I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1200

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:35:03 AM

Chapter 1200: 1200

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Nangong Qianqiu, who bowed his head slightly, said, "it's an honor for the Han family that you can come."

Nangong Boling said with a faint smile: "it seems that you haven't forgotten your identity. It's a good thing. There are too many puppets who have forgotten their birth and even wanted to revenge me after they married into a rich family. It's a pity that they are too arrogant. Now they are withered to ashes and don't know if they regret it."

Nangong Qianqiu's heart trembled when she heard these words. She knew what kind of people Nangong Boling was. Since he said so, those people must have died.

Nangong Qianqiu has a lot of complaints about being used as a puppet by Nangong family, just like other people. She knows Nangong Boling's ability better than others, so she has never thought of fighting against Nangong Boling.

Now it seems that this is a wise choice. Otherwise, she would have died long ago.

"Are you here because of Han 3000?" Nangong Qianqiu asked.

Nangong Boling said with a faint smile: "do you think you are qualified to let me appear here?"

He said this very directly, and he didn't give Nangong Qianqiu any face.

But Nangong Qianqiu didn't dare to be angry. Instead, he said with a smile, "of course I'm not qualified, but Han 3000, does he really have it?"

"If he has, I'll know when I see him. Let him come out to see me." Nangong Boling said.

"He left the Han family long ago, and now he doesn't live here any more." Nangong Qianqiu said.

"Can't you do such a simple thing to get him back?" Nangong Boling said discontentedly.

He can come to Yanjing, has given enough face to Han 3000, is it difficult to ask him to find Han 3000 in person?

Nangong Boling is definitely not willing to do this kind of thing. After all, he doesn't know whether Han 3000 is the core member of the apocalypse.

"I'll try." Nangong Qianqiu can't guarantee that she can let Han 3000 return to the Han family's compound, because since Han 3000 left, the Han family has not regarded him as the Han family, and he has not regarded the Han family's compound as his own home.

After the party entered the compound, Nangong Qianqiu took Nangong Boling to the pavilion in the backyard. This is the place where Nangong Qianqiu often rests. The environment is very good, but with only one stone bench, Nangong Qianqiu can only stand.

"I'll call him." Nangong Qianqiu said.

"Go ahead."

When Nangong Boling answers, Nangong Qianqiu dares to leave.

"How is Han Tianyang now?" Nangong Boling asked Zhong Changqiu that as an affiliated chess piece, Han Tianyang's value to Nangong Boling is not big, but if Han 3000 is really the core member of apocalypse, Han Tianyang's chess piece is likely to play a magical role.

"In the center of the earth, I have told you not to let anyone hurt him." Zhong Changqiu said.

"If Han 3000 is valuable, Han Tianyang is my pawn to blackmail him. Don't let Han Tianyang have an accident." Nangong Boling reminds us.

Zhong Changqiu naturally understood this truth, so he would order the people in the center of the earth to take good care of Han Tianyang's safety.

At this time, Nangong Qianqiu, who came back to her room, took the initiative to contact Han 3000 with a ferocious look. This was something she had disdained to do before, and she had never thought of such a day.

For Nangong Qianqiu, it's worse than death to put down face in front of Han 3000.

But she also knew that if she didn't, she would not be able to save her life once she angered Nangong Boling.

"I do it for the sake of the king." After Nangong Qianqiu finished this sentence, he finally dialed Shi Jing's number.

Shi Jing is experimenting with new dishes at home. Now, Shi Jing, who is a housewife, is very comfortable in the kitchen, and her cooking is much better than before.

Hearing the bell, Shi Jing subconsciously picks up her mobile phone. When she is ready to press the answer key, she suddenly sees the four words Nangong Qianqiu, which makes Shi Jing stunned.

How could Nangong Qianqiu suddenly call her?

Quickly out of the kitchen, came to the living room, said to Han 3000: "Nangong Qianqiu called."

Han 3000 laughed and said, "it should be Nangong Boling who has arrived in Yanjing. Take it."

Shi Jing pressed the answer point and turned on the PA.

"Come back with Han 3000 at once." Nangong Qianqiu said to Shi Jing in the tone of command.

It has been a long time since she heard such a strong command from Nangong Qianqiu, but Shi Jing still shows a trace of fear, which is probably the fear of Nangong Qianqiu accumulated over many years.

Shi Jing, who didn't know how to answer, had to look at Han 3000.

"Nangong Qianqiu, if Nangong Boling comes, you ask him to see me in person. As for the Han family compound, I can't go back." Han 3000 said.

This answer did not come out of Nangong Qianqiu's expectation, but she was still very angry to hear Han 3000 say so.

Who is Nangong Boling? How can he go to see him?

"Han 3000, what do you think you are? What qualifications do you have for Nangong Boling to see you?" Nangong Qianqiu said with gnashing teeth“ If you don't come to see me, you can go back to your home. Besides, I'm not the Han family now. You have no right to order me. " Han 3000 said“ I'll give you one last chance, you think clearly, otherwise, I'll do my best to deal with you. " Nangong Qianqiu threatened. Everything about the Han family? These words made Han 3000 laugh. Today's Han family, what else? What else can we fight with him? Just one Yang family is enough to bring down the Han family. He doesn't need to do it himself“ Hang up. " Han 3000 said to Shi Jing. Shi Jing immediately pressed the hang up button. She didn't have the courage to do this kind of thing, but Han 3000 said so, and she was full of confidence“ I didn't expect that she was still so overbearing. " Shi Jing said“ When she is used to being strong, how can she soften me? Besides, Nangong Qianqiu always treats me as a waste. " Han 3000 light said. On the other end of the phone, Nangong Qianqiu, who was listening to the blind voice, was almost angry. Han 3000 had the courage to hang up her phone directly. He didn't pay attention to her at all. If you can't tell Han 3000, how can you explain to Nangong Boling“ Han 3000, you are so arrogant, I will make you pay the price sooner or later! " Nangong Qianqiu said maliciously. Put away the mobile phone, came to the backyard Pavilion, Nangong Qianqiu said to Nangong Boling: "that boy is too arrogant, he doesn't want to see you, unless you go to see him in person." Nangong Boling's expression changed in an instant. The shelf of Han 3000 is too big! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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