I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 268

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:58:02 AM

Chapter 268: 268

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Jianghe group.

Just after an internal meeting, when Jiang Hai was about to leave, the senior management of a company said to him with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang has been in the limelight these days. It's really a sword before it's old."

Hearing this, Jiang Hai said with a faint smile: "what treasure is not treasure knife, the old man may be bored recently, so he just found something to do for himself."

"This time, the Su family was played badly by the old man. That Su Yingxia was really ill fated. He finally became the chairman of the Su family, but he provoked the old man again. Didn't he ask for his own death?" Said the senior.

"It's said that it's still for the sake of shielding Han 3000. I don't know what he thinks." Another high-ranking official sneered and said that people in Yuncheng knew all about it. Naturally, people in Jianghe group had heard about it for a long time. The old man was serious and wanted to bring down the Su family. Now I don't know how many people are waiting to see a good play.

"Han 3000 is a man, but he doesn't lose face to our men. Let my father clean up. As long as he is happy, it doesn't matter what he does." Jiang Hai said with a nonchalant face that he didn't pay attention to the Su family, let alone Han 3000. Since he knew this, Jiang Hai didn't even ask about it, because he didn't worry about what would happen. Jiang has his own influence. It's not a problem to defeat the Su family. Even if something really happened, he has a way to solve it.

"Yes, as long as the old man is happy."

"I don't know how many people are waiting to see the good play in the people's Square tomorrow. I'm very curious whether Han 3000's rubbish will appear."

Several people are smiling, Jiang Hai's assistant then extremely flustered ran into the conference room.

"Jiang... Jiang Dong."

Jiang Hai glared and said, "has the sky fallen down? Why are you so flustered?"

The assistant not only felt that the sky had fallen, but also felt the earthquake. Because a group of people came to the company and blocked the lobby, and no one was allowed to leave. Now the staff of the company are in a panic.

"Jiang Dong, a... A man named Moyang wants to see you." Said the assistant.

Hearing the name of Moyang, Jiang Hai frowns instantly. He is the number one person in the gray area of Yuncheng. But Jiang Hai and he have no intersection. How can he suddenly come to the company?

Jianghai and Moyang don't belong to the same way, but with Moyang's current status, Jianghai can't help giving this big man face.

Now the whole Cloud City, who dares to offend Mo Yang casually, even the Tian family is not willing to do evil with him.

An ominous premonition came to mind. Jiang Hai said to his assistant, "bring him to my office."

The assistant left the meeting room with a pale nod.

"Jiang Dong, is there anything wrong?"

"Will it have something to do with Jiang Lao?" The two senior officials asked Jiang Hai anxiously that it was a very simple thing for him to deal with the Su family, but if it involved Moyang, it would be very troublesome.

Jianghe group has a big voice in Yuncheng, but it's not a good thing to get into trouble with people like Moyang.

"How can the Su family please this great man?" Jiang Hai's expression is calm, but he feels that these two things must be related. Otherwise, how could Mo Yang come to him for no reason.

Looking at Jiang Hai pretending to be calm, the two senior managers began to worry that there was nothing wrong with dealing with the Su family. Jiang Fu was able to play with her with applause, but Mo Yang's appearance would raise the matter to another level. If he really tore his face, I'm afraid the Jiang family would not have good fruit to eat.

Jiang Hai back to the office, found Mo Yang sitting in his position, some discontent.

"Boss Mo, I didn't expect that we met for the first time in this way." Jiang Hai said in a deep voice.

Mo Yang saw Jiang Hai, deliberately stood up to tidy up his clothes, a face sorry said: "Jiang Dong, I'm really sorry, the first time I met, I didn't dress up to attend."

"Don't say that, elder mo. I'm just a small man. How can I make you dress up to attend?" Jiang Hai said.

"Since you know that you are a little man, do you still want to die?" Mo Yang disdains the way.

Jiang Hai regards himself as a small man, which is his modest performance, but he did not expect that Mo Yang would say so, which is completely ignored.

Jiang Hai clenched his teeth and said, "what do you mean, boss Mo? I'm a famous figure in Yuncheng. If you deliberately pick on me, I'm not easy to get into trouble."

"I came to you today to send you a message and save your Jiang family. How loud you are has nothing to do with me." Mo Yang said.

"Hum." Jiang Hai snorted coldly and said, "save the Jiang family. The Jiang family is fine. Why do you need to save them?"

"Well, of course, it's good. You don't know about your father's dealing with the Su family." Mo Yang said.

"Of course, I know, but it's just a su family. I don't pay attention to Jiang Hai." Jiang Hai disdains Tao.

"You can ignore the Su family, but you can't ignore my boss." Mo Yang said with a smile. boss! These two words surprised Jiang Hai. Who in the whole cloud city didn't know that after Moyang came out of the lake again, he calmed down the chaos in the Cloud City and returned to his old position. He still had the boss“ Mo boss, don't make fun of me. Is there anyone more powerful than you in the gray area of Cloud City? " Jiang Hai said“ Let your father go to the people's Square and kneel down tomorrow. Otherwise, my brothers may greet the people of the Jiang family. Their eyesight is not good recently. They may not be able to distinguish between adults and children. If they do something irreversible, there will be no successor for him. Think about it for yourself. " Mo Yang said this and left the office. The surface of the river and the sea is as deep as water. He feels the threat in Moyang's words clearly. If he doesn't follow his words, Moyang will deal with the people of the Jiang family. But... Suddenly, the eyes of the river and the sea were shocked! Let Jiang Fu go to the people's Square to kneel down, and this place is exactly where Jiang Fu asked Han 3000 to go. Mo Yang's boss... Impossible! How is that possible? How could the boss of Moyang be Han 3000. He has been in Cloud City for so many years and is notorious. How can he become the boss of people like Moyang“ Han 3000, you really have a little ability. You can let Mo Yang come out, but what's the matter? I'm not a soft persimmon for anyone to handle. " Jiang Hai said with gnashing teeth. After leaving the company and returning home, Jiang Fu sat in the living room and studied the videos of the top competitions. Although he was not good at chess, he still loved go very much. In his spare time, besides playing chess, he just watched the videos of go competitions“ Dad, how did the conflict between you and the Su family come into being? " Jiang Hai went to Jiang Fu and asked. Jiang Fu waved his hand and said, "don't worry about it. Dad can solve it by himself. You'd better worry about the company. Do you really think Dad is old and can't do anything?" Jiang Hai takes a deep breath. If this matter is only related to the Su family, of course he won't worry about it. But now that Mo Yang comes forward for this matter, he can't continue to ignore it“ Dad, I'm just curious. Tell me about it. " Jiang Hai said“ OK, to satisfy your curiosity, in fact, it's not a big deal. It's all because Han Sanqian is a loser. He's very good at go, so we forced him to take part in the game in Fuyang City. We wanted to make him give a long face to Yuncheng Go Association. Unexpectedly, he lost the game on purpose, not only for himself, It has also affected the whole Go Association. My father has been holding his anger in his heart. If he doesn't kneel down and apologize to me, how can I feel happy? " Jiang Fu said. In the whole passage, Jiang Hai caught two important points, forcing and losing, which is totally unreasonable. They forced Han 3000 to participate in the game. If they lost the game, they had to make Han 3000 kneel down to apologize, which was aggressive. Of course, if Moyang doesn't appear, Jianghai will still take it for granted. Shouldn't the weak submit to the strong? Unfortunately, the situation is different now! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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