I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2521

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:02:54 AM

Chapter 2521: 2521

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A group of people look at Du Yisheng and walk towards Han 3000. They look at each other face to face.

Fu mang is dead. Even if the king of medicine is here, he can bring the dead back to life. However, there are preconditions.

If you want to meet this requirement, one thing you must have is that you can't die too long.

However, Fu Mang's current situation is that although his death is not long, it is definitely not short.

All in all, there are quite a few hours. What's more, Fu Mang's death is not the same as the ordinary death. He died completely because he lost his flesh and lost too much blood.

In other words, this kind of death is basically irreversible.

Even if the immortal Luo comes, so what?!

Unless, he can have Han 3000's super golden body and all kinds of strange places.

But the problem is that even Han 3000 himself was saved by himself or others at the moment of death. He was never as serious or as long as Fu mang.

"This... This is all white bones, and there are few pieces of meat. What else can we save?" Some people immediately felt some helpless grievances. For them, since the deceased has passed away, they should let him rest in peace. Now all other actions are nothing more than tossing about the poverty of the deceased.

What's more, this man is the old man Du Yisheng.

Although the old man looks fairyland and upright, his perverse behavior just now also makes people deeply understand the kind of bastard that the old man is hiding under the skin.

Let this kind of people to rescue Fu Mang, it is not clear that it is a chance to make trouble, or even revenge!

"It's a deliberate revenge."

"Although the leader of the alliance is capable and intelligent, he has strong feelings for fumang, so he is sentimental and used by people with ulterior motives."

"Yes, yes."

Many of the disciples whispered in private. In fact, not only they, but also Fu Mang and Dao 12 were puzzled and puzzled by Han 3000's decision.

It's a fact that Fu mang is dead. Let alone Du Yisheng, even if Wang Huan comes, it's bullshit.

But they all know that the death of Fu mang has caused great sorrow to everyone, and Han 3000's heart is not easy either. It's more or less understandable that the dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

In addition, Han 3000 already has words, who dares to violate them again?!

At that end, Du Shengsheng came to Fu mang very seriously and quickly. After holding his pulse in his hand, he frowned and wrinkled. Then, he quickly looked at Fu Mang's body.

Even people who lived for two thousand years, even though they ate more salt than most people ate rice, when they saw the tragic scene of Fu Mang, they still took a few breaths of air.

It's heavy. It's too heavy.

No one would object to saying that it was put in the wild and eaten by jackals for several days.

Thinking of this, he turned around slightly, looked at Han 3000 beside him, and shook his head apologetically: "he was really hurt too much, almost scared all over. There was no meat left, only white bones left."

"The lack of meat means that the meridians are broken, and it also means that other body structures are completely out of supply and protection. Even the gods of Daluo are powerless."

Hearing Du Shengsheng's words, Han 3000's eyes flashed a trace of anger, but soon, the anger disappeared. He looked sad and affectionate at Fu Mang, who was safely back to the west, for a long time.

"You motherfucker, you play with us, don't you?"

"I have long said that you avenged yourself and insulted our leader. I'll fight with you."

"Boys, hit him."

Almost at this time, a lot of people in the mysterious alliance suddenly stood up and rushed to Du Yisheng one by one.

Du Yisheng saw a group of people who were fierce. If they had been rude to them before, he would have been rude to them. But when he knew Han 3000's identity, he didn't dare to resist. He just subconsciously protected his head with his hands.


In a group of people around Du Yisheng ready to vent the anger in the heart, Han 3000 suddenly a angry.

All the people on the scene were shocked and stupefied.

"Can you save people? It's all about saving people. What are you doing? When I die? " Han three thousand cold voice anger way.

A group of disciples looked at each other for a long time. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to speak. Dao 12 endured for a long time and said, "we just don't want to help mang to be insulted wantonly."

"When people come to save people, is that the attitude? I think if Fu mang didn't die, you'd be disgraced? " Han three thousand scolded a, then, convergence mood, looked to Du Yisheng: "good, please."

"Bai Xiaosheng, see off the guests." Han 3000 finished, suddenly remembered something: "if anyone dares to find Tianji Palace's trouble in private, deal with it according to the gang rules."


Jianghu baixiaosheng nodded, politely came to Du Shengsheng and made a gesture of invitation. Han 3000 looks back and looks sad at Fu mang. Fu Mang's situation, as long as a normal person can judge, and Han 3000 naturally more clearly. If there is help, Han 3000 where will always be depressed sitting here, even if it is exhausted all his energy, he will never have the slightest hesitation to save people. But the problem is that Fu Mang, who is as white as a bone and has only meat and head left, has no chance to give him. He is dead. He is dead to the core! Du Shengsheng and Han Sanqian know from Zhong Beihai and Chen Shimin what Tianji palace they come from, so dead horses are regarded as living horse doctors. If there is a secret, it's a good thing. Even if it doesn't work, Han 3000 will never have any dissatisfaction“ What's the rush to see off? I'm afraid I'll eat your food and drink your wine. " Du Yisheng takes a look at Bai Xiaosheng, who is posing as an invitation, and suddenly says with a chuckle. All the disciples were even more angry. Han 3000 frowned and glared at everyone. Then he looked at Du Yisheng: "Taoist, what do you mean by that?"“ Young Xia Han, have you ever heard of ShuangTian supreme Han 3000 frowned and shook his head“ One day, the dead will be killed, and all evils will be suppressed. One day, the bones will turn white and the body will be destroyed. " Speaking of this, the old Taoist with white beard regained his previous self-confidence: "so, it's also called the supreme of heaven!"“ I... damn it Suddenly, almost at the same time, Bai Xiaosheng in the Jianghu opened his mouth in horror, as if he suddenly remembered something. This Novell has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation

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