I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 3952

Published at 28th of July 2022 06:08:02 PM

Chapter 3952

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"He once hid in the crowd."

Han Sanqian suddenly looked at Su Yingxia.

"But the war was in chaos, and no one could see what he had done after retreating into the crowd." Su Yingxia doubted.

"It wasn't long after he went in." Han Sanqian frowned, "it's only a few minutes before and after. Even eating Tiancai and Dibao can't work so quickly."

"Is it true that he, like me, has the skill of Tai Xu?"

This is very possible, but it is impossible to think about it carefully.

Tai Xu's skill, a forbidden skill that even the true God can't understand, what qualifications does he have as a mere Pei Gu?

But if not, what the hell did he do?!

"Threethousand, is there any problem with the awakening of blood?" Su Yingxia asked.

"Blood awakening?" Han Sanqian frowned.

"They call themselves the ancient fierce beast Taowu clan. Then, what they inherit is Taowu blood. I mean, to nourish blood with blood." Su Yingxia road.

Hearing this, Han sanmeng was in an uproar.

Yes, all the Taowu people actually have the same blood, so it does exist in theory to nourish blood with blood. Moreover, it can best meet many prerequisites and achieve what Han Sanqian saw in the end.

"I see." Han Sanqian looked at Su Yingxia gratefully, and then slowly stood up: "he has a good plan, and I have a ladder."

With a slight movement in his hand, Han Sanyi's energy entered the five element God stone.

The five elements God stone directly shines slightly, and at the same time releases light energy to wrap Han 3000 in it.

With this light energy wrapping Han Sanqian, Han Sanqian only felt that all the previous pain and anti Buddha had completely disappeared in the blink of an eye, and bursts of comfortable feelings hit, leaving him refreshed.

Han Sanqian smiled coldly, nodded at Su Yingxia, and motioned Ning Yue and others to reduce the speed of counterattack, so that the other party can quickly surround themselves and others.

A moment later, more and more Taowu people surrounded Han Sanqian and others. At this time, peigu also flew down slowly with the four heavenly kings.

”What's the matter, Han Sanqian? Weren't you quite tough just now? Why, now lie motionless in a woman's arms like a dead dog? "

As soon as he landed, Pei Gu laughed heartlessly.

Han Sanqian's face was angry, and he tried to get up forcibly, but he was unable: "shameless old man, what are you proud of? If it weren't for your bastard sneaking attack on me, would you win?"

"Han Sanqian, it has been said since ancient times that you have become king and defeated the enemy. Now you are just a loser. What qualifications do you have to shout in front of me? Even if I attack you secretly, can you stop my sneak attack if you have the ability?" Pei Gu laughed coldly.

"Hum!" Han Sanqian's face showed dissatisfaction.

"The Tao Wu clan will never retreat. When you choose to be the enemy with us, you have actually chosen to be with the king of hell. I admit that you have some skills, but unfortunately, you want to be the enemy with me."

"What the owner said is right. Han Sanqian, you are dying. Do you want to be tough? If you want to be smart, quickly put your hands together and surrender. At least, we can keep your whole body."

Han Sanyi smiled, "leave me dead? Sorry, I have heard this many times, but unfortunately, no one who said these words can do it."

"You are no exception." After the words, Han Sanqian smiled coldly. In the surprised eyes of a crowd, he slowly stood up.



"How can you still stand up?" Pei Gu was so surprised that he retreated several steps.

He really couldn't understand why han Sanming had been beaten almost half to death by himself, but why he suddenly seemed to be nothing.

"Oh, I forgot." Han Sanyi smiled, and then wiped the blood off his mouth: "I forgot to wipe what I left before."

As Han Sanqian wiped the blood off his mouth, Pei Gu became even more nervous for a while.

Because it is obvious that at this time, Han Sanqian is obviously red and energetic, and he doesn't look half injured.

"How could you..."

"Hum, if you allow Pei Gu to steal chicken, you won't allow me Han 3000?" As soon as Han Sanqian's voice fell, his hand suddenly became energetic, and he slapped directly at peigu

This novel has been translated by novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!