I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 407

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:54:52 AM

Chapter 407: 407

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Mo Yang, who has a trace of guilt in his heart, hides his guilt deeply after thinking that he can find out Diyang's strength through Qi Hu's test.

"Peninsula Hotel, but you don't have to go, in case it's not his opponent..."

Before Moyang had finished speaking, Qi Hu interrupted, "let someone take me. I'm not familiar with the road."

"You can think well, if you die in the Peninsula Hotel, no one will collect your body for you." Mo Yang said.

Qi Hu disdains to smile. He doesn't think the world is full of experts. The old man he met last time should be a rare top expert. How could he be so unlucky to meet such a person.

"Don't worry, I can kill many people with one blow, but not many people in the world can kill me." Qi Hu said with great confidence.

"Good." Mo Yang said, and then called his men to take Qi Hu to the peninsula hotel.

After Qi Hu left, Moyang took a deep breath. He knew that Han 3000 would blame him, but if he didn't, Moyang couldn't know how much threat Diyang would bring to Han 3000. Of course, he still hoped that Qi Hu could beat Diyang. In this way, Han 3000 could be more open-minded in the market competition with Han group.

Village in the city, after Han 3000 meets Yang Xing, Yang Xing tells Han 3000 the latest progress.

It's almost smooth. Even if there are several rebellious voices, Yang Xing also uses his money to suppress them. As for the confidentiality work, Yang Xing is also very strict. For everyone who agrees to sell his house, Yang Xing will arrange a subordinate to follow him all day long to prevent them from disclosing information to the outside world.

With the support of Moyang's staff, Yang Xing is able to do these things like fish in water.

"What's happening to the Hans group recently?" Han 3000 asked, Yang Xing was able to learn that Han's group was going to rebuild the village in the city. He has a unique network in this area, even if Han 3000 can't investigate things, he can know.

"Recently, the senior management of Hans group has met with those people very frequently, which should be in the project deployment plan of rebuilding the village in the city." Yang Xing said.

Han Sanqian nodded. The stronger Han's group showed, the more they valued the village in the city, and Han Sanqian's significance in doing this would be greater.

"Pay attention to all the news. Let me know if there is any trouble." Han Sanqian told him to buy the whole village in the city, even for him, it was a big deal, so he didn't want any accident.

"Brother 3000, don't worry. If you give me a chance, I will never let you down." Yang Xing said.

Leaving the village in the city, Han 3000 has one more thing to do today. He wants Qi Hu and Qingyun to meet.

Qingyun is very good at hiding in front of him. He hardly shows any flaws, but Qi Hu is more powerful. Maybe he can see something different from Qingyun through his eyes.

For Qingyun's suspicions, Han Sanyi has no substantial evidence, so he can't force Qingyun to tell his real purpose. If Qi Hu can see Qingyun's flaws, Han Sanyi can make Qingyun's hidden skills disappear, so he can know his purpose.

Back to the magic city, Mo Yang and Lin Yong are both in the hall, but Qi Hu is not seen, which makes Han 3000 a little strange.

"Did Qi Hu go to the toilet?" Han 3000 asked Mo Yang, the reason is such an idea, because Han 3000 knew that Qi Hu could not leave the magic city alone.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him for a long time. Maybe I went out to play." Mo Yang said, then turned to Lin Yong and asked, "do you see Qi Hu?"

"No Lin Yong shook his head.

Han Sanqian frowned and went out to play, which is applicable to anyone, but it does not include Qi Hu, because his understanding of the world is almost a piece of white paper. The streets outside are like a maze to him. How can he go out to play by himself.

"It's impossible to go out to play. He's a complete stranger here. He can't leave alone." Han 3000 light said.

Mo Yang tried his best to cover up his expression changes, but his eyebrows still slightly changed, which happened to be captured by Han 3000. Han 3000 came to Mo Yang.

"Where did he go?" Han 3000 cold voice asks a way.

Mo Yang faced the pressure brought by Han 3000, and cold sweat seeped out of his back, which made him feel that it was this feeling that he was standing on the opposite side of Han 3000.

"Three thousand, he went to the peninsula hotel." Mo Yang can't resist the pressure brought by Han 3000, so he can only tell the truth.

Hearing this, Han 3000 clenched his teeth in an instant. Qi Hu couldn't go to the peninsula hotel for no reason, and he didn't know where the peninsula hotel was. Obviously, this matter was arranged by Moyang!

"Mo Yang, I told you that Qi Hu will be more useful in the future. How can he take risks at this time?" Han 3000 said powerlessly.

"If you don't know the strength of Diyang, everything you do now is a risk." Mo Yang said.

"You asked Qi Hu to test, didn't you push me into the fire pit?" Han 3000 angrily scolds a way.

"If he is not the opponent of Diyang, I will find a way to let you leave Yuncheng. All the consequences will be borne by me. As long as you are alive, you can help me to revenge. Only if you are alive, can you better protect your sister-in-law." Mo Yang stood up, suddenly looked a little rickety, and continued: "your sister-in-law died because of me. I don't want you to follow me. You and I are the same people. We don't want our women to be hurt. The premise of all this is to live." Han Sanyi was stunned. He didn't expect that Moyang would have such a plan. That is to say, when he was doing this, he had forgotten his life and even prepared to die at any time“ If you die, who will clean the graveyard for your sister-in-law? " Han 3000 said with gnashing teeth“ As long as you live, her graveyard will be clean when you die, won't it? " Mo Yang said with a smile that he didn't need to remind Han 3000 about this, but he believed that Han 3000 would definitely do it for him, and there was no doubt about it. Between men, sometimes do not need to point out all the things, as long as a clear understanding of each other is what kind of person on the line“ You've got my heart in my head, but you don't have to go to death Han 3000 said“ Instead of cleaning her graveyard, I'd better go down to accompany her. If I can die more valuable, I'll have no regrets. " Mo Yang said. Han Sanqian wants to beat Mo Yang, but he knows that what Mo Yang does is really for his good. He is willing to exchange his life for his peace“ But don't you think that I won't leave at all? When you die, I'll go? Then you look down on me Han 3000 said coldly. How could Mo Yang not have thought about this problem? If Han 3000 didn't leave, he naturally had a way to send him away, even if he fainted. Of course, he couldn't tell Han 3000“ If you die, who will take care of my younger brother and sister, and who will avenge me? " Mo Yang said“ So I can't die, and neither can you With that, Han 3000 steps away. Seeing this, Mo Yang quickly asked, "3000, where are you going?"“ Lin Yong, if Mo Yang steps out of the devil today, I'll take your life. " Han 3000 did not answer Mo Yang's question, but did not turn back to Lin Yong. This sentence makes Lin Yong's eyelids jump. He knows that Han 3000 is not joking. Once Mo Yang leaves the magic city, his life will end today“ Mo, please give me a way to live. " Lin Yong kneels directly on the ground and says to Mo Yang that he does not dare to block Mo Yang by force. He can only leave Mo Yang in this way. Moyang is in a mess. He didn't expect things to develop into this situation. Han 3000 obviously went to the Peninsula Hotel, which is a very dangerous thing. But he also knows that once he leaves, he will harm Lin Yong in disguise“ This guy, why are you so stubborn? " Mo Yang angrily said“ Mo eldest brother, what kind of person is brother 3000? Don't you know in your heart? How could he let you die for him? " Lin Yong said. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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