the Kangs or Zhao Yaozu. The same tricks were unlikely to work on them. Eventually this would come down to an open confrontation and none of Xiulan’s lovers or guards were strong enough to challenge the foundation establishment elder of the Bai clan.

Xiulan looked over her current assets. She had at her disposal fifty thousand gold coins in liquid cash. That was a vast sum to many, but it was still a far cry short of the hundred thousand she needed to boost herself to foundation establishment. Once she did that then the cultivation of her women should shoot up as well but even with all the produce, she was about to sell in the Capital she would not quickly reach the required amount.

The system was her only hope to get out of this bind, so Xiulan bit the bullet and opened up the custom order section of the shop. She started to put together a custom cultivation method for her to use in addition to the dual cultivation she already practiced.

When she was done the resulting cultivation method was so expensive that it would clean her out but despite that Xiulan was pleased. A golden scroll materialized in her hand and appraisal revealed the cultivation method’s name: Golden Life blood method. (upgradable). Most cultivation methods require abundant atmospheric qi to increase efficiency. The Golden Life Blood method instead works with the knowledge that money unlike qi is omnipresent in the world. Every coin contains a small amount of qi from its previous owners. Every trade keeps the world flowing with life. To cultivate this method all that needs be done is to earn as much as possible.

Xiulan had started the method as a heaven grade one but chose to keep open the option to increase its grade in the future.

Xiulan absorbed the scroll and a golden light disappeared into her skin. The knowledge of how to practice the method suddenly appeared in her mind. Luckily, she did not need to actually have physical possession of the money she earnt to cultivate the method. She only needed to be karmically tied to the trade.

While the ever-present small-scale sales of food went on Xiulan was delighted to feel small wisps of qi floating into her dantian. Previously she had only ever taken on new qi when she completed a dual cultivation session.

The gains were microscopic at this point but when the Zhao clan made their payments and Meirong sold that food in the Capital Xiulan’s cultivation would shoot up. Most importantly Xiulan’s cultivation was no longer hindered by the low qi environment of the interior and by extension the cultivation of her lovers would similarly no longer be bound.

An impromptu market had been established next to the Combine due to its throng of students. Xiulan went out to it now and started to trade in an absolute frenzy. The system matched demand and need perfectly Xiulan was determined to increase her cultivation as much as possible.

Xiulan bought a fur from one hunter and sold it to a wealthy riverboat captain’s wife for twice the purchase price. She helped a wood carver sell a chess set to a traveling singer for a cut of the profits.

Each and every trade built the warmth in her dantian a little bit more and the rate of growth was amazing. This must be what it was like to train in a qi rich region. No wonder every cultivator was desperate to establish themselves in the Capital.

Xiulan only sobered when she finally felt the rush of qi that indicated that she was now a level eight Qi condensation cultivator.

The market was beginning to empty out as the evening set in. The golden hand must have done a good job of delaying the Magistrate because he only arrived now. He looked thoroughly bedraggled. He even had chicken feathers stuck in his hair.

Glaring at her he handed Xiulan a piece of paper and spat out, “your Combine is to cease all commercial activity until your food can be inspected for safety. I have already given a similar document to your office, but they insisted that I find you before they would comply.

Xiulan nodded and said brightly, “of course magistrate everybody knows how concerned you usually are for the health of the citizens of the city.”

Xiulan pitched her voice to carry, and the dwindling crowd murmured with interest. Magistrate Bai grimaced, “enough simpering, take me to your stores.”

Xiulan complied and brought him to the warehouses and grain silos. The Magistrate swung open the doors clearly aiming to find some fault with the goods.

The warehouse was empty. The magistrate blinked and then opened another set of doors, empty. The silos were similarly empty.

He spun on Xiulan, red with fury, “is this some kind of Joke miss Long.”

Xiulan herself was surprised; Meirong was indeed a wonder of efficiency. Keeping her face neutral she said, “we did already send a large batch of goods to the Capital. I suppose our stores are empty for now. Maybe you should come back tomorrow?”

The Magistrate huffed, “well played. I do not want any more goods sold until I have made a proper inspection. I will be back tomorrow.”

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