I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2688

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:58:37 AM

Chapter 2688: 2688

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Grandpa is playing a big game of chess?! Wang Simin can't understand Han 3000's words. It's true that grandpa loves playing chess. Many times, even a person will entertain himself. But what does this have to do with playing big chess? His wife is no more than the size of a little thumb cover, and his chessboard is no more than the size of a mirror. No one can be called a big man. At this time, Han 3000 had flown into the air, and his energy was slightly released. In a short time, a huge barrier suddenly appeared from less than a meter in front of Wang Simin and pangolin. The barrier is translucent, extending all the way from the underground to the cave top and all the way from the left to the right, completely separating the whole stone house from their gang“ Is it the one that has been blocking us? " Wang Simin looked around. There were a few light spots all over the translucent barrier. Light spots are connected to form perfect and beautiful light, like star arrays and star maps. It's beautiful! In the distance, ningyue several people also saw this scene and opened their eyes one after another“ What is this? " At this time, Han 3000 smiled, moved a little energy in his hand, and suddenly hit the screen. At that time, the powerful energy and barrier sent out dazzling light. When Han 3000 collected his strength, a black light spot had been printed in the barrier“ What's Han 3000 doing? Shit! "“ I don't understand. "“ Is this a fight? " Ning Yue's gang are completely stupid. Look at me and I'll look at you. I'm at a loss“ What is he doing? " Pangolins are also confused. Wang Simin didn't speak, but just stared. At this time, with the black light spots of Han 3000 falling, the white light spots on the barrier began to move slightly. When the white light spot stops moving, Han 3000 uses energy again and burns a black spot“ What about electric welding? " Dao 12 touched his head. It was very strange. Moyang stared at this guy speechless, but don't say, it's really a bit like him“ I see. It's chess. Han 3000 is playing chess! " Suddenly, Wang Simin at the other end suddenly found out what Han 3000 was doing“ Play chess? " Pangolin was very strange. Looking up, it really looked like that: "shit, I can't see that this guy is very versatile." Almost at the same time, Han 3000 moved again in mid air. As he moved, the light spots on the barrier moved quickly. Between the two, they soon entered the stage of attacking and defending each other. However, with the passage of time, Han 3000 also burst out a little cold sweat on his forehead. Of course, the consumption of physical strength and energy will not have any impact on Han 3000. What really bothers Han 3000 is the almost collapse situation in this chess game. This is originally a dead chess, but it is above the barrier, and the reflection of white chess is even more desperate. Every time Han 3000 finally sees a little hope of turnover, he will be immediately wiped out by the other party. At the same time, he will bring the situation to a more complex realm. So far, Han 3000 has almost no chess to play“ Mr. Wang has studied chess all his life. I'm afraid he's training his chess skills. " Han 3000 smiled bitterly. Han Sanqian is right. The Wang family has ancestral training, and those who get the dragon board will practice chess hard. Although Mr. Wang doesn't know the truth and mystery, the ancestral training studied by the Wang family for ten generations has its own reason. However, even if Han 3000 can win Mr. Wang, he is also helpless in the face of today's chess game“ How to break the game? " Han 3000 thought about it and really couldn't think of any way. At this time, everyone dared not make a pit sound, but quietly looked at Han 3000 who stopped in mid air, touched his chin and frowned. Even Wang Simin and Ning Yue, who know a little about chess, are completely at a loss when they understand that there is a chess game above the barrier, because in their eyes, it is a dead end“ Unless... "Han 3000 suddenly frowned“ Unless the white boy in the center is not here. " Han 3000 set his eyes on a white boy in the center. But how to eat this white son, Han 3000 really has no way. Suddenly, Han 3000 shook his head helplessly, flew down with a sigh, and walked towards Dao 12 step by step. Dao 12 was stunned on the spot. He touched his face on the left and his face on the right. What are you doing? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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