I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 1622

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:24:58 AM

Chapter 1622: 1622

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What Fu Mei wants is that Su Yingxia bows her head and admits that she is not as good as herself.

But Su Yingxia, who was slapped in the face, didn't compromise. Instead, he looked at Fu Mei more sarcastically.

"Do you think a slap on my face will prove that you are better than me?" Su Yingxia said.

Fu Mei Qi and blood on the head, a pinched Su Yingxia's neck, wish Su Yingxia died on this hall.

"Kill me, and I'll thank you." Su Yingxia said.

Angry Fu Mei, slowly add gravity on her hand.

At this time, she has completely lost her mind.

From small to large, she is not as good as Su Yingxia, but she always wants to prove that she is better than Su Yingxia.

But in all aspects, Fu Mei can't compare with Su Yingxia, which makes her jealous and abnormal.

At this time, a high-level came over and said to Fu Mei in a sharp voice, "Fu Mei, what do you want to do? Let her go."

"I want this woman to die!" Fu Mei said with gnashing teeth.

"If she dies, you have to be buried with her."

"If she dies, who can save Fu's pulse?"

High level two words, let Fu Mei calm down.

Although she very much hoped that Su Yingxia could die in her own hands.

But she also knew that if she did, the patriarch would never let her go.

At that time, she is likely to become Su Yingxia's funeral object, which is not worth it for Fu Mei.

Release Su Yingxia's neck, help Mei cold voice said: "sooner or later, one day, I will let you die in my hands."

Su Yingxia smile, seems very happy, said: "you still want to be as incompetent as before, since you want to kill me, why not just a little bit?"

Fu Mei knows that Su Yingxia is deliberately provoking her and making her do stupid things.

But she can't do so, in order not to let her temper burst out, Fu Mei can only leave the hall.

The high-rise looked at Su Yingxia and was not angry.

"You could have changed a lot of things, but you screwed everything up. Our people have been authorized by the top of blue mountain. Do you think Han 3000 can survive?" High level said to Su Yingxia.

With Han 3000's current strength, how can he be the opponent of Fu's pulse? They are not at the same level at all.

But Su Yingxia has blind confidence in Han 3000.

And she believed that Han 3000 would never die easily if he didn't see himself.

"Let's make a bet. I don't think he will die, and he will come to save me." Su Yingxia said.

"Jokes, big jokes." That high-level without mercy sneered, said: "a Xuanyuan world waste, even want to survive, you really look up to him, do you know who is going to kill him this time?"

"Does it matter?" Su Yingxia has an indifferent expression.

"Maybe it doesn't matter. After all, Fu Leng won't let him die so easily. In the face of belittling the enemy, should he be more hateful?" Said the senior.

Speaking of Fu Leng, Su Yingxia's face changed slightly.

Fu Leng also has the strength of Kongtong territory, and was once Su Yingxia's pursuer, but Su Yingxia refused Fu Leng mercilessly.

If the people who go to Xuanyuan world really help the cold, it will be a great disaster for Han 3000.

"But you can rest assured that the patriarch has an order and must bring him back to Fu's family alive. But you also know the means of Fu Leng. Maybe he came to Xuanyuan world and lost all his limbs." High level laughs.

Su Yingxia's heart thumped, although she had prepared for the worst, but the high-level words, still let her heart set off a huge ripple.

Death is not terrible.

What's terrible is the way to support Han 3000 and make his life worse than death.

Although worried, Su Yingxia can't do anything now. She can only hope Han 3000 can deal with it. Although the opportunity is very small, Su Yingxia still has a strong trust in Han 3000 in her heart.

The Fu family occupies a large area and is divided into four courtyards, Southeast, northwest and North. There are different people living in these four courtyards, and their identities are obviously different.

The east courtyard is all the high levels of Fu family, including the patriarch.

The South courtyard, however, is home to some excellent back of Fu's pulse, which is the pillar of Fu's pulse in the future.

At the moment, a cold faced young man in black was standing at the door of his room with a strong sense of killing in his eyes.

"Fu Leng, in the face of the enemy, you should not be soft handed, right?" Fu Mei comes to the young man in black shirt. He is Fu Leng who will be sent to Xuanyuan world.

"What do you want to say?" Help cold light way.

"I want to remind you that it's not a wise choice to be soft on your opponent, and because of his existence, it is likely to lead to the collapse of Fu's family." Fu Mei said.

Fu Leng turned his head, looked at Fu Mei coldly, and said, "what happened just now in the main hall is enough for me to kill you. Do you know why you can still stand in front of me alive?" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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