Published at 17th of January 2022 08:53:12 AM

Chapter 214: Gentle and kind heart is touching

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   Chapter 214 Gentle and kind heart is touching

  People stand on both sides.

   Gao Teng waved to the victims in the laboratory, "Turn around and walk forward fifty... 100 meters."

   They didn't know why, but they did.

   Immediately afterwards, they heard a loud noise behind them, as if a bomb had detonated, causing pain in their eardrums.

   They instinctively covered their ears, and there were expressions of pain on their faces.

   When they turned around, they saw that the ground in the distance had collapsed, and the laboratory staff were nowhere to be seen.

   "From now on, you will be free, and you will never have to go back to the laboratory to suffer again."

   Hearing what Gao Teng said, the expressions of the children did not change much, their mental health had a big problem, and their eyes were numb.

   And those very young children, who do not understand anything, look at the world with curious and cowardly eyes.

   As for the woman who is regarded as a reproductive machine, she has no soul, her eyes are dull, like a living corpse.

   Gao Teng didn't know what to say for a while.

   At this moment, a large group of people came in a hurry.

  Wang Ling completed the task and hurried over when he heard the loud noise in the imperial city.

   Seeing the twisted and deformed corpse in the deep pit, he froze for a moment, then asked, "Your Majesty, what happened?"

  Gao Teng shrugged, "I'm not your majesty. Your majesty the queen passed away a few days ago. It is estimated that she has finished drinking Mengpo soup that is too sweet."

   Everyone's expressions froze.

   Immediately afterwards, they saw Gao Teng's body change and return to normal.

  Everyone turned pale in shock, staring blankly at Gao Teng's body floating up and slowly ascending into the sky.

  Gao Teng raised his two arms, and the terrifying power escaped from his body.

  The sunlight in front of everyone was blocked by the tall figure, and the darkness that greeted them was the last scene they saw in this life.


  The terrifying gravity enveloped Wang Ling and the others, and the ground instantly sank several meters deep.

   Their fragile bodies couldn't bear the incomparably heavy gravity, and their bodies made a sound like fried beans, and their bones were crushed.

  Gao Teng fell from the sky and stood on the edge of the big pit, looking down at the people who died tragically.


  Wang Ling was still alive. He was covered in blood, roaring like a wild beast, and charged towards Gao Teng.

   A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of Gao Teng's mouth. He didn't move at all. Wang Ling, who rushed in front of him, was blocked by the barrier.

   Wang messy fist bombarded, but the barrier did not move at all, showing indistinct ripples.

   Gao Teng looked at this man with pity, and said lightly: "You are too weak, with this little strength, you cannot avenge Her Majesty the Queen."

   Regardless of Wang Ling's disregard, his fists continued to bombard the barrier, the skin was shattered, and the blood was pouring out, and he still didn't mean to stop.

   Gao Teng shook his head gently, feeling pitiful for Wang Ling.

   "What are you doing this for?

  Chen Yan ruined your life and turned you into a machine that only knows how to obey her orders, without any thoughts of your own..."

   "Shut up! Your Majesty gave me a future!"

   Gao Teng sneered, "I said to the TV Peppa Pig, it perfectly executed my order and found out the programs I wanted to watch. Can I understand that I also gave TV the future?"

  Wang Ling ignored it and still slammed the barrier.

   "However, I can't blame you, because after Chen Yan's brainwashing, you no longer have the ability to think independently."

   After saying that, Wang Ling flew out, and the broken kite landed in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses.

   His chest heaved up and down rapidly, blood was gushing out of his mouth continuously, and the inside of his body was hit in a mess.

   Gao Teng sighed. In fact, he sympathized with Wang Ling and these people, but these people were not pitiful.

  Because they did a lot of harming things under Chen Yan's order, just producing the "fountain of life", they should be killed.

  Under the shroud of thought power, the big pit vibrated, and the gravel and soil buried the body.

   Gao Teng is really a kind person who gave the enemy the last respect.

   In this way, Chen Yan's remnants of the party will be completely resolved.

  Gao Teng turned to look at the victims, their expressions changed, with a look of panic.

   However, none of them escaped, they learned to face death in the laboratory and never thought of running away.

   "Do you have any..."

   Gao Teng finished his words and stopped because he forgot to ask Xiaohui's brother's name.

   Moreover, he didn't even know Xiaohui's full name.

   "Does any of you know a girl named Xiaohui?

   About six or seven years old, his parents are pharmacists. "

  The children looked at each other, and an eleven- or twelve-year-old boy raised his hand and said, "I...I know, it should be my sister."

   "Oh, that's right, what's your name?"


   Gao Teng smiled, "**? It's a catchy name."

   In this way, he successfully fulfilled his promise and helped Xiaohui save her brother.

   "Come on, I'll take you to find your sister.

   Oh, you all come with me. "

   Under the leadership of Gao Teng, everyone walked out of the imperial city.

   Seeing this group of strange people, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

   Under their gaze, Gao Teng and others came to the outside of the snack bar.

   "**, your sister is in the store, go find her."

  ** hesitated for a while, then timidly took a few steps forward and walked into the snack bar.

   After a while, Xiaohui's surprised voice came, followed by an uncontrollable cry.

   Gao Teng smiled and praised himself without hesitation.

   After a while, the two brothers and sisters came out of the snack bar.

   Looking at Gao Teng's unfamiliar face, Xiaohui said, "Big brother, is that you?"

   High nod, Ofkos, of course.

   "Thank you for helping me save my brother."

  Xiaohui threw herself into Gao Teng's arms excitedly, and her tears fell down in a rush. These were tears of joy.

   Gao Teng is very adaptable to this kind of scene, he often gives people hope, so he often sees such scenes of crying with joy.

   At this moment, Xiaohui's grandfather walked out of the snack bar tremblingly.

   He heard the noise and struggled to get up from the hospital bed.

   Seeing the scene outside the store, he was stunned, what happened?

   Hearing grandpa's cough, Xiaohui jumped down from Gao Teng's arms and explained what happened.

   Grandpa Xiaohui thought he would never come back, but he didn't expect to see him again one day, and his grandchildren hugged and cried.

  The number of onlookers gradually increased. From a few words, they learned that Chen Yan's kingdom was destroyed. From now on, Linbei City will be under the jurisdiction of the Security Bureau.

   These people did not feel joy, but panic.

   They got used to it under the rule of Chen Yan, and suddenly changed, it was difficult to accept for a while, and they were worried about the future.

   Gao Teng wanted to appease everyone, but he felt that it was not necessary.

  Because these people don't know his deeds at all, it is impossible to calm people down with just a few words.

   Let's wait until the security bureau arrives, and slowly resolve the panic in people's hearts.

   "I'm hungry, would you like something to eat?" Gao Teng looked at Xiaohui and blinked.


  Xiaohui immediately got into the kitchen and was ready to go.

   Gao Teng greeted all the victims of the laboratory to enter the store and sit down. Seeing that people were still watching, he thought about it and said, "Don't worry, everyone, although the outside world is not as good, it is not as bad as you think.

   Your life won't change much, it's all gone. "

   People's faces showed hesitation, and the discussions gradually dissipated.

   Gao Teng took out his mobile phone, called Li Degao, and asked where he was and how long it would take to get to Linbei City.

  Li Degao's answer is that it will take about two hours, and the speed is really slow.

  During the long wait, Gao Teng and Xiaohui chatted aimlessly.

   Grandpa Xiaohui learned about the encounter between Xiaohui and Gao Teng. When he knew that Xiaohui went to the beggar alone, he was immediately anxious and angry, and his body seemed to be back to health. He picked up the broom and beat Xiaohui.

   The cheerful scene makes people laugh.

  Finally, when it was almost noon, Li Degao came to Linbei City.

   Gao Teng came out of the snack bar and sighed: "You guys are finally here, I haven't slept for several days, I'm just waiting for the interview to go home and go back to sleep."

   When the reporters heard it, they keenly captured the key points.

   In order to complete the infiltration mission, Gao Teng did not sleep for days and nights, so he was under so much pressure and so much hardship.

   Even so, he was forced to interview. For Li Degao, is it so important to add brilliance?

  Our hero needs rest! ! !

  Li Degao scratched his head for unknown reasons. He suddenly felt that the reporters looked at him a little strangely.

  What happened?

   I didn't do anything?

"Last night, I told you that there was something very appalling in Linbei City, and now I'll tell you what happened." Gao Teng said with a serious look, "The so-called Fountain of Life is actually extracted from the bodies of superpowers. made of blood."


   "Is there such a thing?"

   "This...this is too scary..."

  The reporters were all shocked.

   "I'm not kidding you guys, the kids around me now are the victims I rescued from the lab."

  Gao Teng pulled a scrawny child and showed the reporters the pinholes on his body.

  The reporters were indignant and criticized loudly.

   "Chen Yan has no humanity, how could she do such a thing?"

   "This is not something that humans can do at all, she has no heart!"

   "The Fountain of Life has been in production for so long, how many people have been killed?

   I can't imagine the torture the victim went through. "

   Gao Teng and other reporters finished expressing their inner thoughts, and then said: "Now I will take you to the laboratory where the fountain of life is produced, you come with me."

   Under the leadership of Gao Teng, the reporters walked to the imperial city, while the victims stayed at the snack bar.

  Gao Teng means that they have left the place of pain, so don’t recall that pain any more.

  The gentle and kind heart moved the reporters.

   came to the Imperial City.

  The reporters photographed the process of Gao Teng opening the organ. After entering the laboratory, the reporters' machines moved with Gao Teng.

  Gao Teng introduced each area with a heavy expression. After listening to the reporters, they all felt that the laboratory they were in was a **** on earth.

   At the same time, they began to worry about one thing, is this kind of thing really allowed to be reported?

   They secretly observed Li Degao's expression for a long time, and found that the director was equally surprised.

   Looking at his appearance, it seems that he does not know the existence of the laboratory.

   Then, it proves one thing, Gao Teng brought them into the laboratory without telling Li Degao about the laboratory.

   "You should be worried about whether this matter can be reported to the public?" Gao Teng spoke first, "You don't have to worry, just report it, and report it boldly.

   I think that the director must be very self-blaming now, because the laboratory is clearly under his nose, but he didn't find it. "

  Li Degao was stunned for a few seconds, then echoed, "Yes...Yes."

   Gao Teng continued: "Actually, the director sent someone to sneak into Linbei City very early on, but they were unsuccessful, and there was no return.

   Until he found me, after my efforts, he successfully destroyed Chen Yan's **** rule.

   Director, right? "


  Li Degao applauded.

   "Clap clap clap..."

   Gao Teng went on to say: "After the truth about the Fountain of Life was exposed, there is no longer any healing potion on the market that can quickly restore injuries.

   Everyone must be very worried, what should we do in the future?

   On this point, I have an immature idea, that is, assigning healing superpowers to the hospital and treating everyone for free. "

   The reporters' eyes lit up, this is okay.

   Actually, this matter has been called for a long time ago, but due to some interests, it cannot be implemented.

   "Director, what do you think?"

  Li Degao slapped his forehead, "Yeah, I should have thought about this a long time ago, why is my thinking rigid and I haven't made any changes?"

   He pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "With the demise of the Black Fire Organization, there have been a lot fewer anti-social elements in society.

   These people are actually dissatisfied with the social status quo, except for a few because of their vicious nature.

   In fact, this is also a kind of spur, let us not stand still and do better, now is the time to change! "

  The reporters showed their joy and got the affirmative answer from the director, and the medical reform can definitely be officially implemented.

   Gao Teng saw that the matter had settled and said, "I have nothing to say, I just want to go home and rest now, why don't we end the interview?"

  The reporters were all in a hurry, and they all urged Gao Teng to rest quickly and stop hurting his body.

   Leave the lab.

  Li Degao came to Gao Teng aggressively, he was very angry, "Why didn't you ask me for my opinion, but just make your own decisions?"

   Gao Teng smiled slightly, "I think I did a good job, do you think I did a bad job?"

Li Degao stared at Gao Teng for a few seconds before showing a bright smile, "Okay, of course, I've wanted to do this for a long time, but the resistance is too great, now say it from your mouth, plus people's support, maybe It is really possible.”

   "So, I'm going home first?"

   "Go, go, it's been really hard for you these days."

  Li Degao said goodbye to Gao Teng with a smile.

   Gao soared away, he knew very well that doing so would make Li Degao kill him.

   But, he doesn't care.

  Because he is very strong now, getting stronger every day, when Li Degao wants to attack him, he can crush this guy to the ground.

   Afraid of a ball!

   Thanks Bai Yi, for your monthly ticket support, this chapter is 4,000 words, more tomorrow, go to bed early~



   (end of this chapter)

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