I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4141

Published at 25th of October 2022 12:15:00 PM

Chapter 4141

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Han Sanqian thought that after throwing out this series of questions, the old man might be somewhat dissatisfied. After all, he asked too many questions in one breath.

He couldn't hold back all of a sudden because of too many doubts.

However, the old man was not angry. Instead, he seemed to expect that Han Sanqian would ask these questions. He just lightly tasted the tea in his hand and said leisurely: "Who am I, I can't tell you this, and you don't need to know. ."

"Here, it's Reverse Chaos Time and Space, and I'm the only one here, so if you want to remember me, you can call the Reverse Old Man."

"As for your last question, I do have a way to get you back to where you were before."

"The so-called reverse chaos, reverse chaos, but also the right way."

Hearing these words, Han Sanqian was disappointed, but more excited. Although he was still the same as the shadow outside, he refused to reveal his name, but in any case, at least what he said later made the heart of the country Sanqian. A new hope was ignited.

"Then also ask the senior to heal the junior. If there is any reward, the junior is willing to pay for it."

"I'll save your life, but it's a life, so what kind of reward do you get to match it?" The old man smiled lightly, as if he was rejecting Han Sanqian.

But soon, he changed his words again: "If you help a person, you should not think about the return. Self-discipline yourself, naturally the world rules the world."

"The junior understands that if the junior promises the senior, he will definitely give back to Heaven and benefit others in the future."

"Okay." The old man nodded and was very satisfied: "However, although I promised to save you, whether I can save you or not depends on luck."

"What do you mean by this, senior?"

"This is the core of the entire prohibition and controls the order of the entire prohibition, but the technique of yin and yang itself is negative and positive. If it controls positive, it must be negative."

"Completely different from the order outside, you must remember that it is very chaotic here."


Han Sanqian nodded slightly, this is not difficult to remember.

Seeing Han Sanqian nod, the old man waved his long sleeves gently, and suddenly, Zixia around him suddenly rolled around.

"This place is boundless, but it contains a divine pill. As long as you eat the divine pill, you can not only restore your original state, but even to a certain extent, you will reap some great joy."

This is almost the same as what the shadow outside said, Han Sanqian nodded understandingly.

"Thank you, senior!" Han Sanqian said.

"Don't be in a hurry, thank you, I haven't finished speaking yet." He shook his head, interrupted Han Sanqian, and continued: "As I said before, this place is alternately negative and positive, just like the world where there is a sky, there is a land, and there is a mountain. With water, all things are mutually restrained and interdependent, do you understand what this means now?"

Han Sanqian frowned. After the old man reminded him, he had already heard the overtones.

"Senior means, if the so-called Divine Pill is something that represents great life, then there must be something that represents death, right?" Han Sanqian said.

The meaning is obvious. When looking for that divine pill, there may be death traps at every step, or something extremely ferocious.

Han Sanqian remembered that before entering here, he once mentioned a creature, saying that there is a red-eyed thing in it that is the most ferocious, and the previous lava monster was red-eyed.

However, when Pei Gu came, it was clearly what he said.

So, in that case, what about these red-eyed monsters? Will they exist in it?

However, this gave Han Sanqian a new question.

"Where is the so-called world of heaven and earth?"

The old man clearly said that this is the reversal space, so...isn't it right? !

Moreover, there is another point that is extremely incompatible, from the old man's words, he should be the first person to meet him, then...

What was the record of those Pei family members before?

Han Sanqian was very confused.

On the other hand, the old man next to him seemed to have seen through Han Sanqian's confusion, but he just smiled lightly and didn't explain Han Sanqian's confusion. He just lightly patted Han Sanqian's shoulder: "Since you have so many questions, It’s always impossible to ask others, so it’s better to go and see for yourself.”

"Maybe after you go in, you will understand?"

When the words fell, he laughed loudly, and when Han Sanqian looked back, there were still some old men, and even those tables and things had long since disappeared, but the eyes full of Zixia were just rolling around...
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