I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 2716

Published at 15th of October 2021 08:57:58 AM

Chapter 2716: 2716

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"Ha ha, you see, this fool is still laughing."

"Hillbilly, for the sake of your happy smile, you'll lick the land today."

A group of people are eyeing, and Han 3000's smile makes them have obvious anger in their eyes.

One of them rushed directly to Han 3000.

Han 3000 did not resist, smiled faintly, and let him grasp himself. However, the guy grabbed Han 3000 a little hard, but found that Han 3000's body was as motionless as a mountain.

He glanced awkwardly at Han 3000, then quickly clenched his teeth and exerted greater strength.

But the problem is that even though this guy's face is red, Han 3000 still stands motionless.

"Fuck, this hick."

With this guy's cultivation ability, he can do a lot of things to show off. Therefore, in the face of such a situation, he can't wait to rush out first to show himself.

Who knows

Even though he did his best, Han 3000's body was inlaid on the ground. It can't be said that it didn't reflect. It was simply motionless.


He fell into a dead embarrassment

"Shit, you hick, I didn't expect you to have a lot of strength. Shit, you farm yourself as a cow. Do you plough too much?" He covered up his embarrassment by drinking and scolding.

"Yes, would you like to plough it, too? It's good for your health. " Han 3000 smiled gently and his tone was flat.

In this confrontation, Han 3000 didn't even need to breathe.

"I plough your mother!"

He was angry, angry to the extreme, angry to madness!

But at this time, Han 3000 not only did not panic at all, but even had some leisure and boredom.

"This fucking hick is really a bull. I don't know what kind of magic he used!" Someone scolded.

"Don't all Hicks do that? There is only brute force in space. The other side is just rubbish. "

Almost at the same time when everyone was abusing, the guy who was extremely angry and almost lost his mind also used the final anger to directly push and secretly punch Han 3000.

Han 3000 frowned slightly. The next second, his body suddenly flashed.


With a loud noise, the guy suddenly flew out because of weightlessness and uncontrollable inertia, coupled with his excessive force, and hit Han 3000's small wine table with his head. After smashing, he stopped nearby, and his face just fell on the ground where Han 3000 poured the wine before.

"It seems that you can't wait to drink." Han 3000 glanced at the pangolin behind him and couldn't help laughing.

Pangolin shook his head: "I can't say I can't wait. It's just for drinking and crazy."

"Shit, it's so wonderful to rush over and drink with such a roaring posture. It's worthy of being called the God of wine."

The two goods sing in harmony, which is extremely ironic.

"Hillbilly, you!"

"You two guys..."

"You've gone too far. Even if you drop wine, you're beating people now."

A group of people, surprised, glared at each other and surrounded.

"Three thousand, you did make some mistakes." Pangolin also jumped out at this time and looked at Han 3000 helplessly shaking his head.

"My brother, you want to drink so much. Don't you know how to give someone some? The injured family is hungry and the dog pours on the food. " Pangolin nodded and criticized.

Although it is criticism, it is obvious that the irony is more sufficient.

The guy was lying on the wine beach, and his whole body was shaking madly with anger for a moment.

A scholar can be killed, not humiliated.

"Fuck you." The guy got up from the ground fiercely, his eyes were full of anger, and then rushed over in a few steps. He was looking for Han 3000's trouble.

But almost at this time, a soft voice rang out in the bead curtain: "everyone, stop here. The reception is not for the purpose of conflict. All the world are friends. Don't hurt the harmony."

"Friends? Is he a friend? "

"Shit, it's not as good as pigs and dogs. I smell when I stay with such people."

"All the people are literate and martial, and there is no room for a reckless man with spare strength. What kind of elegant place is it?"

"A reckless man, I don't know who is the real reckless man." At this time, pangolin suddenly disdained cold hum.

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