I am Han Sanqian - Chapter 900

Published at 15th of October 2021 09:42:42 AM

Chapter 900: 900

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Huang Xiaoyong has been salivating for a long time.

However, Han 3000 is not adapted to this situation.

After all, this kind of thing is illegal on earth. Where has he ever seen such a blatant scene of soliciting guests?

But the beauty of those women surprised Han 3000.

Yanzhi river two banks, casually carry a woman out, it is absolutely beautiful, and figure, if this went to the earth, do not know how many men dizzy.

"Master, these women are beautiful enough." Huang Xiaoyong dry mouth to Han 3000 said.

"Since there are so many women here, why have you been infatuated with Chen Yanran for so many years?" Han 3000 asked with a smile.

"Master, these are brothel women after all. It's OK to play occasionally. How can you take them home to be wives?" Huang Xiaoyong said.

"What will happen to these people in the end?" Han 3000 is a wonderful person.

Huang Xiaoyong has never met people who care about brothel women, and he has never thought about what these women will be like in the future.

However, if you think about it, it may be a miserable old age when you are driven out of the brothel. If you are lucky, you may be concubined by rich people. However, the humble status will never change.

"Master, why do you care about this?" Huang Xiaoyong said.

"It's just curiosity." Han Sanqian couldn't help laughing. If it were the earth, those women would go back to their hometown and find an honest person to pick up the dish. They might have a happy life, but it's obviously impossible here, because these women are equivalent to selling themselves to brothels. Their fate has long been beyond their control.

When the boat was swimming to the middle section of the Yanzhi River, Huang Xiaoyong suddenly stopped the boaters, and this is the section where the boats moored the most. It's not necessary to ask Han 3000 to guess that this should be the shop that Huang Xiaoyong said. The shop's selection of Huang Hua's daughter for the guests naturally deserves more people's attention.

"Master, we can bid on the boat directly. If you have a crush on anyone, tell me that no matter how much it costs, I will satisfy you tonight." Huang Xiaoyong said to Han 3000.

In front of Han 3000, Huang Xiaoyong doesn't care about money at all. As long as Han 3000 is happy, he won't blink his eyes even if he takes out all the wealth of the city master's house.

"No, just watch the excitement."

As soon as Han 3000's voice fell, a delicate woman was pushed to the riverside.

Looking at the way she lowered her head, she seemed very afraid. Her petite body was obviously trembling slightly, which was obviously different from those women who solicited business.

Obviously, she was forced. Maybe this is normal in Xiaoling City, but in Han 3000's eyes, she can't tolerate it.

At this time, many of the guests on board began to bid. It can be seen that they were particularly interested in this kind of uninformed woman, and the price rose very fast.

The higher the price, the lower the voice of bidding.

Han 3000 did not control his compassion, said to Huang Xiaoyong: "help her redeem, how much money?"

"Master, are you going to redeem her?" Huang Xiaoyong looks at Han 3000 in amazement. Is it love at first sight? This is the Bank of the Rouge River in Xiaoling city!

"I shouldn't have such pity." Han Sanqian sighed. He also knew that he shouldn't do it, but he couldn't bear to see the woman's fear.

Although Huang Xiaoyong doesn't know why han 3000 did it, he naturally wants to meet Han 3000's requirements.

Raising his hand to bid, Huang Xiaoyong is like a black horse, leaving no room.

"Brother, do you want to fight me On the other boat, a young man stepped up to the bow and looked at Huang Xiaoyong like a torch. He was the one who had made the biggest bid just now. It was obvious that he wanted the woman very much, and Huang Xiaoyong killed her halfway, which made him very dissatisfied.

Huang Xiaoyong looked at the man contemptuously and said, "you can only bid, can't I?"

The man smile, eyes with a strong sense of cold, said: "before you do with me, you really should make a good inquiry about who I am, don't lose your life in this Rouge River."

"Why, you have no money? If you don't have any money to pretend to be an old man, you'll just stay Huang Xiaoyong said without any sympathy, you know, he is a real domineering disciple, how can he lose the limelight in this kind of thing?

His face was even colder. I could see that he should have a certain position in Xiaoling city. No one dared to say that.

At this time, an old man appeared beside him, sleepy eyed. However, Han 3000 could see that he was a man in the five lamp world. It seemed that people and animals were harmless, but in fact, there was a hidden murder.

At this time, many people on the other ships recognized the identity of the young man and showed respect for him, and advised Huang Xiaoyong not to provoke right and wrong.

In the past, Huang Xiaoyong might have dropped his head and stopped, but now with his master, he doesn't care what the identity of the young man is, and now he is no longer the second lamp realm he used to be.

"Hum." The old man snorted heavily, and the water was full of waves. This kind of performance of strength shocked other people. But Huang Xiaoyong, with a faint smile, dazzled his skills in front of his master? Isn't this little trick ridiculous“ Brother, I sincerely advise you to leave Xiaoling city and never show up in front of me. " The young man said to Huang Xiaoyong with a sneer. It seems that in his opinion, the old man's deterrent means are enough to scare Huang Xiaoyong's ass“ It's just a five lamp scene. Can't you help it? " Han 3000 whispered to Huang Xiaoyong. In terms of his own strength, there is a big gap between Huang Xiaoyong and the old man, but now he is a seven star Beast Master. How can he use his hand“ Master, it seems that as soon as we get to Xiaoling City, we are going to make a big splash. " Huang Xiaoyong said with a smile. The young man couldn't hear the conversation between them, but when he found that Huang Xiaoyong was laughing, he felt the shame of being ignored, and his face became ferocious“ Since you want to die, I will help you. " After the young man finished, he took a look at the old man. It was obvious that he wanted the old man to kill him. The old man smiles faintly. It's common for him to kill people. As a master of wudengjing, even if he killed people in public, those people can only be regarded as not seeing him. If anyone dares to say a word, can he not be afraid of his revenge? Just when everyone was in silence for Huang Xiaoyong and thought he was dead, a huge white figure came down from the sky. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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