I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 4305

Published at 5th of November 2022 07:43:38 AM

Chapter 4305

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When the giant fat man roared angrily and was about to smash the little boy to the ground, he suddenly found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move his hand at all.

When a fat face flushed red, he suddenly saw a hand stuck to his elbow.

A finger to be exact.

He glared angrily and looked at the figure: "Who the hell are you? Dare to meddle in the little master's business? In this harem, I haven't seen you before."

Besides Su Yingxia, who else could it be? !

"Such a big man, bullying a child, are you interested?" Su Yingxia snorted coldly.

"I'm the head chef of Pei's back kitchen, where are you fucking wild girls, don't meddle in your own business, otherwise, I'll be rude to you and fight you together." The headmaster said angrily.

"Do you dare to hit her?" Han Sanqian walked up slowly and looked at the dead fat man coldly.

Su Yingxia made a move, and Han Sanqian didn't, but it didn't mean that Han Sanqian didn't want to take care of these things.

Seeing Han Sanqian coming again, the fat man couldn't help frowning: "Another fucking person I don't know at all, hey, who the hell are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you better remember what I just said, otherwise..."

Han Sanqian didn't go on, but the icy meaning when he sneered was enough to make people terrified.

The big fat man was obviously taken aback for a moment, but then he thought about it, with so many younger brothers by his side here, whether it was because of his lack of face, or because his strength was not afraid at all, he was not allowed to back down.

"Fuck, how many years have I been the head chef in the back kitchen, even those concubines have to be polite when they meet me, how dare you bastard to yell at me?! Well, you two Are you going to stand up for him?"


"I first fell to death this bastard, and then killed you, a dog and a man."

When the words fell, he turned his body abruptly, trying to break free from Su Yingxia's control.

Of course, no matter how he turned, Su Yingxia's hand was firmly against his shaft, making it impossible for him to push down the arm and throw it out of the little boy in his hand.


The guy yelled and jumped in anger, and slammed into Su Yingxia with his huge body.

This giant fat man is tall enough and has a lot of flesh, and his strength is naturally full of inertia.

Even Su Yingxia, trying to resist his sudden collision at this time, I am afraid it is extremely difficult.

Han Sanqian suddenly shot.

In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed to the middle of Fatty and Su Yingxia, and with just a slight movement of his hand, he patted Fatty's waist directly.


A muffled sound.

The fat man did not advance or retreat in front of everyone, and directly changed direction and slammed towards the rear.


There was another loud noise. Under the impact of Fatty, the thick wall of the kitchen was knocked into a huge pothole on the spot.

The group of younger brothers were stunned for a while, looking at Han Sanqian in fear, and at the same time they were surprised to find that the thin boy who was supposed to be in the hands of the fat man at this time, but he didn't know when he was being killed by Han Sanqian. Qiansuo held it up gently.

They really couldn't see what was going on between the lightning and flint.

How did the boy get to him.

All of this is so fast that it is almost impossible to reflect.

"Trash." With a cold voice, Han Sanqian gently put the little boy down.

Su Yingxia also hurriedly squatted down and comforted the little boy: "Don't be afraid, no one dares to hit you with us."

"Fuck me!"

The fat man who was directly smashed into the ruins of the wall screamed and struggled to get up from the inside, and his anger had been ignited to the extreme.

No one can do this to him, and no one dares to do this to him.

He wanted to kill the dog man and woman to vent his hatred and get his face back.

A few younger brothers also quickly turned around to help him up, and patted the dust on his body extremely diligently.

"You two really annoyed me, and I announced that no matter who you are, you must die for me!" the fat man shouted angrily.

Han Sanqian crossed his hands on his chest and smiled disdainfully: "Really?"
This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!