I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3513

Published at 22nd of March 2022 04:42:05 PM

Chapter 3513

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Seeing Han 3000 smiling like this, the six monkeys were obviously stunned and had some doubts. Obviously, they didn't know why han 3000 smiled at this time.

However, Han 3000's smile not only confused them, but also made them more and more angry.

Because it's obvious that Han 3000 is in a desperate situation. It's just that he doesn't kneel down and kowtow and admit his mistake. It's damned to dare to be incompetent and furious here.

Looking at each other, the six God monkeys were furious and attacked Han 3000 directly.

Han 3000 was also at this time, with a fierce light in his eyes and a cold voice: "do you think there are many of you?"

"One for six!"

"Sorry, I have eight!"

Then Han 3000 suddenly drank and pulled out the golden body directly.

In the face of Han 3000's sudden appearance of eight huge figures, the six God monkeys were also stunned.

But almost in a daze, seven of the eight golden bodies had rushed towards the six divine monkeys.

The six God monkeys quickly picked up their long sticks and beat them up.

For a moment, the sound of banging was beyond ears.

However, to the great surprise of the six God monkeys, the seven golden bodies did not retreat in the face of their long stick beating. The Buddha was like seven stone people. They didn't eat any pain and carried the injury closer and closer.

It's like defending Buddha. These experts suddenly meet a newcomer who doesn't know martial arts at all. They just rush up with a hard head.

This really broke the rules, so that in the face of the approaching of Han 3000 gold body, the six monkeys suddenly retreated in unity.

Han 3000's eight golden bodies are a common enemy and build a defense wall together. They have a certain arrival effect on the direct physical attack of the long staff. In addition, with the immortal black armor and frost jade armor that are urged with all their strength, Han 3000 is indeed qualified to use this stupid method to directly run amok.

It's reasonable that the six God monkeys were overwhelmed by this brutality for a time.

Looking at the six God monkeys, at this time, their eyes were both vigilant, with a trace of confusion and doubt. Han 3000 showed a smile in his eyes.

"I'm not sure what the situation is."

With a sneer in his heart, the seven golden bodies not only did not converge at all, but roared in unison and rushed towards the six God monkeys.

In fact, the six monkeys have long been on guard between their legs. The long stick in their hands has long been swung round. When they see it, they directly lift the stick and fight.

Bang bang!

The six sticks smashed Han's three thousand eight golden bodies. The time was when his body shook and his mouth vomited blood.

But Han 3000 not only didn't show any pain in eating, but also didn't even step back. Instead, the angry body directly came to a fierce tiger to eat, directly helped each other with seven golden bodies, and hugged each divine monkey with one golden body.

If there is a friend of Han 3000 on the scene at this time, whether he knows martial arts or not, he will practice or not, it is estimated that he will be sweating all over his body, and then wipe his face into his pocket, and his eyes will be clean.

These eyes are so hot.

This is a reckless act by people who don't know how to practice.

It's true that you can hold it, but your body has been beaten repeatedly in this process. After waiting for a little delay, you can break free from the shackles. That's a completely overwhelming advantage to carry out a new round of attack on him.

If you can't beat others, you can count it. After all, as the saying goes, if I'm not good, you can't expect happiness.

But to do so under a close balance of power would seem unimaginable and completely unreasonable.

This is tantamount to chopping with others, but you suddenly put down your kitchen knife.

Although he left a golden body, this attack is obviously unlikely to pose any threat to the six God monkeys. Moreover, even if it can threaten one, what about the other five?

However, for Han 3000, he feels normal. Otherwise, he wants to suddenly control them under the balance of power. Isn't this equivalent to bullshit and dreaming?!

Yes, Han 3000 certainly knows better than anyone that the time to hold the six divine monkeys in exchange for making such a huge sacrifice is almost short enough to ignore this value.

But that is enough.

"Traders don't want their business to suffer losses, do they? I'm no exception." Han 3000 smiled and looked at the six monkeys.

The next second, with Han 3000, six monkeys and twelve monkey eyes suddenly stared

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!