I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1235

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:34:17 AM

Chapter 1235: 1235

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"Ask them if they know a woman named Lin Fang. If they do, let her be a low-key person. Don't force me to do it." Han 3000 said.

Nangong Boling is confused. It's just a woman. How can Han 3000 be so serious? No matter what happens, since Han 3000 has such a requirement, Nangong Boling naturally has to meet it. After all, it's just a small thing.

Moreover, this woman has something to do with his puppet. If he doesn't deal with it properly, Han 3000's accounting on him is not a good thing for him.

"Yes, I'll do it right away." Nangong Boling said.

Hang up the phone, Han 3000 continue to close his eyes in the corner, for these students dispute small things, he really did not mind to intervene, after all, see too much, already feel tired.

On the other hand, Lin Fang also shows her superiority in front of Shi Jing. She seems to want to trample Shi Jing under her feet to get rid of her anger.

"Shi Jing, this is your chance. You should take advantage of it. You've been married to the Han family for so many years, and you haven't made any contribution to the Han family with your ability. Now you can help them. Don't you want to?" Lin Fang said.

"What do you mean?" Shi Jing asked.

"I'll help you as long as you're willing to ask me, OK?" Lin Fang said with a smile.

Shi Jing suddenly realized that Lin Fang said so much to make her bow to her.

But for Shi Jing, what is the situation of the Han family and what does it have to do with her? Now she has been driven out of the Han family by Nangong Qianqiu.

And although she didn't care about the class flower dispute, it didn't mean that she was willing to bow to Lin Fang for no reason.

"If you think too much, I won't ask you." Shi Jing said coldly.

As soon as Lin Fang's face changed, she said coldly, "believe me or not, you can make the Han family end immediately."

"OK, anyway, I'm not at the Han family any more. It doesn't matter to me how the Han family is." Shi Jing shrugged indifferently.

Lin Fang didn't expect that Shi Jing would react like this. In her opinion, Shi Jing should be at a loss because of her threat. How could she not care?

Does it mean that Shi Jing has been divorced, so she doesn't care about the Han family?

Thinking of this, Lin Fang showed a proud smile on her face and said, "Shi Jing, you are not divorced and abandoned by your husband, are you?"

It's a great shame to be abandoned. If so, Lin Fang doesn't mind spilling salt on Shi Jing's wound.

However, this is bound to let Lin Fang down. Although Shi Jing is driven out of the Han family by Nangong Qianqiu, her relationship with Han Cheng has not changed.

"Let you down, I'm not divorced, and I won't divorce in the future." Shi Jing said.

"Cut." Lin Fang disdained a smile, said: "if you did not divorce, how can you not care about the situation of the Han family, or you are afraid of losing face, so you dare not admit it in front of the students?"

"It's something out of thin air. Why should I admit that Lin Fang's face-to-face battle with ban Hua is caused by the students' coaxing, which has nothing to do with me. Moreover, you also got ban Hua's name through bribery. After so many years, you don't care about it?" Shi Jing gradually lost her patience. She gave in again and again, but it was Lin Fang's advance. So she didn't mind tearing her face with Lin Fang.

Bribery is a disgrace to Lin Fang. It is obviously disgraceful to get the name of ban Hua by this means.

Although many students know about it, it has never been mentioned on the stage.

Shi Jing said so, obviously is hit her face, this let Lin Fang instant anxious eye.

"I think you are making something out of nothing. Ban Hua's name is worthy of the name. When did I bribe people?" Lin Fang said harshly.

Shi Jing is strong, which is not weak in front of people, and so many years with Nangong Qianqiu side, more or less also learned some strong aura.

At this point, Shi Jing didn't want to give Lin Fang face. She pointed to the students and asked, "how many of you have received Lin Fang's benefits? You should be clear. This is a fact that everyone knows. Do you still need me to call names one by one?"

Lin Fang was so angry that she subconsciously raised her hand and wanted to fight Shi Jing.

Shi Jing is not a soft persimmon for anyone to handle. She grabs Lin Fangyang's wrist and says, "do you want to hit someone? Is it because your dirty work has been revealed that you are in a bad mood? "

Seeing that things are about to get out of control, Liu Wei, as the monitor, finally stood up at this time, walked to the middle of the two and said, "how long ago was this, when we were young, we were not sensible. Now that we are adults, do we have to worry about this little thing?"

"I've never paid attention to it, but some people with a small stomach are obviously still worrying about it." Shi Jing said lightly.

extreme pettiness of character!

These four words for Lin Fang, is undoubtedly the second injury, let her more hysterical.

"Shi Jing, I want you to regret what you said today." Lin Fang said with gnashing teeth. Shi Jing is still a face does not care attitude, said: "you are not able to bring down the Han family, I wait to see your means." The strong have no weakness, and there is no place worthy of being threatened. Shi Jing's attitude now is that of the strong. Because she is fearless, Lin Fang has nothing to do with her. On one side, Han 3000 can't help laughing when he hears these words, because one of his phone calls has made Lin Fang nothing. Now those so-called rich people just want to get rid of her, how can they help her deal with the Han family? But just like this, it doesn't seem to earn more face for Shi Jing. Han 3000 takes out the phone again and dials Qin Lin's number. Before Qin Lin talked about letting the owner of Longhu villa know him and asking him to help change a banquet hall. This is not a trivial matter“ Qin Lin, help me arrange the banquet hall. I want to keep a low profile, but some people force me to keep a high profile. " Han 3000 light said. Qin linle on the other end of the line got up and said, "don't worry, boss. I'll call him right away and ask him to make arrangements. If he knows you are in Longhu villa, he will be flattered." Han 3000 has no real status and rights now, but his reputation in Yanjing is too loud. Although the boss of Longhu villa has a certain background relationship, he will never let go of the opportunity to please Han 3000. In less than ten minutes, the staff of Longhu villa came to Shanshui court in groups! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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