I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 612

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:49:38 AM

Chapter 612: 612

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"Yes, you can wait if you like." Han 3000 said.

Han Yan stands at the door, seems to have no intention to enter the house, suddenly said to Han 3000: "Han Li has died, right?"

Since she's here to explore the truth, Han Yan doesn't need to waste time with Han 3000 and directly open the window to tell the truth. She believes that Han 3000 will have a different reaction when it comes to this issue.

Han 3000 suddenly stopped, the whole body obviously appeared a short pause, although he has good restraint, but want not to show a trace is not easy.

"Sure enough, I've got the exact information. It's no use trying to cheat me any more." Han Yan's face is smiling.

Of course, she did not receive the news, but deliberately wanted to cheat Han 3000.

Han 3000 turned his head, a calm look, said: "since you already know, but also to ask me what?"

Han Yan laughs happily. She doesn't expect that she can set up Han 3000's words so easily.

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect you to be so stupid. In fact, I don't know anything. I just wanted to scare you. I didn't expect you to explain it to me so easily." Han Yan said triumphantly.

Han 3000 shrugs helplessly. He doesn't doubt Han Yan. It's just that Han Li's death is of little significance for Han 3000 to continue to hide it.

His opponent, now is no longer Han Yan, as for whether to control Han Yan with this thing, in fact, there is no great significance.

Now, if he wants to deal with Han Tiansheng, he is bound to subvert the whole Han family. For him, Han Yan is totally negligible.

"Do you know why I told you?" Han 3000 said.

"I can't hide it. Do you have any choice but to tell me? And you're not as smart as I thought you were. " Han Yan laughs.

Han three thousand has the final say, "I tell you because I don't even take you as my opponent. Now Han Tiansheng is out of the mountain. Han family is not what you can say. What is the use of me again? And now that you are mud Bodhisattva crossing the river, you can't protect yourself. With Han Tiansheng's character, will he give you the position of home owner? "

Han Yandun time face a coagulation, Han Tiansheng really want to another home owner, this for her, equivalent to the disaster.

"It's no use talking in Han's house. What's the use for me?" Han continued.

Han Yan's face is more and more ugly. She thought she had made Han 3000's words, but she didn't expect that Han 3000 would tell her the truth because of this reason. This kind of superior gap in her heart makes Han Yan vulnerable again.

"Do you really think he can take my place as head of the family?" Han Yan gnashes her teeth and says.

Han 3000 spread out his hands and said, "do you think Han Tiansheng is the waste of Han Feng? Han Feng can be killed by you, but it's not so easy to kill Han Tiansheng. "

"I know that you have a subordinate in Yuncheng. The purpose of looking for Hanli is to kill Hanli, right? Even his brother and father dare to kill. It's not strange to kill another elder. Unfortunately, Han Tiansheng is not the one you can kill if you want to. "

For Han Yan, these words are just like words to kill her heart, because Han 3000's words are true. When she killed Han Feng, it was almost effortless, but killing Han Tiansheng was another matter.

Han Yan now just has this idea, really want to implement, there is no way.

"Of course, grandfather is not so easy to kill, and I won't kill him now. I want to watch him humiliate you. Do you have any choice but to kneel down in front of him?" After a pause, Han Yan continued: "even Han Tianyang has knelt down in front of him. You are both rubbish."

Han Yan moves out of Han Tianyang to show off her fast tongue, but she doesn't know that this sentence can arouse more than 3000 anger of Han.

Han three thousand heavy face walked to Han Yan in front, cold voice said: "my grandfather is not you have the qualification to evaluate."

"Hum." Han Yan hums coldly and continues to say, "what I said is the truth. Han Tianyang knelt down in front of his grandfather. He is like a dead dog. Can you imagine that kind of picture? He's a waste, a real waste. "

Han 3000 suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Han Yan's neck. His face was gloomy and he said, "apologize to my grandfather."

Han Yandun time feel unable to breathe, she did not expect to anger Han 3000 unexpectedly is such an end.

His hands kept beating Han 3000, but for Han 3000, this kind of strength is like scratching, which won't let him go at all.

As Han Yan's breathing becomes more and more difficult and her face turns red, Han Yan uses her last breath and says, "yes... I'm sorry."

Han 3000 did not release Han Yan for the first time, but released her hand when she was about to faint.

Han Yan covers her neck with her hands and breathes heavily. She has a feeling of survival.

"What's the use of being fierce with me? If you have the ability, go to find Han Tiansheng." Han Yan retreats to the corner and looks at Han 3000 in horror. Just now she feels that she is dying, and she can be sure that if she doesn't apologize, Han 3000 will kill her directly“ Of course I'll look for it. When my gift is ready, I'll come to the door myself. " Han 3000 light said. Gifts? Han Yan looks at Han 3000 suspiciously, but she doesn't dare to ask. Now she is eager to leave Han 3000's home. For her, one second more life will be threatened“ If you want to be a waste, you'd better show your strength. " After Han Yan left these words, she ran away like a lost dog. Han three thousand light smile, said to himself: "this woman, always do not forget to calculate, even want to borrow my hand to deal with Han Tiansheng, if you are a man, is really a terrible opponent." Han Yan's scheming is terrible, even Han 3000 will be surprised, and her calculating means and ruthlessness are the strongest Han 3000 has ever seen. Fortunately, she is just a daughter, otherwise, it is really a big trouble for Han 3000. The meaning of Han Yan's words is exactly what Han 3000 thought. Now Han 3000 is no longer a threat to her. Han Li is dead, and Han Yan is no longer controlled by Han 3000. Her current position is like a fisherman. Han 3000 and Han Tiansheng are snipe clams. The more fierce the fight between them, the more benefits Han Yan can get. It's better to lose both sides. Han Yan doesn't have to blow her heart out. She can not only abolish Han 3000, but also find a chance to kill Han Tiansheng and take her place as the head of the family. But his so-called gift still makes Han Yan very curious. Why did he give gifts to Han Tiansheng for no reason? The first day passed, leaving Han 3000 with two days left. All the eyes of the Chinese community are focused on the Han family villa. Through the second generation of the rich, the news that Han Tiansheng wants to target Han 3000 has already spread in the Chinese community. Almost everyone thinks that Han 3000 will die. They want to see how hard the young man's bones are. Is waiting for Han Tiansheng to give him the news of death, or honestly when a tail dog, go to the Han villa kneel. Of course, more people tend to choose the latter, because they think Han 3000 can't be Han Tiansheng's opponent at all, and if Han 3000 is replaced by them, they will not hesitate to kneel down and protect their lives. Loss of face and loss of life, of course, is the latter more important“ There are still two days left. I don't know how long Han 3000 can last. "“ He's just killing time. On the last day, he'll show up. I don't believe there are people in the world who can't live with their own lives. "“ Offending Han Tiansheng is like offending the king of hell. Who dares not listen to his orders? "“ Ha ha ha, I heard that Han 3000's grandfather is also a waste. I didn't expect that he would still bear the name of waste. All the Han family are cowards. " People from all walks of life in the Chinese community have a lot of comments on Han 3000, but without exception, no one thinks that Han 3000 has the ability to correct his name. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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