I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 866

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:43:31 AM

Chapter 866: 866

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"How could it be, how could he come back alive!"

Wang's face was shocked when he heard the news.

How much Huang Xiaoyong hates Han 3000 is something everyone in Longyun city knows. He is infatuated with Chen Yanran. Since the news of Chen Yanran's marriage spread in Longyun City, Huang Xiaoyong even killed many of his servants. How can he let Han 3000 go?

"Is the information accurate? Do you recognize the wrong person?" The king asked his servant.

"Master, I will never admit my mistake. It's Han 3000." Said the servant.

Wang took a deep breath and said, "what's the matter? How can Huang Xiaoyong not kill him?"

At the same time, the Xie family is in the same situation.

After hearing the news, the Xie family leader also thought that his servants had recognized the wrong person, but after repeated confirmation, it was Han 3000, which made him confused.

"There's a strange thing, master." The servant said to master Xie.

"What's strange, say it quickly." The Xie family leader said eagerly.

"Huang Xiaoyong came back to the city alone, but when he left the city, he was carrying more than ten experts in the two lamp realm. Those people disappeared." Said the servant.

"Yes, what about the people in erlengjing?" The Xie family leader doubts a way.

"Master, have you been killed by Han 3000?" The servant guessed.

Without hesitation, the master of Xie family waved his hand and said, "it's impossible. How could this waste kill more than ten two lamp realm masters?"

"Is going out of the city just a cover? Huang Xiaoyong didn't plan to deal with Han 3000, but let those people do other things?" The servant continued.

In this case, the Xie family think it is more credible, but Huang Xiaoyong, a simple minded guy, what tricks can he play?

"It seems that Huang Bingtian may have some premeditation. This puppet has long been aware of our discontent and may take the lead in dealing with us." After thinking about it, master Xie said with a serious face: "recently, we have strengthened the guard in the hospital. No fly is allowed to fly in."

Chen's residence.

When the latest news reaches Chen Yanran's ears, Chen Yanran's eyes are full of beauty. In her opinion, this situation is also very strange. As a client, she knows better than anyone how Huang Xiaoyong wants her, and Han 3000 is the first to win. For Huang Xiaoyong, his hatred has gone deep into the bone marrow, but he didn't kill Han 3000 at such a great opportunity. It's hard to understand.

"Miss, in addition to Han 3000's safe return, all the more than ten strong men in the two lamp world who Huang Xiaoyong brought are missing, just like the world has evaporated." The servant girl says to Chen Yanran.

Chen Yanran's heart beat faster suddenly. It seems that there is only one unbelievable explanation for this situation, that is, Han 3000 killed those people.

But is it possible?

This waste, it's really possible to kill more than ten Er Deng Jing masters?

All of a sudden, Chen Yanran thought of the strange departure of the four lamp realm master. Is it true that Han 3000 said before that he really killed the four lamp realm master.

Unconsciously, Chen Yanran's breathing became shortness of breath. If so, for the Chen family, it would be a treasure.

But in the absence of any conclusive evidence, Chen Yanran will not blindly believe because of her own speculation.

"Miss, Han 3000 is back." Another maid rushed into Chen Yanran's room and said.

Chen Yanran immediately got up and walked towards the door.

Han three thousand back to the room, just ready to lie down and rest for a while, Chen Yanran came.

This is no surprise to Han 3000, even he has already guessed it.

"What's so important about coming to me in such a hurry?" Han 3000 asked.

"How did you come back alive?" Chen Yanran asked.

"Chen Yanran, how can I say that I am also your husband on the surface, do you want me to die so much?" Han 3000 said with a smile.

"Huang Xiaoyong with more than ten two lamp realm experts out of the city, in this case, how can you survive." Chen Yanran went on to say that she was very strong and only wanted to get the answers she wanted, not Han 3000's questions.

"Huang Xiaoyong, the son of the city Lord, I haven't seen him. Is he going to kill me?" Han 3000 pretends to be confused.

Chen Yanran eyes a coagulation, Han 3000 is in the fool, Huang Xiaoyong want to kill him, how can he not know? What's more, the servant girl warned him when he left the Chen residence. Now he pretends to know nothing. How can Chen Yanran believe it.

"Han 3000, don't treat me as a fool." Chen Yanran's angry face is on the verge of explosion.

But Han 3000 is still a fool, said: "you know, if I met Huang Xiaoyong will die, no doubt, since I can come back alive, that Huang Xiaoyong did not trouble me at all, Chen Yanran, you are so smart, do not even think about it?"

When they left the city one after the other, Huang Xiaoyong didn't meet Han 3000. How could it be.

Naturally, Chen Yanran is not stupid, so she thinks there is something strange about it. There must be something unknown“ You, kill those two lamp realm masters? " Chen Yanran finally asked her most concerned question, which is the main purpose of her coming to Han 3000. If Han 3000 really has such ability, then her plan for Han 3000 needs to be completely changed. Although she won't love Han Sanqian, if the Chen family can have such a strong man, it will bring unimaginable benefits to Chen Yanran. Han Sanqian chuckled and said, "Chen Yanran, if I remember correctly, I'm just a waste in your heart. Do you think I've killed more than ten Er Deng Jing masters? If you want to think so, of course I'm willing to accept this honor. Even you can believe that I killed the strong man in sidengjing. " Chen Yanran clenched her teeth. Han 3000's words were ambiguous and did not answer her question at all“ Han 3000, no matter who you are, I will find out your details sooner or later. " Chen Yanran left these words, angrily turned to leave. Han Sanqian smiles indifferently. This woman has a very strong personality. She will do everything she says. But Han Sanqian is not worried. For Xuanyuan world, his history is blank. No matter what means Chen Yanran uses, it is impossible to find out the identity of a person who appears out of thin air“ It's a good look, but it's a pity that it's quite different from the gentle welcome to summer. " Han 3000 sighed to himself, and couldn't help thinking of Su Yingxia and Han Nian. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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